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Everything posted by Gulftastic

  1. More Brallie bullshit. Why, show? WHY? Also, iit's surprising that a show so supportive of LGBT appears to have indulged in shameless queerbaiting withXimenna and Callie.
  2. I loved Momma Randell doing right by Maia, and her shit of a Dad getting caught. I hope she can move past the testimony of her girlfriend. Marissa is great. More of her please.
  3. Loved seeing both of Sheldon's Moms sitting together at the Oscars.
  4. There are a few tears nearly every week watching CTM, but that was a whole different level. Poor, sweet Barbara.
  5. Zoe Perry sounded so like her mother in this episode. They've really got lucky with casting of the twins. When I think of the annoyingly precocious little brats US tv used to cast, we've come a long way, baby.
  6. I wish someone would tell petulant child Piper to grow up.
  7. I loved Taylor immediately disproving Ray's assertion that you can't stop someone from kissing you. 'Earn this.' was good too. I like when Dylan's plots involve her being great at sports. Her potential beau seems to have a very inflated opinion of his wrestling prowess. JJ may be an adult, but he's still a petulant teen at times. Good on Kenneth for telling him straight.
  8. Barely recognised Tim Riggins. That Waco film looks interesting.
  9. If it was me, and I was testing out the flying capabilities of my suit for the first time, I probably wouldn't do so off the top of a tall building. I might jump off a car or something.
  10. They are doing some grade 'A' queerbaiting with Amy & Elly. Their picnic was ridiculously romantic. Mavournee Hazel can act grief like few in the cast. Almost makes up for the smoking ruin of the Typer nonsense.
  11. I'm hoping when Trixie gets back from any possible rehab, that he's discovered that the wife has been causing trouble and he begs Trixie to give him another chance.
  12. And, leaving aside the 'who represents who' issue of Leonard's book, Bernadette seemed to think it was good. Expecting an instant classic is unrealistic. Perhaps he can keep working on it over many weeks. The odd comment here and there.
  13. Sheldon's final scream should have been another 'WHEATOOOONNN!' I really liked the episode. Baranski was especially good (big surprise, right?)
  14. It's taken 5 seasons, but I'm actually liking Brandon at the moment.
  15. Their attempts to disguise Helen George's baby bump are failing miserably.
  16. Whep Lip rode off on his Metaphorcycle I was sort of hopiñg he'd do a Pee Wee Herman. Very glad Fiona didn't lose her apartment building, and that Liam didn't buy Frank's BS.
  17. When Jacksonville lost in the play offs, I was most pleased that it meant that Jason hadn't missed out on seeing them in the Superbowl.
  18. Fred Savage's gleeful little face when he thought he was in for a threeway was my favourite thing.
  19. Good lord. I am so ashamed. How could I forget Clarke and Sarah? I've not had my afternoon nap, so I'm blaming tiredness.
  20. If Callie realises she is bi-sexual, and they continue it to the spin off, won't that make her the first bi-sexual lead character in a show ever? Obviously, aside from 'gay for sweeps' efforts?
  21. Ayla Ranzz mention! If she shows up, she better still be gay. And if Salu Digby can appear with her, it will buy this show so much credit with me that I'll overlook some of it's failings.
  22. Karl's rendition of Benny & The Jets was fantastic. I also loved Tandy and Todd's faces as they realised that Karl was a cannibal.
  23. Lip's story interested me the most. Except for the smashing up the Garage part. That was a bit of a cliche. Fiona's bloke is as boring as hell. I take some relief in her saying she doesn't want kids as it probably means she was wise enough to take precautions against his super sperm. Fiona's GBF losing her baby signals to me that some lady lovin' may be back on the cards.
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