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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. Holy shit you are right, It was a trap.. after June made it certain to him that he’s not dad. Damn
  2. Really not interested in seeing Noah in the White Savior role. Not at all
  3. Nina's death scene will haunt me together. Martha's escape... That while period of the show,, is one of the best i've ever seen. OT, But if you liked this show, you should check out Deutschland 83
  4. Different branches do have different rules though.. plus I joined in 88, we could definitely wear makeup ETA, just did a google search and apparently In The 70s and early 80s female recruits were given a makeup kit. Eye shadow had to be blue, mascara brown and lipstick was scarlet red to match the blood stripe on many uniforms. In fact, early one women Marines were required to wear makeup. Current regulations still require shades of red, but they consider pinks and burgundy to be on the spectrum . https://www.trngcmd.marines.mil/Portals/207/Docs/FMTBE/Student Materials/MCECST/MCRD-UNIF-1003_4 Civilian Attire and Personal Appearance (1).doc?ver=2016-06-29-124156-890 the other thing that was annoying was that we were allowed to have long hair but it had to be up with no pins or elastics showing . That was tough. Elizabeth has always reminded me of the of the other WMs. Devotion to the cause, willingness to do things without question, love of country
  5. Weirdly, in the Marines, the only color lipstick we were allowed to wear was bright red. A man must have come up with that. It looked terrible on me
  6. My only family was my mother, sister and brother. There were no aunts, no uncles, no cousins no grandparents. I don’t remember ever finishing it wired or being asked about it.
  7. I think about how Gilead was able to develop and Europe, Mexico etc, did not turn into this crazy Gilead-like world. I think it’s because those countries Don’t have massive fundamentalist populations like the USA. Most of Europe’s funamentalists come here and it’s shaped our history. Imaging quiverfull, Duggar types dealing with a loss of population, a massive drop in children ,when their main goal is to make enough kids to form an ARMY for god. These are the sorts who built Gilead.. ETA, I see there is talk about the loss of the Americans. I will miss it too and I’m happy that some of the people from that forum are here. I’m looking at you for one, Umbellina. This show and Billions can help fill that void.
  8. I'm working my way through the last couple of pages. I woke to 5 pages of new posts :) I missed the very first convo between Elizabeth and Phillip. We had a flood warning on the TV and I missed a good 4minutes of dialogue. Can someone clarify whose idea it was to leave henry, and also, did Philip and Elizabeth each tell the other what had just happened.
  9. As a soldier myself, I have always viewed all 3 of them, Stan, elizabeth and Philip, as soldiers Just without uniforms. I also wonder how people would view Phillip and Elizabeth if the show were revered.If they were American spies in Russia, spying and killing people for the greater good of America. Would we be so quick to just label them as Murderers? Would it be easier to root for them?
  10. I’m sure they could all have a lovely family meet up in Poland or someplace similar in the mid 90s
  11. You’re wrong. It was great
  12. I’m so stressed out about this finale. I’m going to watch with a drink of vodka. Seems right. I want them to be caught and yet I don’t. I want Stan to bust them but I don’t. And I want Oleg safe somehow.
  13. Ive watched the original series so many times that I quote it with my kids. We live near Disney World and quote the DW episode almost every time we go. I'll never watch again.
  14. Im guessing that he thinks Colbert should get canned because his show gets political. Roseanne didn't get canned for being political. She got fired for being a racist.
  15. I remember in the 90s , when I was young and poor paying my utilities in the grocery store. They had a counter for it. Check cashing places also had utility paying options. Yeah, that will be difficult for the FBI to trace
  16. Sorry, my predictive text changed UK to USA. I’ll be in London and other parts of the Uk and maybe Portugal. I have come up with several ways to watch USA shows while away, but this is a new one, I’m not sure why I tunes didn’t occur to me
  17. Wow. I’m just going to keep my mouth shut right now as this is the wrong place
  18. I’m sorry for going off topic. I travel a lot and will be in the UK for a month this fall. .. so you are saying you can buy the shows on iTunes as soon as they air?
  19. I would have been Paige's age, maybe a touch younger. I was born in 1970. I was very patriotic. I joined the Marines out of high School. I'm trying to imagine finding out my parents were spies. I didn't hate or think the Russians were bad people. I was a bit fascinated by them. I've never been a black and white thinker though. I think I would have been pretty upset by the KGB though. I tended to think the average Eastern block resident felt lot like I did...Afraid that the world would end in a nuclear war since our governments couldn't get their acts together
  20. Whatever you do, don’t watch Game of Thrones! I didn’t think the scenes of June and nick was gratuitous per se, but I did think it went on a bit long
  21. If the scene made you uncomfortable, it wasn’t gratuitous. If the scene has us talking about it’s deeper meaning, it wasn’t gratuitous. I do get that you didn’t like it and didn’t wish to see it, but that doesn’t make it gratuitous.
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