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Everything posted by Gulftastic

  1. Showing Mariana and Emma's snog in the 'previously' montage made me wonder if they are going to revisit this? Seemed oddly pointless to feature it as it had pretty much zero relevance to the episode.
  2. Frank instinctively punching the little girl made me laugh. Not sure how I feel about that. Also hilarious was Carl's face when his daft girlfriend immediately jumped to the marriage conclusion.
  3. If they had, believe me you'd be able to find it on youtube.
  4. Shame to hear it's to end. 100 episodes is a good run though. The spin off sounds interesting. I can't wait to find out what stupid decisions the two women make when they are out on their own.
  5. As a non Coldplay fan I was very pleasantly surprised at how funny Chris Martin was.
  6. It seems so, I'm afraid. No farewell for them, of course. Makes me almost as annoyed as how long it took them to share an on screen kiss.
  7. First we lose Patsy and Delia, now Barbara and Tom have gone! Stop getting rid of my favourites, CTM! Much better than last year's somewhat ill judged Xmas special. Cried at a couple of scenes, which is how it should be with this show.
  8. Over a year! Anyway, Emmerdale has blundered into something great with Charity and Vanessa. I hope they don't mess it up. Watching Charity properly fall in love would be great for her character, and Emma Atkins would be typically fantastic.
  9. I loved Sheldon's walk out of the Gym Teacher's office. Another layer of detail for his lie.
  10. Are they pulling a bit of 'Goldbergs' with the timelines? I had it set in about 1989 and I don't think a girl Missy's age would have been into Cyndi Lauper by then. Madonna, I can see as she'd just released her finest ever album ('Like A Prayer'). Loved Sheldon and his Dad. It's going to be sad watching him start having an affair and drinking too much before he dies. That's if they follow the BBT timeline, of course.
  11. Blimey, I teared up lots at JJ's film. What a lovely Xmas episode that was. Lots of LOL moments. Ray's flirting crossing the line, Kenneth eating the receipt, Maya's bite-bite all stood out for me.
  12. Kev's quest for some man lovin' was funny. I lol'ed at him asking 'is that code?'. Really glad that Fiona kept the dog. I was more upset about the dog maybe dying than I was about the dead woman's lonely death.
  13. I always thought the show would end with all four of the guys paired off, but after this week, I'm thinking Raj's end story might be different. If they are letting him have his naturally curly hair and dress normally, it's pretty obvious he's a hot guy. I'm wondering if somebody in TV could spot him doing his thing at the planetarium and offer him a chance to present a TV show.
  14. I regained my ability to watch American stuff last week, so caught up on the Fosters. It's almost reassuring to watch now. You know that the kids are all going to be as dumb as stumps to drive the drama along. Callie takes the prize again, naturally, but I was on her side when Aaron revealed his own insecurities about their relationship by slut-shaming her. Dick move. Marianna and Emma might become a thing. Imagine the drama of them carrying on behind Jesus's back. He'd go full on HULK SMASH! when the truth came out. Stef's face was epic.
  15. I watch from the UK by means other than a TV network. The talk in this thread of cancellation worry me. Is it in trouble? And I miss Baby Cat/Bat scenes. Come on Selina. Brucie needs you!
  16. 'An Emma Watson cameo??!?' I love any callback to the boys' obsession with her. I also love that they remembered what a good sportswoman Dylan is.
  17. Gina Yashere made me laugh. That's the first time that's ever happened. And please stop covering the Royal bread and circuses. I get enough of that on UK telly.
  18. Respect that they got the background stuff in Stuart's store correct for whichever flashback it was meant to be. I've long coveted a set of the classic LSH figurines, so it was good to spot them again.
  19. Full on geekgasm at the sighting of Interlac, and Saturn Girl. Tempered slightly by Mon El not being stuck somewhere for a thousand years, and then snogging Saturn Girl! It was bad enough when he was with Kara (she belongs with Brainiac 5, dammit, and he belongs with Shadow Lass) but having Saturn Girl with anyone other than Lightning Lad is a step too far, CW! They're the original LSH super couple.
  20. Even though he was grounded, I think George deserved a bit of praise for immediately taking his little brother and sister home from the party. Way to be a big bro, bro. I'm not too familiar with US type slots. How much is Mee-Maw likely to have won for Ray Liota?
  21. Maybe because I've watched too much telly, but I now think any lady loving Fiona does will be with the blonde instead of the hinted at brunette.
  22. So, we now know that the guys were fired by the airforce. Does this mean Howard's money fears will come back, or that they are now forgotten, despite the cause of his concern being about to double? And has Raj lost another woman? Is it reset for him and back to being practically a fringe character? Otherwise, quite enjoyed it.
  23. I was distracted during the comic store scenes because I was too busy trying to work out how many of the comics on the racks I own. The late 80s were my salad days as a comic fan, after I'd got my first job. Oh, and the answer is 'nearly all of them'.
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