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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Yes, that hasty retreat from the Dullards is fishy methinks. Ah well, the story will unfold itself in due course. I can't wait.
  2. It's him. There's no way it isn't. And I really hope it is so. He needs help. Real help, not slave labour Jesus camp. I actually hope that perhaps Jilly Muffins will be next with a mental breakdown or something - anything for those fucking idiots to finally realise that their entire family is royally fucked up and needs extensive intervention pronto.
  3. I cannot believe the gall of these grifters. Really?? I mean, really????? Too fucking lazy to stick to a job, they haven't even managed to learn Spanish, but wanting a fuckload of money off others???
  4. Why do they fall for these scams? If you want a job, go and get some qualifications and employ yourself gainfully, or, alternatively, get a real job, like cleaning or Burger flipping or whatever.
  5. That silly bitch knows diddly squat. I'll eat my hat if that's not him. He's from a small place, little risk of having your identical twin there. I'd be delighted if it were him tbh - not because I even ill wish him, but because that is something they cannot sweep under the rug. And it will blacken the Duggar name further.
  6. I saw that picture as well. This is what happens when people have too much time on their hands:-))) It's easy to over analyse everything, even the most spur of the moment snaps. I don't doubt that they are engaged or near to it, because otherweise he'd not be showing up everywhere. Those people don't "just" do things for the fun of it.
  7. Nice photos, only why are they so obsessed with constant photo shoots? Yes, we get it dear! You're married (insert TM here) and have babbas. Old fashioned names are quite the rage in Germany, but I am glad that we do still have reasonably stringent rules about what not to name your child. So stuff like the ones mentioned would not be possible here.
  8. Don't be embarrassed, for I've been considering exactly that. I need to get me a life.............I actually did a mock sign up but find Twitter rather messy and confusing to handle
  9. Bobby wrote a really rather touching and authentic love not to Tori on Insta a while back. He called her a bombshell if I recall correctly. It was sweet, yet not terribly "keep your heart in one piece". I am puzzled as to why guys seem to chase theres girls - are they really THAT chaseable? Pretty they are, but still, just a part of a cult and not really very intelligent or go ahead or anything. The mind boggles. Is Tabitha Paine still going to marry her rapist?
  10. I was just going to say, what a load of bull. Even I know yer girl is wanting to write a book about devotionals or something. How I long for a tell all though...........
  11. I keep forgetting she's supposed to be in luuuuuuuuuurve. Just no. What happened to her? She used to have spark, now she's as dull and ditchwater and whoever mentioned a hidden ability to mindless violence is right in my book.
  12. Said by an untrained dumbass who doesn't have a clue, cough. Somehow, both pregnancies have been so damn dull and uninteresting - I'm sure I'm not imaging it that interest in simply not there anymore, is it? Except perhaps for a few leghumpers. Jill and Derick are a hot mess, something is definitely not right there. Derick needs a professional Doctor and psychological assessment. Jill, well....she is as dumb as anything and totally incapable of living a normal life. Great job, Meeeeeeechelle and Dim Bulb!
  13. I couldn't have cared less when the baby was nameless and I don't care now. But Henry?? What a dull boring name - it's very middle to upper class here. Not typically American I'd have thought. They are far too dumb to be informed of what they do. At least the baby has a decent name, unlike poor Spurgeon. I hope he'll change to Elliot.
  14. The sole thing I'll give TFDW credit for - they expose their kids to different things. They are sporty outdoorsy, eat strange food (fish n chips in this case) and aren't quite as insular it seems. Batshit crazy of course, Priscilla is...........odd..........to say the least and I couldn't stand her high pitched voice and squints for a second, but she does seem to care for her children. David is another story - I still think he has some very very dark sides in him.
  15. "Schnorren" is german or at least it is used there. It means basically someone who begs money/stuff/favours off other people without paying it back in some way.
  16. Compare Tori Bates and Joy - they are roughly the same age, right? Joy is as dull as ditchwater, which really does pain me. I've zero interest in their courtship, I don't care if they never fucking kiss, never mind get married. He has as much personality as a lukewarm glass of water.
  17. I see. I have seen people with shoes on lazing on sofas etc and find it yukky. I don't wear shoes inside, of course, I wear slippers. How do you get to be comfortable when you're in street wear?
  18. That's really made me sit up this morning and have a thought or two. I didn't grow up with loving God - he was more like a very stern Father "I'm watching you". But it's an interesting concept - WHY would I want to go into Religion? Is it really a good idea to frighten people into it? That would make for a very interesting discussion. What kind of job could Derick ever hold again, after all his insane ramblings? Fuck me, I wish he'd get himself to a Doctor pronto and take Jill with him while he's at it. He's weak. He managed to pull a front for us all while he was courting, since he seemed normal on the outside, but bloody hell, did he ever show himself when married. Nobody who is normal and secure in himself would ever crumble to Dugwads "standards" like that.
  19. Seen the latest Bateses Insta? Are the girls wearing cycling shorts? No way could they cycle in those skin tight skirts. And the touching! And it seems that one of the boys is learning to dance to apply for the Dixie Stampede (whatever that actually is......I know probably a rodeo?) Interesting, the Bateses are able to adjust their beliefs and don't disown their children when they go outside their tiny boxes. Yes, they are just as hateful in their beliefs etc etc, but at least they aren't as dumbwitted as the Dugwads.
  20. Why are they wearing their outdoor jackets? I've noticed that in their house as well, people wearing jackets and shoes indoors.
  21. So so true! I'd say I could and maybe do come across as rather direct and even snarky or aggressive, and even more so if I were ever to speak to them in person, but fuck me, it's because I feel so very strongly about this kind of shite. I cannot begin to express how much I loathe, abhor and detest such stuff. Don't abuse your children under the guise of religion or anything else for that matter. Love them, nurture them, care for them, let them fly. Do NOT stunt them, starve them, abuse them, use them ill, neglect them because you cannot be bothered or are lazy or careless or because Jesus. Just fucking don't.
  22. Truly horrifying. How could they let him near her? How does he get to be a Security Officer at a College???? I'm actually tempted to ask them if they are aware of this. This is what you get with those kinds of beliefs. A 31 year old woman thinking she has to marry or else be shunted around willing Families forevermore. A guy of that age who hasn't found a mate until now in their circle clearly has major issues. Otherwise he'd have been married long ago. He's creepy.
  23. Thing is, it doesn't matter where they go, since none of them will ever go and work. It is to their credit that they do go and study, so maybe their children won't be half as ignorant as the Duggars and their ilk, but in the end, it really makes no difference.
  24. I'm really not interesting in her courtship or her. It's strange. For years, I did feel very sorry for her, she was always so brow beaten and unhappy. I thought she had potential and wished for her to be grown up so she could up and leave. Fast forward, and she is of age and as dumb and interesting as a glass of water, grating on my nerves and seems highly annyoing. One really needs to congratulate her parents in their mission to crush every one of their children. That's the one thing they truly excel at.
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