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Everything posted by ShaNaeNae

  1. So I haven't been following as religiously (no pun intended) as I used to. I was over Jill's pregnancy somewhere around week 9, day 3, 9 hours, 13 minutes. Give or take an hour. They only have 1 car? Really? I saw the pic on P&H of them at the gym, her waiting. I just assumed it was because she's so clingy, she didn't want him out of sight. Makes me wonder if she's not pushing to get a 2nd car so she can use the excuse of knowing where he's at all the time. I just strikes me as odd for a family with some money, a husband with a decent job can't get a second "cash car" just to run around town?
  2. Exactly! That's why we're here. We can say that about any show. But we're here to discuss what we see on TV. That was like 2 years ago and before they got Zoey.
  3. I agree with you a thousand percent. I'm finding I'm not enjoying this show like I used to. I'm growing very weary of Jen's constant crowning of Princess Zoey. And the constant division of boys -vs- girls. All. the. time. I'm getting an uncomfortable feeling with all this division. Jen seems frustrated with Will very easily but has no problem accommodating Zoey's fickle personality. Every activity or competition is turned into boys -vs- girls. Just watching the pumpkin decorating. Right away Jen says, "Zoey, come help me decorate it!" I know most won't agree with me, and that's fine, but it does make me a little sad. Will will notice if he hasn't already.
  4. And here's to hoping Terra dumped that asshole. And I kind of miss Christy's laugh. And stories.
  5. Reminder, it's tomorrow! :) Happy new year to us. I also hope it's Elena who's preggers. No treble....
  6. Mylohammed. They do what they want when they want.
  7. But is it my imagination with the constant mugging and the oh so adorable (!) reaction faces she does, or was it just the commercial editing? Because it's already driving me batty. She's something else, that one.
  8. I don't remember reading that on there, can you link it? I'm pretty sure he hasn't divorced twice. The whole "now the honeymoon is over" was totally taken out of context like TLC likes to do. I'm putting $100 on what he probably said, "now that the honeymoon is over...we've gotten settled into our apartment....blah, blah, blah". I've watched too many of these.
  9. I was never a watcher of the original J&K+8 since I didn't have TLC for a long time. I've caught up with more than enough reruns and of course, already reading all the drama that went on during their divorce. What the hell is it with her and her constant mugging for the camera? Narcissistic much, Kate? Every scene on the new commercial has a reaction face from her. It's overacting, immature and she looks ridiculous. And why does she look so different than her old K+8 Days? I'm sure she's had a nip and tuck, and the longer hair, but she looks real different. It's like her eyes look slanty like when you pull your ponytail too tight. Of course I'll be watching.
  10. I'm curious where Justin and Evelin got married. I grew up in a tiny beach town in the Bay Area (where they live) and it looked very similar to their location. I also find it fascinating that Justin forms every few words he says with his mouth. I wonder if Casia still thinks Jason is "chooby". I kind of chuckle to myself every time I picture Dani talking to the camera about Mo making like a banana and splitting. Her finger doing the roundabout when describing it's a "whole family" now with her non-tear cross eyes. I'm officially going to hell. I'll leave now.
  11. No joke. I'm not even done with the episode (I DVR'd it) but I jumped ahead to come here and post that I can't hear a damn thing.
  12. Me either. I despise this version, but since TLC is always my background noise and SYTTD is TLC's religion, it's always on. The brides all seem so deer in headlights. I can't stand Monte's stupid head bobbing jokes. I can't stand Lori's corny-ass play on words (i.e., the bride who felt she looked like Madonna..."If she and her mom don't make the decision together, they're going to be heading into the borderline of disaster!") The show pigeonholing all southern girls the same. Like we all come from conservative families with a "daddy" who would prefer us to dress like nuns. In addition to the above sentence, the way families act in the south is exclusive only to the south. Protective daddies don't happen in Minnesota or Boston. Lori acting like deciding on the wedding dress is a life changing decision. Like wearing THE wedding dress for one day will make or break your future. Lori thinking she's the house psychologist and helping "southern brides" and their daddies finally having THE moment! Monte. Just Monte.
  13. For real? I checked in on them on Twitter a month or two back and they seemed to be ok. But I know "seemed" and "is" are 2 different things. Yet, I saw this bumped up and knew it was them. I guess Lacey & Marcus are still on?
  14. Merry Christmas auntjess! I'm sorry I've been so absent! I let a whole season go by without discussion. I feel shame. I don't ever watch True Crime or DIY. I love to read True Crime. I just started recording My Strange Criminal Life. I'm so bummed, I was looking forward to Four Weddings UK and it was the holiday special. I saw tomorrow morning at 5am CST it says it again, but this time I read the description and it also says it's Christmas weddings. Bummed. I'll try to come around here more, I still have stuff to say on these new rounds of brides. Nice seeing you auntjess! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
  15. Was it just me or could anyone else not understand half of what they were saying. Mumbles = every last one of them.
  16. For me, I wouldn't do it because Galveston is 30-45 minutes from their home now. It would seem to be smarter to buy that and sell their home they built and let Jennifer commute, or just not buy it. Or maybe look for something smaller. Despite efforts to pep it up, Galveston has quite a bit of...well, I don't want to offend, so I'll say it's far from Paradise. And it's frequently hit by hurricanes. I know there's insurance, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that's a newer house that had been rebuilt. It's nicer than most there and the beach is nicer. Anytime I've gone to a friends beach house there, it's those ugly house on stilts.
  17. I just can't with these photos. If it doesn't happen already, I give Tori 2 years tops before Stella becomes her main confidant. First it's makeup and nights out of the town in Vegas, next it's crying on that childs shoulder while telling her how much of a dbag her father is. Hattie is beautiful. I think she took after Candy. Finn already looks like he could be a hellion. I don't know if he is, he just has that look. And Liam. He's getting heavier every time I see him and he looks like a butchy Kate Gosselin. I love how she spends all this time airing her issues on TV, yet goes out with the "perfect" family and her smug, boney ass.
  18. I'm marathoning the last 3 episodes, finally at the finale. I'll have more to say closer to the end, but shit oh my shit. Bitch is fkn MENTAL. It's been a year since he cheated on her and she still dedicates 24 hours a day (ok, 12 hours, minus the 12 hours each day she seems to be in bed "sick"...which can't be said without, *cough* *cough*) to exaggerating this in her life. Most women can't do this. Between work, kids, life...who has time for that? God she needs a slap in the face with reality. Fuck her.
  19. That damn commercial. Every time Danny says, "I'll have a wife in 3 hours" I keep thinking he's saying, "I'll have a wife and 3 daughters". Every time. And I think "next time it comes on, I'll know he's saying 3 hours." YOU CAN'T FOOL ME TLC! Then, BOOM (™Jason), I fall for it all over again. If they go on to have 3 daughters, you heard it here first.
  20. I know I haven't been around much this past season (I'm so sorry, I'll try to get back over here!), but today an episode of Four Weddings UK will be on. There's a bunch of episodes and it's somewhere around 4pm-5pm. I heard they are some tough brides when it comes to criticism and winning.
  21. Like her "Knock and Shock" shit? As if this woman's ego wasn't already big enough. Don't tell me that girl had no idea TLC was coming. She was dressed to the 9's in a red dress, her house and perfectly clean and completely illuminated outside. And she's got Little Laaaahry as her "social media correspondent". Famewhoreism runs deep.
  22. FarahYoussef77, find talk about last nights episode here (each week there is a new episode thread started for that episode). Small talk, here. This thread is for media/social media links and spoilers only, not really a catch all topic zone.
  23. I'm kind of glad it did. When someone suggested bring the lady here (here, to this website) I felt very creeped out and was going to respond with those feelings in mind. I feel sorry for her at this point. I'm sure she knew she'd get people talking about her relationship, but probably didn't have the capacity to think that people would be making fun of her appearance as much as they have. That,
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