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Everything posted by Gulftastic

  1. By sheer coincidence, just this week, I dug out my VCR and oldest tape I own to answer some twitter discussion I had undertaken. The tape is from 1986 and still plays fine. Happily really, as it's Prince in concert from that year. Anyway, good episode. I am once again amazed at how the spin off has improved the parent show. A TV first, to my recollection. And Penny in pink pyjamas looked super cute.
  2. Anyone else just a touch disappointed that when John announced that Russell Crowe's jock strap had been found, he didn't stand up to reveal that he was wearing it, like he did with them big-arsed jeans the other week? Anyway, good ending to the series. Glad that youtube let me watch the Brexit bit, although Gilbert Gottfried reading bigfoot porn was amazing.
  3. That's what I thought too. Are they trying to kill the show? I want them to at least make enough episodes so a UK broadcaster will buy it. None of my friends have seen it.
  4. As a UK viewer of US sitcoms, virtually every one that has sent it's cast over here has produced appalling, cringe making episodes (I'm looking in your direction, Friends). 'Speechless' didn't! It was fine. No jokes about bad pubs, bad food, soccer, bad teeth etc..... The British cast didn't play awful caricatures. Well done! And this was easily the most I've enjoyed John Cleese in over a decade. His last half-arsed attempt at lying by claiming he had cancer made me laugh out loud.
  5. I liked Geoff Schwartz trying to make Erica realise that he completely understood what was going on as she plotted to deflect the Electric Bill heat.
  6. Whilst I appreciate the point that Bill was trying to make, saying that in the 80's there were no people of colour to be seen in London is just plain nonsense. For example:
  7. So, Chloe and Ned interacted, so they'll be a couple within days. Chloe's supposed bi-sexuality will go on being ignored, much like Piper's, continuing Neighbours awful history of representing gay and bi-sexual women.
  8. Just caught up with this show, entirely due to it featuring Caitlin Stasey, who I've been a massive fan of for over a decade. Does anyone know if she'll be back for the second season?
  9. Flipping Brallie. Why, show? They could have carried on the forgotten plot of Callie kissing Ximena. That would have been more interesting that rehashing the brother/sister stuff, or Callie and tall Alex Keaton perhaps hooking up.
  10. I like Octavia too. I loved the look she gave when it became apparent that war were declared. Not a fan of Bellamy to say the least, so seeing him white knight it got on my nerves. Flipping Bellarke better not be end game.
  11. Two weeks running BBT has made me cry! What's going on??
  12. From watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off, same as me!
  13. I'm so glad they didn't crap all over the Georgie we know from Young Sheldon. BBT making my eyes leak. That was a great ep.
  14. Sheldon's notion of who Lady Gaga is got big laughs, as did the reveal of Amy's chosen dress. I was shocked they didnt use Sheldon seeing it before the ceremony as a means of not using it in future episodes.
  15. I loudly groaned when they opened on the royal baby news. Happily, it was kept mercifully brief before we went onto actual news.
  16. Watching the more down to Earth 'Young Sheldon' as opposed to the more trad sit com-y BBT, makes me want them to feature George and Missy more in the parent show, but only in the style of the spin off, if that makes sense.
  17. A bunch of DC fans would have mentioned 'Inertron' in the strongest metal argument.
  18. The purple bike was a smashing gift. I'd have given him a second date. Poor George and Missy. It must be hard to shine standing next to someone as bright as Sheldon. Great scenes this week.
  19. Indeed. My favourite film ever and the sisters singing that in tribute to Debbie made my eyes water.
  20. Was that period-correct Scooby Doo that Missy was watching? Seemed a bit new millenium for the era. Sheldon hiding behind the mail cart made me laugh. I was a bit uneasy with them all laughing at Sheldon. What was he supposed to do? Hit a 6 year old girl?
  21. I felt have pleased/half ashamed that I recognised the Rocky 4 monologue almost immediately. Jason Alexander's remaining hair is suspiciuosly jey black.
  22. I liked it a lot. Except for Becky throwing the pile of comics into the trash. Whhyyyyyy?
  23. Love Chloe flirting with Elly. And pointing out how odd Piper is being.
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