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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. I'm in. He'll move to Dullville and within a month, he'll start up the Church of Self Entitlement there and start begging for money or trying to get speaking engagements.
  2. I've only skimmed, but had to stop. I cannot entertain such rage and unkind thoughts on a Sunday morn. I really cannot. Fuck you Dullard. Just fuck you.
  3. Is that a DIY store or something? Why would you need to nearly live in it, pray tell? What do you do in your house if you make constant trips to a DIY?? What happened to gender separation, all them wimmins should be taught to cook and clean (take note, Jill and Jessa!), then at least they'd be useful at something other than grifting and being entitled. I really can't see JD ever dating. He is creepy, always has been, always will be. And it seems that the true Fundies stay well clear of the Duggars. So they will end up with a bucketload of kiddults. Oh the irony
  4. Germany's through to the semis after what seems to have been a thrilling game against Italy with shootouts. I really wish for a Iceland vs Wales final. One can dream........
  5. Josie is not right. At all. She always looks ill, unkempt as well, red eyed and just, well. Her manners are non existing, she seems to have no concept of normal boundaries. Goodness knows what limitations she might have. And those stupid fucking idiots that are her biological parents are to stupid to care. All the younger girls have serious issues, one look at them and you'd know it. There's Jenni, who hasn't looked happy since forever, Johannah these days is the same, poor Jordyn is forgotten anyhow..........it drive me crazy
  6. Taking my snark over to the appropriate thread
  7. Oh, so they broke up then? Just had a wee look at the Facebook page of UP, so indeed. Doesn't really surprise me. Ashley is a big city girl, lively and has her life, why would she give it up to move to Hicksville? This is what life is all about and maturity - you meet people, you like them, and then you see it's not enough, so chin up Nathan. I know in their world this is probably bad news, but the parents seem willing to readjust their rules and ideas and a second boy failing in his courtship is probably a very good thing indeed. Courting does NOT prevent heartbreak. It does not prevent anything really. But kudos for not rushing headlong into marriage (take NOTE Duggars!!!!!). Funny how the Bates boys aren't too successful with their first tries, whilst the girls are.
  8. After 2 incredibly stressful months, I've just heard this morning that the second issue is now happily resolved in my favour. I am so bloody relieved........I shall celebrate by treating myself to a Pizza with Chips (french fries) tonight....
  9. Ah thanks..not?? my nerves are in bits-irelands leading 1:0 against france. Now halftime... 20 degrees celsius??
  10. I watched about 10 seconds of that video, and bloody hell, she doesn't know what knife to choose, she has no idea how to hold it properly and has zero cooking and chopping skills. What does she DO all day? If after at least a year and a bit of marriage and having no job she can't even chop some potatoes..........why are the Duggars so learn resistant??
  11. I think this is Duggarism entirely. Both the parents are stuned and backwards and have serious issues. The Bateseseses don't do this after all. Even the Maxhells, in their own very special way indeed value education and activities.
  12. Shudder. I really doubt that the younger ones in particular can read properly. Do we ever see them with a book?
  13. It rained and thundered last night, yay! Still gentle rain and my place is down to nearly 20 degrees. Oh the relief. I googled Angel food cake last nigh, and they all looked that white on the inside. Interesting. We don't have that at all. My Grandfather's brother was a baker and we, that is a part of my family, still runs a bakery to this day, so I'm prejudiced a bit, I love baking. Making bread is so easy for example, quick to make and you know what's in it. What'll I have for Lunch today, now that I can cook properly?
  14. I was pondering that Jimg Dong Dug is really clutching at straws. Never in a million years would he have allowed the holy Ghoolie to go anywhere near his daughters a few years ago. This guy has a tattoo, has been to College and has been AROUND and back. He is really damaged goods. I reckon that pickings of a halfway sensible kind are very slim indeed (also see the Bateseseses). Dunno about immaturity really, but Jinger is sheltered and naive. And stunted by her surroundings and that doesn't make for a good mix, unless the other sees huge potential and has the love and patience to coax it out. Doubt himself will do that. A 28 year around from the block wants a malleable wife. I grew up quite sheltered and was very naive (still am I some ways) with a lot of things and there was no fundy-ism in my house. So I can relate to a bit of her. I'm genuinely concerned for her - she is borderline anorexic to me, and seems fragile.
  15. Funnily enough, it's the german market that loves Donald, as far as I know, we are the only place where he is more popular than Mickey. I fully conform to this particular notion and have a few funky Donald merchandise bits chez Nark. In response to that Kwanzaa cake, I cracked and just googled it as I'm waiting for my hair to dry a wee bit. My teeth are aching by just watching this catastrophe. I've never seen a cake that is so terrifyingly white on the inside - what is it??? All that sweet blobby stuff is just gross. Semi homemade my arse! That's not a cake, that's an abomination to food.
  16. Unfortunately I can't watch the show, only the previews and few episodes. A cleaning business? So that's what it was, I couldn't figure it out in that short preview. Good for them, it's a job. I don't see her having a ton of kids, she isn't the type, and since she lives her own life now, all the more power to her. Marrying into the Bateseseseses clan means you're swallowed whole, see Whitney, who clearly wanted a family. Not always a good thing
  17. When I think back of how much trouble my Mother went to to have my birthday parties a highlight. Granted, there was only me but even the Bateseseseses seem to put so much more thought into it. Meeeechelle and Dim Jong Bulb (can't remember the proper title now, thank you short term memory) are just unfit parents. If only someone could sweep in and take those children away.
  18. A what cake? Kwa......? And what are corn nuts (hastily trudging off to prayer closet forthwith for entertaining lewd thoughts)?
  19. I won't be with Disney, but actually quite a bit. There's the Disney stores in Dublin and Belfast. Disney on Ice and such like. Ireland's only a wee place of course, so Disney UK looks after it. It's always been interesting to see how different the markets are - what works here doesn't work at all in Italy say, or the UK. I've no idea what Disney is like in the US in comparison to here say. Since Disney Channel went free to air a couple of years ago, it's permeating the Germans a lot more though. I have memories of growing up with Disney, still have my Disney Fanclub badge in fact :-)) Another customary whinge about that damn weather - although most of you would laugh me out of my flat for being such a wuss. 26 degrees out it seems. Sigh.
  20. Bloody Brexit is dominating the news, and I don't quite get the hysteria. It will sort itself out in due course. I do understand why people voted out - in truth, the EU needs a major overhaul. So I would hope that this is the beginning of that. Time will tell. I've friends who live up North, and are wondering about their future, and it occurred to me yesterday that I'm driving on a UK licence here, so need to keep an eye on it or go back to Ireland and renew my irish one:-)) Still roasting here, humidity nigh 70% and I'm antsy and anxious. Fecking anxiety. It is supposed to cool off later on hopefully. I hate this weather.
  21. I'm already bored with this. So she's getting married. Great.
  22. Oh so good to hear! Get well soon. It's a fecking roaster of a day - tomorrow, it should be cooler and then half decent. I hope. Meh. I wish I had a yard/garden/lawn/grass/green/shrubs/whatever........but that's the price for urban living. Sigh. Did anyone follow Brexit? They've voted yes to leaving the EU - I thought they might. Wonder how that will pan out for me in future, should I really return to Ireland........I've always lived close to the border and mostly worked up North. It's all over the news, but I think it'll pan out right enough. The UK needs the rest of the world after all.
  23. Apparently over night it was nearly 100% humidity - shudder. And no air con is such fun. Not. Thanks for the insight - yep, it would be gardening then. I didn't realise that a garden is understood entirely differently. A yard to me is a commercial bit of open space..........:-))
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