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Everything posted by Maya

  1. That's funny that it doesn't even occur to any of us that she may actually love him.
  2. Maybe she's sad because that jacket is so unflattering.
  3. It's very, very odd that we the viewers remember that Winston is already married, but the writers of the show have forgotten.
  4. THIS. How can they be on TV if they're stuck off in Laredo!!
  5. So Mandy ate an oyster once, threw up for three days, then threw up again four days later. Okaaay...
  6. Sunny seemed certifiably insane this episode.
  7. It continues to make zero sense why someone like Reagan would be interested in someone like Nick.
  8. I wonder why no elimination. That was weird.
  9. So Jeff just underbaked a batch of brownies from a mix and called it molten lava cake. Gross.
  10. I can't remember a thing about the house, I spent this entire episode trying to decode every look and every interaction Tarek and Christina had with each other. The collapse of their marriage is on display, no matter how well they think they're hiding it. It's sad.
  11. I bet she's the type of annoying person who would say to a random introvert going about their day, "Smile!!"
  12. "If Jinger were a cheese, what kind of cheese would she be?" OMG.
  13. I too couldn't figure out why Ann hated Daniel so much, unless it was just because he was a condescending ass to the others. Funny that someone who is on a show called "Worst Cooks in America" can be condescending in the kitchen. Lol I also love that it took two people 30 minutes to make a fried egg on toast!
  14. Katie seemed pissed! When GZ was making the coq au vin, I didn't understand why he strained all the liquid out of the vegetables, only to dump both the liquid and vegetables into the pot one second later. Unless I wasn't paying attention and missed something, which is entirely possible.
  15. I'm curious about the taste of those macaroons. I wish the judges had described the flavor. The color was very unfortunate.
  16. Even if he doesn't, she probably will.
  17. Amanda is very smug. I'm not a fan either. Pretty sure she's going to win though.
  18. That "cake" was ridiculous. I'm sure people would rather eat hot pancakes as soon as they're done than wait for someone to make 20 more pancakes so that they could stack them and call it a "cake."
  19. Did she have a nose job at some point? Her nose is WAY too small for her face.
  20. Maybe the actress is pregnant and they need to hide it by putting her in a hospital bed for a few months? I'm just guessing, I have no idea.
  21. My DVR cut off the ending. Gina got hit by a bus?? Why? And then what happened? Thanks.
  22. I remembered Sara when they showed her video. I have no recollection of Kimber at all, even though she sat there and said things at the reunion.
  23. I don't recall the family visits being this boring in the past. I don't know what happened to everyone - Rik used to have good taste. I always suspected Laurence was a one trick pony. Erin is so full of herself it's nauseating.
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