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Everything posted by Maya

  1. I didn't think that at the time, but now I do. It makes much more sense!
  2. How in the world was this outfit not in the bottom? A black pencil skirt and boring sleeveless top. I don't get it. LOVED Mah-Jing's denim dress.
  3. I can't believe they can all keep saying "Figgy" with a straight face.
  4. I would imagine filming a TV show based on your family's life is a full time job. It takes longer than it looks, setting up shots, lighting, rehearsal, doing take after take, filming missing scenes that they discovered they needed later, etc. Probably pays well too.
  5. I think they're all deathly afraid of being perceived as old, unhip, trapped in the past, etc.
  6. That's a great article. The fashion industry created this monster. Now they have to save face by gushing over him.
  7. I wonder if the deep talking (vocal fry) began as a way to manage the lisp? Just a guess.
  8. This. He's literally marrying Jinger for the fame and income from her TV show, but couldn't say that out loud, so had no response. They won't stay in Laredo for long because he won't want to. He's going to follow the cameras.
  9. I hate Scott, but I thought it was funny when he told Rob that if the baby was a girl, he should name it Kim. Anyone know where Chyna's income comes from? That house was nice and so was the full time nanny!
  10. Love that a bikini top with a towel tied around your waist is considered high fashion now.
  11. Looks like people enjoy being treated like shit, as long as it's by a "genius."
  12. Because he's obsessed with giving women giant implants? His face lights up like a Christmas tree every time someone says, "I'd like to be a D cup"
  13. What is up with those shoes?? It looks like the heel part can't support the weight of a person and is folding up under the shoe.
  14. Did no one warn the survival guides about the Duggars? They seemed genuinely perplexed by this freak show. That said, NO WAY in hell would I sleep in a pile of leaves and spiders.
  15. Wait - I didn't watch the episode but just read the recap - please tell me Kourtney wasn't a "Woman of the Year."
  16. I think he's in it for the money and fame.
  17. Right - what happened with the bear? Ominous music and Blair Witch-style footage, then... shots of tree branches. The end. Are these episodes airing out of sequence or what? Odd that there was no mention of Jessa's pregnancy. And Jill is pregnant, yes?
  18. I was too busy hating Jonathan to focus on anything Kanye said.
  19. Where were the cameras when THAT was happening?? Now that's some good TV!! They could have replaced one of the salad eating scenes with this.
  20. I agree. Seems like they fixed it pretty easily (despite all the "drama" during surgery). It's too bad she couldn't have had it fixed years ago. She seems kind of fragile and damaged at this point.
  21. How can these storylines be so fake yet so boring at the same time?
  22. He seems depressed. I'm holding out hope that he has a secret girlfriend/relationship that he just doesn't feel like broadcasting to the world. He seems like a nice enough guy, some woman would be interested, right? Derrick sure LOVES Central America. He seems happy as a clam. I bet he'd like to stay forever.
  23. He didn't even seem overly concerned that the life expectancy for people with his condition was 35-40 years. !! His wife did seem bothered by all of it. I wonder if these people are just really nervous, so come off as stiff and robot-like. I thought that might be the case with the wife of the face surgery guy in the last episode.
  24. I missed why chest guy got an implant in the first place - was there a medical reason for it? He seemed to have a pretty serious infection. Why did he not to go a doctor before this? Why did he wait to be on Botched by Nature? Seems like insurance would cover it.
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