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Everything posted by ShaNaeNae

  1. I just saw this episode and Tori's narcissism was on full display. She goes to dinner with her friends. They started talking about how she's always got the babies and how they aren't there eating with them. It was the perfect segue into mentioning the kids. She ignores anything said about her kids and goes right into, "so I met with Mary Jo the other day". Then, she brings the baby who is sick to her bed. First, I thought it looked totally foreign to see her carrying a kid. But while sitting with a sick Finn, she starts pouting. Dean asks if she ok. She starts with "I'm just really worried about..." and I was thinking she was going to say "I'm just really worried about the baby since he's sick". But no. She says, "I'm just really worried...about what you said in the therapists office. All about her. Everything is about her. Regardless of what douches they are, Finn sure is adoreable. My life has been made watching Dean cry like that. Another uncomfortable moment I feel like I shouldn't be seeing. I'm about done with this show. Why would I want to watch someone go to unlimited counseling sessions in any shape, religion or form?
  2. So nothing on Justin & Evelin at all? I found the Meet Ups too, but that was it. He said he was a middle school gym coach, right? Not one 12 year old has busted out online with "dude! That's coach!" I tried to look a bit, but this weekend...I'm inspired. *Inspiration talk to myself* Let's do this! I'm also dying to know about Darth Jen. People like her, I have big dreams on what their Facebook must be like.
  3. I'd watch Jhemini and repeatedly say out loud, "is this bitch for real?" Surely, someone must be paying her to say stuff like that! So cancelled it is. I was bummed when I woke up Wednesday morning and it wasn't on my DVR. And nothing for next week. People may argue they shouldn't be getting paid for being with criminals and sensationalizing it, but all those housewives shows are worst most of the time. Some people in jail might have better morals and character than some of those housewives (I know, different channels), so I didn't see the big deal about a reality show about prison wives. Bummed, was just getting into it.
  4. That picture of Mo I'm seeing all over these links is cracking my shit up. The one where he's juxtaposed himself via generic Photoshop in the middle of a nature scene of trees. Then, on the meetme.com, he posted pictures of the race and some lady said, "I'm in the background of your pictures...that's me!" He just asks her, "going back?" Y'all he's looking for any middle American woman. Anyone, but Danielle.
  5. I'm on TLC 90% of the time (except when I watch DWTS, Amazing Race or Survivor). I'll keep an eye out for it and PM you if I see it coming on.
  6. Noooo Uke! I'm so sorry, I hate when that happens! I just checked OnDemand and tlc.com and there's no full episodes. :( I did find a Facebook page for the show, but that doesn't help much. I've watched 4, I have left the final 2 (the 2 you got).
  7. Interesting. I don't know anything about Jenna. It's like she's there in all the dances, but I don't think I've even heard her talk (which is not her fault, so I'll say the producers have never quite showcased her). Good theory about Lindsay though. Cheryl is definitely not coming back? You'd think she'd definitely want to be there for the 10 year anniversary.
  8. I am so interested in these comments, I had no idea how much she has grown. I have never been able to get into SYTYCD. So I had no idea she had such a big ego on that show. All I knew is that I like her way more than Lindsay. Lindsay seemed like she just couldn't take it as a pro and broke down a few times. I figured Witney was just more confident. That gives me a whole new light on her and I'm glad she's grown from that. I think her choreography is top notch. I mean, I think her "signature move" of her choreography is anything side by side in unison, she seems to add that to every dance, but I think she's doing good for being only 20-21. I'm glad I read all this though, thanks for the backstory.
  9. Did anyone catch it? I'm marathoning right now. And it completely baffles me why so many think just because a man dances ballroom, it must mean he's gay. But, I'll say there were a couple of guys I could not get over the fact they were straight. Andre Paramonov is one. And there was one who was a contestant and lived in Chicago. Robert something. It was ok but I can see those who have no interest in dance probably wouldn't watch. It was more documentary than a competitive cut-throat reality show. Even some of the contestants they followed weren't that great. There was the one girl who lost weight for ballroom that had sloppy footwork and seemed heavy on her feet doing the jive. I noticed Tony judging the Manhattan competition. And they used the same footage of him twice to make it look like 2 different times, but it was the same clip both times.
  10. Just finally watched it....gahd. The video was horrible. It looked like a middle school YouTube project. "I wanna show them I can make it without my mom and grandma around!" Girlfriend, you are 28! And if I hear her say one more time she can make it without her famous family, I'm poking her in the eye while she's on my TV. Bullshit. That's why you changed your last name to Duggar? And why the famous family was in the beginning quarter of your show? Yes, they let random girls in Arkansas with mediocre voices have reality shows about going to Nashville. She makes my head hurt.
  11. Yes! Thank you! I noticed the weird eyes thing right away, but couldn't put it into words. He definitely gets his eyes from his dad. His dad has the same hooded, wide-set eyes but God just took it a step further with Jason. When he has his glasses on, he's not half bad. He takes them off, his eyes are a little creepy. I think someone offered to pay Liver LIps & Daya for each time they say "instamom". What the hell was their problem with that word?
  12. I think we had previously discussed over on TWoP the reality show that was filmed for TLC called Ballroom Blitz. I believe it was filmed around 2012. I kept waiting for it to be in the new show lineup for a long time, and I guess they were just sitting on the footage with no real plans for it. Finally! On this Wednesday, November 26 at 1E/12C they'll be playing the Ballroom Blitz marathon. Each episode will be a different competition: Episode 1: Colorado Star Ball Episode 2: Millennium Dancesport Championship Episode 3: Manhattan Dancesport Championship Episode 4: Desert Classic DanceSport Championship Episode 5: Virginia State DanceSport Championship Episode 6: International Grand Ball Championship IIR, they had trolled some message boards looking for participants. I think some had mentioned as with all reality shows, take it with a grain of salt.
  13. I just can't anymore with these bitches (Ana) asking their husbands if they can buy something or their husbands telling them to watch their spending. No, dude. No. I'm sorry. That is HER money. If you are married, I generally agree it's the couple's money. If the other spouse doesn't work outside the home and they do their own upkeep on their end. Be a stay at home parent, clean the house, cook, balance the checkbook. Anything to contribute. This guy does nothing to contribute and she's letting him tell her what she can and cannot buy? Fuck that. And I think she likes that. It makes her feel wanted.
  14. I recognized it right away but then I also realized it was the same singer for both songs. M/M did their Tango to "Feels So Close" by Calvin Harris. J/V did their Paso last night to Calvin Harris' Blame. Did anyone know Bethany was bullied? I was surprised to hear, it's not like they've mentioned it before each dance or anything!
  15. I know they showed the bonus clip on last nights rerun and no A/C. In an El Camino! And she always looks like the town hooker with her spandex dress that ends right below the butt cheeks and her stilettos and giant floppy hat. She dresses the same if it's a walk around Spring Hill, a romantic night at the buffet, or to check the mail. I'd love to know his back story. I mean, he doesn't seem very accomplished in a career. And nothing wrong with that, but he's got nothing to show. No kids, no spouse, no career, no prison time, nothing. He couldn't have joined the National Guard very long ago if his friend (that was with Cassia first) is close to her age.
  16. Holy airborne pathogens Jason. That sneeze caught wind where you can see the mist ON TV and I ran for the Purell. I must not be following along real well. I thought by Yamir leaving Nicaragua, he was giving up his space in the group. I thought that was a done deal. Why is everyone acting so shocked that he was replaced or that the group is no longer? What did I miss?
  17. That friend is so fake and totally is creaming herself over this friendship with Tori. She claims she doesn't know half the shit that went on, she totally does. I was expecting her to say, "you mean you were on a hit TV show in the 90's? I never knew that!" "Wait, how did I not know your dad was a big time producer?" I loved seeing Mary Jo and could use a page out of her book. I'm Mary Jo. 7 years ago my husband up and left his family for a woman he worked with who was also married. Be damned everyone else, they were meant to be together. Were married 2 months after the divorce. I'm still the single one. But like Mary Jo, I'm watching karma smack my ex since he's also married to a real head case. I mean I don't know who is more mental, her or Tori. I'm definitely not as confident and awesome as Mary Jo. But I do have to hand it to Dean. It was nice to invite her, hug her and talk to her. My ex pretends like he never knew me, like we haven't known eachother since we were 14 and have families who know eachother. He treats me like a stranger. Would never give a friendly hug and most of the time makes me wait outside when picking up the kids (they're in my old house!). So good job Mary Jo! And I'll give a little bit of the good job to Dean too for treating her nicely at the party. Jack seems like a good kid. My oldest son is 16 too. This is getting creepy, the similarities. She may have had time to prepare but I liked her speech to her too. When my ex's wife starts babbling nonsense, I usually just shut up and try my damndest to not roll my eyes in her face.
  18. Why are these people so fucking dramatic about motion sickness? I mentioned this some time ago in the 'Annoying Things Duggars Do' thread. We know. We know. At least once every 2 episodes we're reminded of this disease that plagues them. And occasionally treated to flashback scenes of them puking into brown paper bags. Josh was worried that Michael would get motion sick. Why worry about it ahead of time? Just go and have fun. Much like Duggar-time, we're reminded how "cute" these little inflictions are. Like they're the only ones in the world to get motion sick. It's too early to get my snark on, but my annoyance level is turned up to 11 right now. I don't know why Anna looks like she's always trying to hold in her spittle when talking. Like she's a heavy salivator in general. All in all, I think this move to D.C. was the best thing to ever happen to the Smugs. They get to see the world different. 5 years ago you wouldn't catch them at a fair (and not just because they have motion sickness). They'd be holding their purses, giving the carnie's evil side eye and being mentally robbed by the kids of people at fairs.
  19. I don't think anyone really knows. His FB status says Qatar, but supposedly they're married. He posted that picture (I linked it upthread) on October 20 of himself at Cedar Point. I don't know if that's from that day or he just posted an old picture, there's no way to know for sure.
  20. Her latest post? All she posts is articles and stupid videos and cat pictures. Was he talking about her and Jason?
  21. Hayzeus Christo Danielle. "Leave you never"? I haven't heard that term since Kenny & Dolly sang it on Islands In The Stream. She obviously set out to find him with a fine-tooth comb. She sounds like she's 17 with all these quotes and saying about love. I'd love to see her Pinterest.
  22. Holy shit, yes. Cassia looks a bit low-rent as the kids say. She's got a nice body but needs a hot oil treatment on that hair and needs to get rid of the extreme ombre she's got going on. Then ditch the Wet 'n' Wild version of the Amy Winehouse eyeliner. She could also benefit from Crest white strips. She's in Illinois, not Wisconsin. I couldn't tell you exactly. [snip]
  23. What Facebook post? Can you link it? I looked up a man with that name and thought I had the wrong guy. Maybe I didn't if you say he's younger because the one I found was in the Army and young. Assumed it would be an older guy.
  24. That lady picking up on Mohamed was like Patty the Daytime Hooker (RIP My Name is Earl).
  25. Her ex-husband isn't that bad looking really. But good grief what a steaming hot, melting mess she is. I do have a feeling he's a creep. I don't think he's the polite guy he comes across as, I just think he's a quiet creep. I also think he's way in over his head with this mess. How is she looking for a job, being a mom, a wife. raising funds, eating all she does, making bad choices, seeing sunshine with all this time she's spending online? She seems to spend all her time fighting with people on Facebook, INS message boards, comments of different stories from the show. Good grief that woman is something else. But I'm loving it. I am.
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