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Everything posted by Gulftastic

  1. It started off funny, then became really touching. I had a tear in my eye by the end.
  2. Erica's anger at the ease of Carol's deliveries was hilarious. And understandable.
  3. Debbie has become such an entitled little cow. Her move back to Casa Gallagher can't be far away. Re-introducing the Grandmother might bring problems also.
  4. Yes. I like that she called Raj on his BS almost straight away. This could be the making of him. And though it will be predictable for all four of the guys to be paired off and happy by the end of the show (whenever that is), I'd like to see it.
  5. I laughed loads this episode. Best in a while. Penny's daft hair was a bit distracting, but I liked her scenes with Sheldon and Raj. Slo-mo sexy Burt was great.
  6. Oops. Been a while since I read it. Got my spouses mixed up. Now you've said that, I've remembered
  7. Good casting on Ralph Dibney. He'll return, I'm sure. I hope he has Love that they got the nose twitching in there.
  8. I loved Penny's revenge. I wish she could have got some payback on the rest of them too. Bunch of jerks. Is there any actual point to Raj these days? Give him a plot for GGawd's sake. A shout out for York and it's walls! YAY!
  9. I think Piper is much better than having her pair up with Tyler, who's a pretty block of wood. The actress is excellent, and it would have been a good time to introduce the first long term lesbian character into Neighbours. I still wish they'd kept Steph with Josie's Mum instead of putting her with dull Jack.
  10. I didn't want to spoil the lovely surprise for anyone watching.
  11. As a Brit watching this show can I just say how much I love it when Maya uses proper English slang and swear words. 'Arse' is always a favourite, but she managed to add a 'bugger off' this episode. Good work! And good episode. Not my favourite Dylan plot, but I loved Jimmy and JJ in the woods.
  12. Howard's panic about being able to afford to raise Hallie doesn't seem to have re-surfaced following Bernie's second bun in the oven. Are we to assume that despite the Govt. confiscating their work that they are still going to get money from the project?
  13. And I bet each one of them thinks they are in the same position as Leonard i.e. the least favourite.
  14. I LOL'd at John's second attempt to push the 'WE GOT HIM!' button, and the tiger coming in to tell him to quit.
  15. Sadly, another Street legend passes. Liz Dawn, RIP http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/liz-dawn-the-former-leeds-shop-girl-who-became-one-of-tv-s-best-known-faces-1-8773131
  16. Back in the day, probably 1981, Tom Baker came to my school, in full Doctor get up. I wish I could remember much of what he said, but I just remember being more excited than I'd ever been at that point.
  17. I loved the ending. Offing the bad guys early was good. The best parts of the show for me has always been when the Sestras are together (aside from Helena killing bad guys). I loved them rallying round for Sarah. And I love that they all got nice endings. Really, really gonna miss this show! Thank you to all who made it happen, but especially the amazing Tatiana Maslany. It's been a true pleasure watching her astonishing performance(s).
  18. For a moment I thought we were going to lose Helena, Thank Science for Sarah's blood. We soon saw the Helena we know and love, smashing Coady's face in and telling her 'You are shit mother.' Poor Mark. At least he went peacefully and thinking that he and Gracie were going to live happily ever after. Can't wait for next week, but don't want it to come. No more Orphan Black.
  19. Shed a tear for Mrs S, gave a cheer for Ferdinand. Sad for poor, naive Gracie. What a shit life she had. I'm so glad this a good show. On a lesser show all the 'the truth is about to be uploaded....' talk would have been leading to a last minute hitch stopping it happening (I'm looking in your direction, The 100....). I assume the big conclusion will be centred around rescuing Helena and her miracle babies.
  20. Roy Wood Jr's look of joy when they showed the news report on that Confederacy show made me laugh far more than it should have.
  21. I'm guessing he had lots of sizes of both dresses and tuxedos. There looked to be lots of clothes in that room. Cosima's betrayed face is so good. I just want to hug her. She's the most puppy-like of all the clones.
  22. Alison based episodes are always favourites and this was no exception. Loved her face off with Rachel, and, of course, her scenes with Donnie.
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