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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Joy is starting to look anorexic. What is that kind of thinking when they start courting, waste away to nothing before you wreck your body with a gazillion pregnancies? I keep forgetting she's courting, as I am forever forgetting Jill's preggers and Joseph is courting. They are all so very dull and boring.
  2. I cannot stand that one, I really cannot. She is a nasty vindictive piece of shittiness, taking it to a wholly new level. No problems bitching, calling people names, poking fun, etc, yet takes the high moral stance at anyone who actually emulates her. Her recent rants make me wonder about her state of mind actually. She seems to think she is the one saving the world. Get some help! She's as bad as the Duggars and their ilk, only she has zero excuse, seeing as the knows well that those cults twist a person. The Rodders are batshit crazy, of course. Those poor girls with their harlot's make up, that hair, those voices, their poses, what kind of man would ever go near them? And those children need food, lots of it. What kind of Mother has her kids slaver and clamber all over her, for a piece of shitty coconut?? Carlin's picture, well, it's immature but that is what she is, immature and annoying. At least she's not a zombie like some I could mention, I suppose.
  3. I just don't get this kind of thinking at all. Having children is a blessing, but putting yourself in harm's way is just fine? You aren't a better person if you endanger both yourself and your unborn child you moron! Jill is beyond stupid. She is Meeeeechelle's clone in every way, sadly. Checked out and doesn't want to check in again. And Derick? WHAT on earth is wrong with you??
  4. It's David's house, they painted it a rather bright blue. Josh looks horrifying. Utterly horrifying. Imagine having that blob next to you - knowing what he did. He is just so repulsive to me I can hardly bear to look at him these days. My heart breaks for those kiddies, they really don't have much of a chance in life.
  5. The notion of wimmins being all fragile and should be protected and stay at home pretty much is a victorian thing. Before that, it simply didn't make any sense, as women always had to work to survive. The middle classes didn't really develop until Queen Victoria. Having said that, none of the Duggar girls has any kind of householding skill at all, perhaps Jana has some, but she is the exception. They can't cook, can't clean, have no notion of how to keep a tidy house, dress nicely. They don't even live up to that 50s housewife ideal.
  6. Happy Easter to you all, if you celebrate it, and good vibes if you don't. Agree with the sentiment, although I don't post that much, I do read every day and do send good digital vibes to those who feel the need of it.
  7. That's what my evil catholic mind just doesn't seem to grasp in any way - those flexible boundaries. Catholicism is pretty rigid in its rules. Now it doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that every Catholic follows it blindly, quite the opposite, but the rules are there, clear and easy to understand. You personally may well think ah sure lookit, I'm just grand if I don't do this or follow that, but in the back of your mind, you know you may well find that the Good Lord will strongly disagree with you and let you have it at the pearly gates. This personal relationship shite just feels so odd - Jesus is not my best mate, and isn't meant to be. Interpreting the Bible as you see fit is simply not a good idea as it is so obtruse and full of weird things. Having said that, I am delighted that Jinger is wearing trousers, even when out with her sisters as this seems to be such a major eff you towards her parents. Perhaps she simply WANTED to, no matter what anyone else said or "allowed".
  8. The Rodrigiiiiiiiiiiii terrify me. She with the crazy make up and look. Her sallow, pasty-faced malnourished children, slobbering over a piece of fucking coconut because they are starved. I will be happy to report them to Child protective services if someone can point me to the right direction. They make.me.angry. Very. Wee Paul talks like Priscilla, which is bad enough on its own, but in a boy...just no. Poor guy. He looks like a quiet shy little fellow who won't have much of a chance in life with parents like that.
  9. I know. Just pointing out that we do pay tax here.
  10. I'd disagree - I see a wee boy who doesn't know what's in store for him. This family is such a spectacular shade of fucked upness...
  11. This is somewhat off topic but we still pay solidarity tax for Eastern Germany, nearly 30 years after the bloody wall came down:-) We do have very high taxes here altogether
  12. I believe this is unique to Germany. It wasn't the case in either UK or Ireland. It only applies to the two denominations I mentioned (Lutheran being the main proddie denomination here). You actually have to tick a box when applying for your tax number to indicate if you belong to either or any other - the any other just do as they see fit and probably survive off donations. The tax is in addition to collects and stuff, of course........
  13. Ehm, yes we most certainly do. Might I remind you that I don't live in the US? If you opt out of paying such tax, you are actually required to formally resign from the Church (same goes for the Prods) and may not partake of any of their usual services like weddings, funerals, etc.
  14. Has she no other dress? And she too has fallen prey to the "get skinny bitch or else" shite that all these girls experience. Still not buying this "romance". Two very bewildered children are going through some resemblance of motion.
  15. That cover is truly awful and not at all good. It doesn't tell a story. Bad marketing. I can hardly believe such magazines actually exist
  16. Izzy is a dead ringer for Jill. But that picture makes me sad - they were still halfway normal then. Jana did have lots of spark up until her teenage years, when suddenly the lights went out for her.
  17. I'd say that you, Churchhoney, have spent far more time thinking and actually caring about those girls than their parents ever did so far. The only "good" thing about this scandal being public is the fact that most people wised up about this horrible cult. For the victims affected, I'm sure it wasn't quite so funny in any way, no matter how well they did or did not handle this mess. It is truly amazing and sometimes terrifying how the human mind can suppress and not deal with certain things.
  18. Wonder how her first night went. I cannot believe she actually went through with it. Horrifying.
  19. We pay Church tax, that is, if you are either Catholic or Lutheran. It does not surprise me that fundies don't pay up - they are far too up their own holes and wanting to feel smug and superior to truly care about others.
  20. This is the perfect time to introduce you to another german word "arschkarte"?? which is precisely what the youngest in that or similar families have. Enjoy...https://www.google.de/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3DArschkarte%20(German)%26defid%3D102596%26amp%3Dtrue
  21. Do you know, I think you're onto something there. I've been mulling it over in my mind a bit and agree, this is important. The Bateses girls are real and alive, whatever their personal views on Religion, while the Dugwads are all dead and zombie-esque with not a spark of life anywhere to be found. Even when scrubbed up they lack something. I know it makes me feel good to know that I look smart or particularly fetching in an outfit and I'm not the most confident of people, but I am galaxies and light years ahead of the Duggars.....such a pity they won't know the joy of looking good in an outfit that fits and suits them.
  22. Why on earth would anyone put ketchup in the fridge?? Butter is just fine outside as well, unless it's roasting hot. Eggs are funny, I spent quite a bit of time in the UK and eggs are always put in the cold section, yet here in Germany, eggs are never refrigerated. It still horrifies me, since salmonella stories abounded in the UK. I do keep mine in the fridge.
  23. I don't think Jessa's all that good looking. Jinger could be really pretty if she dressed properly. Including a bra. Apparently 70% of all women wear the wrong sized one. I hope she's not pregnant. I hope...........she does look a lot happier and relaxed, so perhaps she is just actually eating for a change. One can hope......
  24. The Dullards are now an a level with Smuggar as far as loathsome goes. They may even top it if they continue like this. Both clearly have major health issues, probably physical AND psychological. Derick is worldy enough to know this. Jill, well........dumb as anything, her Mother's daughter to be sure. I don't understand these people, they are so happy to just run headlong into disaster and won't do anything about it.
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