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Everything posted by Maya

  1. This is SO much better than the Halloween version! I really like Duff as a judge. I liked the holiday beverage challenge. All the wreath cakes looked too wet and underbaked on the inside though.
  2. Erin will be in there. The judges will say they "want to see more from her". Someone upthread alluded to this, but Cornelius will be around for a while now, because eliminating him next week would be like a slap in the face to Tim.
  3. I can't even focus on the game play, I'm too freaked out by that raw chicken that was sitting out in the sun. I thought last week's milk was bad.
  4. I missed the explanation for this - why did Derick need that extreme dental surgery?
  5. I wonder if the producers told Michelle to yell things like "First one to get my cookies in the oven!" or if she really just is that annoying. I was hoping for a Tamara win.
  6. Calling this show "Project Runway" is a stretch. What does the male investor do again? He seems kind of sketchy.
  7. I liked Rick's black outfit, from the two seconds we saw of it.
  8. Regarding the judges - two guest judges is really unnecessary. All they do is parrot what the other three say anyway, and it makes the judging part long and boring. Plus when they hate an outfit, it gets piled on by 5 people, and then I feel bad for the designer. One useless guest judge is plenty IMO.
  9. THIS. I was just about to comment on this myself. WTF? She saw the shower rack on the floor and asked for prayers??
  10. Yuck - Erin and Dexter showed their true colors last night. What a couple of nasty, smug, obnoxious people. I wanted to knock those pink glasses off Erin's face, and that was before she spent an entire day telling herself, Dexter and anyone else within earshot how vastly superior her tight ugly 80's Dynasty dress was.
  11. I love that David used his idol to save Jessica, and then the next thing we see is Jessica pledging her loyalty to... Ken. Not David. Ken, who voted for her. Ha! Poor David.
  12. I really need Taylor and Figgy to stop referring to themselves as a "power couple." It's arrogant and inaccurate, since they have literally done nothing so far. Plus they're gross and annoying.
  13. Jana looks like she's hanging by a thread.
  14. Right. And then the judges complain that it doesn't look like a clown.
  15. I wonder if that kid even likes Ferraris. He probably wanted Sponge Bob or something.
  16. Oh, Brik. Did anyone else hear him suggest that their whole collection contain suspenders? And Laurent's quick "NO." I'm fine with Alex going. He seemed nice and competent, but I don't remember one thing he's designed so far.
  17. I was worried Jinger was going to kayak into a tree, the way her eyes were fixated on Jeremy. It's actually really creepy. He's going to get sick of that eventually. She looks so strange amongst his friends and other humans, like she's from a different planet. I don't think it's a good long-term match.
  18. I am assuming they knew ahead of time what they were going to make for the pie crust challenge. No way could they conceive and bake those items in 30 minutes. So did they know about the cake challenge too? If so, was the last minute card switcheroo also fake? I don't believe any of these challenges are a surprise.
  19. I was curious about that the whole time. Did they get to choose the kind of fabric their pattern would be printed on? Obviously the swimsuit and the wrap would be entirely different materials. Jenny's top, for example, looked like stretchy swimsuit material, but some of those droopy other ones did not.
  20. Why do Halloween treats have to be bloody, gory and disgusting? Why do the cakes have to look like a big pink disgusting blob in order to be winners? I know it was the zombie challenge, but would it have been so terrible to depict cute little zombies running wild or something? Those brain and body part cakes were not ok.
  21. I don't understand this either. Isn't spaghetti one of the easiest meals to make for a large group? Seriously, what are they eating and who is doing the cooking? I am also desperately hoping those 20-somethings were kidding about not knowing what linguine and baked ziti are. I agree that Jana seems very sweet, but she also seems very dumb to me.
  22. Save them! You will be all set for Halloween - you can go as this year's hot costume: "Yeezy Season 5"!!
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