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Everything posted by Maya

  1. I thought the "losing Hazel" scene was as fake as they come. They couldn't leave one of those umpteen older children in the house with the quints until everyone was packed up? At any rate the camera crew knew where she was. I did think it was funny when Dale (?) put the wrong child in timeout. I am over Adam.
  2. Serious question - how is Salisbury steak different from a mini meatloaf? I thought Salisbury steak had gravy, but Sunny's didn't.
  3. Why do I feel like we're going to see some variation of a "shirt made into pants" from that designer every week? That was hideous and didn't fit, and I have no idea how he wasn't in the bottom. And I suspect Brandon just got lucky with that top this week. I bet we see that same silhouette from him next week too.
  4. I assumed they must have a million sitters, judging by how nicely groomed and well-rested Danielle looks all the time!
  5. And then when they tasted them, all they raved about was the "grilled" taste of the hotdogs. So stupid.
  6. She looked gorgeous. It's interesting how that one little change to her face (bringing the tip of her nose down) made her borderline unrecognizable.
  7. They have about six dates going on simultaneously, and they flip around from one to the next. The hosts offer commentary from the studio between segments (fast forward!) The dates themselves are good - lots of interesting body language to dissect!
  8. I stumbled across a show called "Date Night Live" on fyi network, have you seen that? It's really similar, except with annoying hosts.
  9. Buffalo chicken pizza has been done to death. Definitely not a "mashup you've never seen before!!!" I would have been more impressed if he had used wings as the base and some how added elements of pizza.
  10. I think we all need to give a moment of thanks that Derek wasn't playing this game. He thinks he's so clever and hilarious under normal circumstances, can you imagine him unleashed in a situation like this?
  11. Oh no. I think you're right. Amy IS going to win this. The whole "bad moms" thing is hot right now. I can see Food Network trying to cash in on that.
  12. I am cynical enough to think Jason was told to demonstrate this particular tip, which then would be "ooohhhed" and "ahhhhed" over. And yes, this entire network thinks the "home cook" is a slow, illiterate idiot.
  13. Personally I think it's all fake. They have a nationally televised TV show. I think they're loaded. That's just my opinion as well. (Also hoping it's fake because if Adam is that annoying in real life - OMG.)
  14. I HATE the barely audible yet high-pitched "Yaaaaaayyyy!!!" accompanied by the tiny clapping hands that don't make noise.
  15. Ok that was cute when Israel said the prayer.
  16. Going back to Christmas in July - was Corey supposed to serve Christmas food? I take it gumbo and potato salad are traditional Christmas foods in the south?
  17. I was coming here to post this exact thought. During their talking heads, they come across as normal, pleasant, animated people (particularly Jason and Corey and even Addie). How come they all turn into complete idiots and caricatures of themselves during their presentations? It's the same thing, a camera in your face. I don't understand the problem. Also - Both Giada and Bobby seemed miserable and borderline angry during the whole show.
  18. Has anyone ever tried Jeff's tip of misting meat on the grill? That looked interesting. I don't understand the point of having a guest on who knows nothing about cooking, but I'll just go with it.
  19. When Jinger said "bebe" was a word that she and Jeremy needed to know, I got really scared! And I couldn't tell if ordering fajitas with lettuce and a salad was intentional or not.
  20. And once again, someone gets scolded for not gleefully dealing with Matthew's shit. And even if I loved his personality (LOLOL!!) I find the tone of his voice very grating. Addie's hammies are all over Pinterest in a million different variations. I have made them and they're really good. Not sure why she called them "hammies" though when she used turkey.
  21. I don't understand why they don't take smaller bites. They all take enormous bites then need to speak immediately. It doesn't make sense.
  22. Sounds like this might be an unpopular opinion, but I like Jason. I liked him on the Holiday Baking Championship, and I like him here. He is one of the few with a personality IMO, and he can cook. I even like his stupid sayings :) Sometimes he laughs after he says them, like he knows they're ridiculous.
  23. Was that even a poke cake? I never saw her make holes in it before pouring the liquid on, she just spread it over the top.
  24. I could not agree more with what is being said about the Matthew/Amy double standard. She's "not assertive enough" but no mention of how talking over someone and pushing them aside is completely unprofessional? Can you imagine if the tables had been turned and Amy had done that to Matthew??
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