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Everything posted by ShaNaeNae

  1. Oh I am so glad I didn't delete last nights (I usually can't finish it all in the morning and just delete it) because I can't look away, I have to see that. Is he interesting in her at all? I can't wait until she learns her husband is upset with all the flirting (and more, imo) she's been doing. She's just a crappy person.
  2. Caleb? Shut the fuck up please. I turned on last nights BBAD and got about 15 minutes of fish. Caleb is in the kitchen by himself. No one is around. It took me a few minutes to realize everyone is playing for HOH, and he was the last HOH so can't play. But he's walking around in that ridiculous getup of scarf wrapped around the head and those denim overalls with 1 strap only. Of course he sees the camera and starts going on and on about how awesome he is. How he's been on slop for 4 weeks and that he's beast mode cowboy for eating slop and "beasting" through challenges (he just won a "thinking" challenge, no beast mode necessary). He starts rattling off his Facebook & Twitter names and starts to say, "my biggest fan...", then, commercial! But gawd it comes back and he's still going on and on about how awesome he is, he throws "Beast Mode Cowboy" in the conversation about 32 times. He thanks his "fans". Seriously, dude, you think you have so many fans? And throwing out he's single and looking for a "good Christian" woman and tells about how much of a catch he is. He's about as good of a catch as an old shoe. But the worst part was when he started hacking and coughing and literally craned his neck over food and dishes and didn't even attempt to cover his mouth. I can't decide if I should fast forward until he's done or manage to sit through it so I don't miss any good nuggets. So basically, he so narcissistic that you give him a camera and a spot light and he'll go on and on making it about himself. Creep.
  3. Aaryn from last season (I don't think I needed to write that last part, we all know who Aaryn is) is engaged. I can't believe the guy is actually kind of cute and gave her a rock. She's had like 5 boyfriends since being out, I think she just started dating this one. Her fans are all, "congratulations, you deserve it!" She deserves what, exactly? Like she's gone through years and years of divorce and hardships and had to really struggle on her own? All she's done her whole life is have things handed to her (her dad died, she inherited his ranch) and been nasty to people.
  4. I was doing the dishes and couldn't hear or see that well. Who was it that originally went in the ocean and some other couple was watching and saying, "we're witnessing their first kiss"? I didn't see who was watching, but most of all, who was in the ocean.
  5. These titles for this show on here are a little odd. They don't have anything to do with the show discussion. Is this the episodes thread? Or is Eskimos Kissing episode discussion? So far, it's pretty much any TLC show of Escaping/Breaking/Bringing/Returning/Finding. Full of fluff. Found this and pretty much what I assumed. These kids have been around the block already. At least the 2 pretty girls have been, they've modeled. And in the comments of one of the articles I've read Nuala's already lived in Arizona with family before. However, I do try to forget all that and watch the show as entertainment the way it was created. Still not super dramatic. Q is a little creepy. And the poor young girl, how old is she? I would guess about 14-15. She wants to be the next Jennifer Lawrence and that's sweet, but I don't know if she knows what it's like to really have to make it.
  6. Wow. If that would have actually worked, think of all the lawsuits that could come into play. Claire can sue Juan Pablo for telling her he can't wait until they have kids. Nick can sue Andi for "making love" to him in the FS, therefore physically telling him this is the first lovemaking of their entire lives. Oh Rachel. Keep those looks cause it sounds like there's not much else going on...
  7. I never heard that either about Rachel suing MF. It's just, it's the rules of the game Rachel! There's no money prize on BiP, but flying everyone back and forth to Mexico, plus renting some sort of mansion or resort couldn't be cheap. BP was held at the mansion the Bach/'ette episodes are filmed at, so I imagine if they don't own it, they must have it pretty cheap there. I don't know...all I know is I'm really, really looking forward to tonight and it best not disappoint.
  8. I always have a twinge of sadness for the bride who has the cheapest, sloppiest wedding and says at that interview at the end, "how can anyone not think my wedding is the best? Who else has pizza as the main course?" While the other guest brides are giving her the evil, side eye and and holding paper plates and licking their manicured hands of pizza grease. Two TUMBS up! My favorite ever was on the other day. Samantha of my own state. Samantha that washed her candied valium down with wine before the ceremony. "Happy Burfday 'merica!" Michelle of the helium voice made me all scratchy in annoyance until the very end. When she said she kind of wished one of the other guest brides would win the honeymoon because she knew they really didn't have the money for a honeymoon was very sweet. One day soon I'll get my data collected from the research I've done on this show. 11 more days until August 15!
  9. I've been seeing the promos too. Looking forward to August 15! l guess one girl has a legit circus for a wedding. As one of the guest brides said, "it's not a circus themed wedding, it's a circus". I will tell you I don't go to many weddings, but the ones I have were boring compared to these.
  10. They ruin those oldie but goodie songs like "On the Wings of Love" for Pavelka. Wasn't Bunn & Money a thang for a while after BP? Now they're side by side dating others? Those 2 are lucky they're hot because their last names are not. I find that MF seemingly wants to erase anything Bachelor Pad. It was one of the greatest things on TV. Then they cancel it for no good reason. Not one great reason. And say it's never, ever, ever going to be back. And then they bring back this travesty? I find it all so mind boggling. It's like one day these people are totally normal, every day pharmaceutical reps. Then they go on TV being absolutely crazy about the lead no matter what they look like (Bob Guiney anyone?) and absolutely devastated at being let go. Then months or years later they're here and there and everywhere doing this or that in the name of the franchise. It's like they get into the special club, make imaginary money somehow and spend free time hanging out.
  11. I don't know, but I think in her 30's. If I were Taylor, I'd be PISSED if she was holding my baby and taking a picture like it's hers. Looking at the girl she was probably knocked up at 14/15 to have a son that old. I know that text message was grody. So grody. What's funny is it looks like it was taken from his cell phone (since her name is at the top) and the font is a total girly font. Why can't I find why they call Kilmer 'Mongo'? However, if you start to Google, "Why is Nathan..." It automatically comes up with "Why is Nathan Griffith...not in jail? Gay? On TV? Drunk? and other choices that would hurt his precious ego. Funny.
  12. What? Auuuuuuubbbbbbreeeeeeeee-uh, STOP-A. What worries me is Chelsea can't stop the baby talk whether she's talking to Aubree, her dad or an attorney. Was Jenelle taking a shower in the pitch dark? I just can't with her. She's a ridiculous human. I laughed out loud when Leah started talking about the dye in babies heads. Now that her only friend moved to Vegas, we're treated to whoever will listen to her. Random friend, a 3rd cousin by marriage... I thought it was good of Kail to get passed her ridiculous behavior of Jo & Vee, but I would never go out to eat with my ex and his wife. Glad they can, but I couldn't. Was Vee trying to rock the 70's/early 80's wings? All this stuff with Adam and Taylor on camera and they aren't even together anymore. Adam has finally found his match with some stripper. She is cheap looking. And she actually posed in a picture with Taylor's baby and put it on Twitter. Also, Adam's injuries were grossing me out. That goose egg on his head reminded me of that guy on True Life that had horns implanted. Then, in his eye was bloody.
  13. You know what has been driving me crazy about Frankie all summer? Not his Beiber Fever, or his hands making a heart or his Broadway pirouettes. It's all his damn sounds he's always making. It reminds me a little of little boys (I have 2 and when they were little they were always making car or siren sounds), but, he's a 31-or-something year old man. And I know he hardly acts like a man, but dude shut up. Please. If I was in the house with him, I might have ended up punching him just to shut him up. It's always something. Alien sounds, helicopter sounds, you name it, he's doing it.
  14. She already gets on my nerves and seeing her in Vegas multiplies my annoyance level 100 times. As if her ego wasn't large enough...
  15. Thank you, Amen, High-5, Yes sir/ma'am all that. My 12 year old nephew was watching it with me the other day. We'd scream it back out every time one of them would say it. I've heard it more this season than any season of any reality show ever. Enough is enough. Seriously.
  16. I do too, trimthatfat. And, I did the same with that post at first! ;-)
  17. And followed it up by saying, "if we are together" I had to reread it a few times because it was misleading. She said "Today is 7/23 which marks 4 mo strong if we are together" YMMV, but I took that one as kind of a confirmation of what we already know, of what was shown on TV since it was a picture of the scene on the show when they finally kissed. I thought this one was interesting. Does the frame stay with the pic she asks. Well, if they didn't work out, I don't think she'd put a frame around the pic just to post that. And it looks like it's sitting there with a candle next to it as home decor. Then again, this is Jamie. It doesn't mean the marriage is going to stay for long. Maybe she's the type to hold onto a man until someone better comes along? She could also be totally wrapped up in this whole popularity media deal. She's been retweeting things her "fans" say, etc. etc. I'm more interested to see if they are still married when this dies down.
  18. Christine is obviously so much prettier than Amber. Snerk.
  19. I don't think so either. He looks like an overly tanned old man with cotton hair. I was reading on the PP about Devin being mad at Brittany for all her coffee cups laying around. Made me think, I don't think I've ever seen without a coffee cup! And she wonders why she can't sleep at night. P.S. OT: I can't stand the quote box here. It keeps getting stuck and shutting my pages down. Grr...
  20. Yeah, Christine's story about getting out of 7 tickets made me chuckle a bit. I knew the story was fake when she said she was honest with the cops. He apparently asked her if she knows why she got pulled over. She said, "yes, because I was doing 84 in a 70". Who knows how fast they are going when they see a cop? I mean, you can guess, but to know you were doing exactly 84 when clocked by the radar? Frankie's whole speech to the camera about his grandpa started out nice and sincere, but it turned into a monologue. With perfect breaks for devastating crying. I know, I'm evil for knocking his speech, but it was all just too much and had an air of "we are the most amazing, successful family in the world, and don't you wish you could be like us?" The going on and on about how his sister is the most successful artist ever in existence was a little too OTT, IMO.
  21. Yes, her horribly acted out, "what happens next!?" like she getting clues to solve a Nancy Drew mystery was a little too OTT. Then rolling out the scroll and counting all those down the line. I just started watching last season, but am recording a few today from the season before. I think Matthew Broderick (which I may delete considering the post upthread) and SJP. Reading who was on previous seasons, one I'd skip would be Paltrow. She's insufferable anyway.
  22. They did Maddie. In her new shot all the kids seemed to have, she is downright beautiful. I loved that picture of her. I'm glad Garrison is in ROTC also. My oldest son is in JROTC in High School and he loves it. I also like that Garrison got something completely his own and did something not just because his brothers did. Was also shocked to hear Breanna say "my name is Breanna Brown". Also for Kody to blurt out that Meri and Janelle need to fix their issues. I liked this much better than jewelry crap. I also liked hearing about the middle kids you don't hear about much.
  23. My post upthread, followed by Thorkim states our reason for hating the sound of apples being eaten. And people in the house keep eating them. Very loudly, very close to their microphone and they follow up with smacking their lips and chewing with their mouth open. Bitch is crazy. I don't know if she's delusional or she keeps lying. When telling the cat story, she kept tripping up her story, I couldn't tell if she was being truthful or being dramatic for attention. She's so delusional thinking she is so hot. She's not ugly, but does need to turn the makeup gun down a little, starting with the eyebrows. They kind of explained it on last nights episode (I know you wrote this before), but Frankie said on BBAD that she's like up inside him while sleeping. I guess hands everywhere, and gets up a lot. I'm kind of a PITA to sleep with too (snore, get up frequently to pee, etc.) so for once I felt kind of bad for her. But! I know that and would warn people ahead (not that I sleep with "people", but you know...lol). I'm guessing no one has ever told her, or she's never had a boyfriend she's slept overnight with?
  24. You got one of those too, huh? The thing is, it's boring because it's nothing new. I tuned in. I got bored half way through but kept it on. These people are just as bad as Dean and Tori. Except, they're like a percentage better. Mainly because Eddie is way hotter than Dean. Leann is much, much, prettier than Tori. Leann has some talent unlike Tori. And I haven't seen either Dean or Eddie in action I'll admit. So far, they seem to be just a tad less dramatic. If they don't knock off the bashing of Brandi, I'm out. I can't stand the woman either, but it's unnecessary and she still is the mother of your boys, Eddie. It is somewhat nerving that she seems more into him than he to her. And her BFF is Eddie's friends wife. Friends wife with the worst collagen lips. Ew.
  25. I don't know, I kind of like Christy. Yes, she's a pain in the ass and a big attention whore, but bitch has the best lines. She makes me laugh. The toilet paper bit was the funniest. I also laughed at Terra talking about the people seeing a group of little people. *Drinking, Heh, Heh, Stop*. But, again, I question the show. These women have no other friends? No average height friends? None that would go to Vegas to their friends bachelorette party? Another fake part: "The guys are here!" The girls run down to all the guys standing in a row by the limo waiting for their women. It's Vegas, the Golden Nugget. You pull up, the attendees are getting you out of your car, trying to valet park yours, or keep the limo going. There's just too much traffic for a limo to stop and let out a few guys and let them stand there. I agree, cut to commercial on the will they or won't they Vegas wedding, and they show the real wedding at commercial!
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