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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Strange how detached Jessa seems to have bonded far better than Jilly Muffin. A delicious twist really. I hope it continues
  2. Why do you seem to think that Joy is dim and dull? Obviously I can't watch the show per se, sadly, so I'm a bit uninformed about recent developments.
  3. I really cannot stand Dim Bulb, he's not even smiling there, but just grimacing. People who are willing to wilfully damage their children are so utterly loathsome.
  4. This covenant marriage thing is just plain weird. Nothing like that exists here, of course. Marriage is just a legal contract, in order to be married you must go to the Registry Office first. Any Church service is optional. What is the point? Either your personal beliefs are of that opinion or they are not. For me, making it public like that simply confirms how shaky your foundation is, since you shouldn't need something like that. Again, remember that part in the Bible that says do not be like the hypocrites???
  5. I just cannot even begin to stomach that Joy may well be playing a housewife, having sex and having to be grown up within a few months. I just can't. Don't do it girl, you will rue the day. What kind of parents do this do their kids???
  6. Jinger genuinely looks happy there, so I'm glad she seems to enjoy herself. Those crappy copyrights are just.........her page lives off stolen photos entirely, yet she puts a copyright across pictures that aren't hers AND has the gall to tell media not to use them without payiner HER? That nutter is losing it more and more. I really abhor her. I still hope that they'll both find a way to be happy, without him oppressing her.
  7. I found the link to that TV show and scrolled through. Fucking hell, they are batshit crazy. Even worse than the Duggars, hell, they make them look liberal. WHAT is Joy thinking????? No doubt, her being an unpaid slave for their business is a plus. I'm aghast. I despair, I really do. Jana and John David to me seem kind of asexual. They've borne the brunt of their parents educational methods and upbringing, ie, they were beaten to shite and remember the tiny house and lack of food. Small wonder they aren't hurrying into marriage. Jana will now share a dorm with her small sisters, how dignified. Isn't it about time that she's given her own bloody room?? Joy is already engaged I believe, otherwise that photo would not make sense. She's already disappearing into her "new" family.
  8. Those photos are nice. No wonder if the Duggars weren't involved in the planning. They have no taste, no skills, no nothing frankly. And now the light is already off her, because Joy has been thrown into the spotlight. Being on telly is just terrible for anyone - it spoils you forever. And kids should never ever be put into the spotlight. The pressure is enormous.
  9. Oh fuck, it's too early for such news! I'm utterly horrified. Joy is a mere baby. Urgggggggggggs. So she'll be married off before she's 20, I assume, in order to pump out a gazillion kids. Who'd a thunk it'd be Joy? No idea who these people are, not sure I can stomach watching videos. Having said that, so what now? Is this really news? Who wants to watch this show, all they do is marrying off their girls, who will pump out baby after baby. All that is left now are a whole load of uneducated and, quite frankly, dim and unattractive kidult guys, some little girls who cannot be married off anytime soon and well, the parents. Does anyone really want to watch that?
  10. Proper shoes are so damn important! Unless you want your children to suffer later in life. And flip flops!! I just do not understand those. They will damage your feet ffs. Their way of dressing is stupid, made up rules that do not make sense, that are abandoned at the drop of a hat when it suits. I don't dress like a man, I don't dress in man's clothes. Try wearting even a simple Tshirt and you will see that their cut is entirely different. Where does it say "woman, thou shalt not wear trousers"???
  11. Blimey, a photo where that poor child is actually looking happy. My heart aches for that one. Wee Meredith is a comical baby. I hope she'll not suffer for being the reminder of unhappy times.
  12. I'm surprised I'm not feeling the love on the Counting On FB page - very critical comments there with regards to the video. I'm giving them a pass on looking tired, they must be very exhausted after a wedding, travel, more travel, jetlag. To say nothing of the emotional rollercoaster. However, PLEASE stop that death grip, WHAT is up with that? All them fundie wimmins seem to do this. Are you that afraid your husband will run away?? I'm not even mentioning those creepy stares - shades of Bridget Jones indeed. Her wedding does seem nice, the classiest by far. Good for her. Now Jeremy will see the reality of being married to a Duggar and he may not like it. I still hope it will work out for Jinger, who seems so very fragile. Edit, and I simply must bitch, the pickled one is on par as far as emotional maturity goes, bursting with pride because some hideous rag quoted he page. Cue leghumpers crooning that if one wants proper sources, they should go to her hate page. Yeah right, because she isn't at all dependent on people telling HER stuff....
  13. Defend whose freedom exactly? Im just reading edge of eternity by ken follett and am learning a whole lot more about martin luther king than dimjill i should think?
  14. Quote of the week, that. Sad but true. For all their blathering about womanly virtues, none of those girls actually has ANY skill
  15. What is going on with Johannah? She suddenly looks like one of those twin boys, Jer? Weird
  16. I LOVE her shoes!! I couldn't walk in them but they show spark and a sense of fun. How refreshing in a Duggar girl. Please, please, please, let this be the start of something good for Jinger, so she may see that she is a worthy person and that she can fulfill whatever potential there may be.
  17. Johannah looks like one of those older boys there. Yikes. I only watched Jill's video, it was horrible.
  18. I'm done with the Bateses. The Batesfam posted a photo of Zach on his knees, together with a whiney rant. They have been careful to not mention names or who to vote for, but the message is obvious. I cannot have it on my conscience to follow people like that, a healthy wake up call of how dangerous their beliefs really are. Apart from being contrary to the Bible, as per hypocrites who publicise things......just no. Just fucking no
  19. I woke up to actual snow.......just as well that I've a winter tires appointment later. and fuck me. the world's gone mad this morning
  20. That is a child!! How is it possible for someone so young to be able to drive? That is just scary.
  21. Can't remember Smuggette's dress tbh. But this wedding seems outside the box for the Duggars. Going to New Zealand and Australia for a honeymoon is an odd choice though. They're heading towards summer there, isn't there enough sun in Arkansas or Texas? It's not exactly the usual tourist destination. New Zealand will have some gorgeous landscape I'll wager, but still....... Edit, yes M'lady, I totally agree:-)) It was quite an adjustment for me to move out, to a different country no less, and be on my own. And I wasn't at all brought up like a Fundie. But to be with a guy you barely know, all alone, when you've been reared to believe that lust is sinful, you simply cannot just turn it off.
  22. Joy is courting, apparently. Much too young. It's strange, for years, I felt achingly sorry for her, she always had bags under her eyes and red eyes at that. Now, suddenly, I'm going off her. She's turning into smuggette or something, I don't know. She's not had the chance to be who she wants to be - a sporty tomboy, not given to childrearing - but she seems completely devoid of any ambition to BE something.
  23. It's not sticking or anything. First frost this year. I really need to get my winter tires sorted. Sigh. I actually love snow, and this makes for a very cosy Sunday
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