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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Yes! How do you know? Are you in Germany? It was by fluke I saw it but I got interested after reading about them. I actually googled a bit about their beliefs. I really don't like evangelicals like them. They are smug and seem to think that only good things must happen to them.
  2. I've just spent a solid 45 minutes bawling my eyes out..........so watch at your own peril, but some seriously moving stuff here
  3. Sweet and it's commendable that they don't yap about it being ungodly. I have also been wondering about Tabitha's life now. Not sure I really want to know, tbh.
  4. Funnily enough, one of our Women's TV Channel shows Fixer Upper, so I've watched a few episode, since I love stuff like that. I don't particularly like the Gaineses though - he is childish and she is pushy. I hope I don't offend any of you US lot, but goodness, american houses seem so flimsy. Ours are built of stone and mortar and bricks and can't just be done up that quickly. The way they just rip out anything is astounding. Waco brings up memories of that horrible shoot out.........but it does look quite green and pleasant. But buying such a crappy Tshirt is just....well.......the design draws attention to her bazookas. Which is fine really, if that's what she wants, but then, please do not blather on about modesty Madam! You are not modest.
  5. They look happy enough and I finally cracked and watched that teary promo, thanks for the link. I don't see anything to worry about, just a girl who is overcome momentarily and doesn't feel she wants to be. I cannot even begin to imagine her life now. Pregnant any day? And they are building their own house with what money exactly?
  6. I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but watch this, around the 2:32 mark........Joy throws her Bible carelessly on the table. I had to rewatch to make sure I saw correctly. I wouldn't in a million years handle any Bible in such a careless and disrespectful way. This really expresses such disdain for the Book that they claim to love, respect and adhere to. How do they even reconcile that?
  7. Neglect! Of course, that is a word I can understand and appreciate - abuse just doesn't seem to quite fit. I too am struggling with the issue at the moment, it's funny where you can get those "Eureka" moments from sometimes. I wasn't expecting it here:-)
  8. Ah you're grand. That's the way I feel as well. They just pick and mix as they see fit, which results in a horrible joyless kind of religon, with no hope ever. That baby photo is very cute though. They do produce some nice wee babies.
  9. In order to be a fashion guru, or any guru, you need to be prepared to work hard, put a lot of time and effort into it and actually WORK. Jessa isn't prepared to do that, I'd say she thinks she is entitled to all and sundry just because. No Duggar puts in effort into anything, they are all slapdash and lazy. How do people think she has anything to say? Are they blind? Her clothes are pretty awful when she's pregnant. Ill-fitting, too tight, and not fashionable. Take a big big page out of Alyssa Bateses book, girl!
  10. Cold??? Where are you, can we please trade? We've had nothing but horrible heat for far too long and it's only spring!
  11. When did Johannah start looking like Josh? She's suddenly growing up, poor girl. Joy looks basically like I would have expected, only in a white dress, slobby, careless, dull. What happened to her? She had so much spunk when younger. Congratulations Meeechelle, DimBulb! You've raised 19 children so far, none of which are able to actually live productive lives. They are not leaders, they are not explorers, they are not achieving anything glorious. They aren't even religious, since none of them knows why they believe or even what. Your girls so far have shown themselves to be lazy, slovenly, have no cooking skills, don't tidy their houses, in Jill's case she cannot function without being at your compound. I expect Joy will just do whatever really, with that kind of attitude. She will slide into things without ever giving it a second thought. How sad that her life is now over at merely 19.
  12. Blimey, you both struck such a chord with me I just had to log in early morning. My Mother was emotionally VERY distant indeed and whilst I was never physically abused or shouted at, she did make me feel very very useless. I'm just starting to realise and acknowledge that abuse comes in all shapes and sizes and it is perfectly fine to call it abuse regardless. Re books, I really hope that Jinger starts to read properly, at least once in a while. It's so sad that no Duggar ever reads and misses out on so much fun. AND you can learn a lot without even realising it. Edit, somebody here said they read Effi Briest - who was it? I can't seem to find the post just now.............
  13. Agree on Michaela - there is something unsettling about her. Happy for Jinger if she's not pregnant yet. Hope it'll be quite a while
  14. He is very unattrative, but he's a baby. I'm pretty sure he will grow out of it. I find that I don't like the sound of Jessa's voice. It always sounds......I don't know, smug? Amused distanced? Like she is above everything...
  15. I was under the impresson that there is some sort of registration process, no? There mere thought is sooo unbelievable absurd to me....shudder. How do you ever feel safe when you cannot know if the person next to you is carrying a fecking gun? Meeeechelle doesn't have a clue about anything. At all. How I wish I could tell her that to her face.
  16. Yikes, that piece of shit is back? No shame there, obviously. And I am sure that a few people will support him, although I don't see the ATI or whatever they are called crowd rallying, they are far too fond of their own piece of cake. I reckon that Churchie got it right why people support them, the Duggars that is. Partly from a sense of "they be religious, they be Godly", partly from a sense of "ah squeee, lookit, a big close family with all them childers being bestet of friends" and partly for nostalgia. I've not been able to quite comprehend this particular notion of nostalgia yet, that in US films and TV shows, there's often a sense of tweeness and nostalgia, yet in reality, their (your) towns and cities do not accommodate the white picket fences, everybody talks to each other and walks everywhere at all. If people actually wanted this, surely this would happen?
  17. Ah, but the sour one is never wrong, it's her "sources" (aka, she read it wrong on some Interwebz forum). Her obsession with the Dugwads is actually quite terrifying. I couldn't care less whether Joyless gets married or when. I'll wager it'll be by far the shabbiest Duggar wedding yet, and that particular bar is already exceedingly low anyway. A HOOVER for 2 Grand?? What is it made of, gold????
  18. These two are so very boring that I am forever forgetting they exist. The Duggar boys all have the personality of a fly, in fact, a fly has more than they do. Dull, boring, dimwitted, smug. Blah
  19. Derick looks so much better, nearly like himself again. Back already, that took long...........not. I just don't understand how people like that can live with themselves. Don't they KNOW? I mean, honestly really? I may do stuff regardless, but these people just act like they honestly don't have a clue and that is beyond comprehension
  20. Oh you poor thing. All the very best to you, hopefully it will be nothing.
  21. I'll be the King of China if that photo isn't Josh. Please tell me that people don't just casually carry a GUN around, leave it lying in their car and that anyone can simply buy it like that? Please???????????????
  22. Excuse me while I go and puke. Just fucking no.
  23. I'm not buying that rumour at all. It's just silly clickbait. I think I did mention this once before, but some girls recently when somewhere the Duggars went and hinted that Jana had been anything but nice. Perhaps she simply knows how to put up a front.
  24. Those two are on my hate list and near the top. Next to Josh and Meeeeeeeeeeechelle. Crikey, what is wrong with them?? Dumb and dull is one thing, delusional scroungers another entirely. Get a fucking job, Derick! Stop being a lazy grifting loser, and start teaching Jill to woman up, grow up and deal with life.
  25. Kai (pronounciation would be Kye) is a german name, usually male, but it is officially neutral, although it is rarely given to girls here. She's not even 30 years of age and has nearly SIX children? No wonder she looks ancient. What is it with fundies and their lack of intelligence, common sense and whatnot? God created us with a brain, in order we may use it. Where's the problem? If He had wanted us to be stupid and not make the most of our individual talents, I'm sure He would have created us so.
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