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Everything posted by ShaNaeNae

  1. Wow, that's crazy. He'd be the first black man or woman as the Bachelor franchise lead. Fingers crossed!
  2. Oh Michelle K. I read a little on RS, but there's so much to get through on his site to just find out the basics, sometimes I don't have the patience. So I appreciate you Rhondinella posting it here. I would have thought there'd be a good mutual grieving love triangle going on between Dylan, AshLee and Claire. Shocked Claire doesn't have one going on with anyone considering how fast she gave it up for Juan Pablo. I still have no idea who Robert Graham is, but he was already following Lacy on Twitter. I guess Elise isn't a teacher anymore? She was the moral police for Cameeeela on JP's season. Nice to see that stayed with her. Now that I think about it, she could have made the grieving triangle a grieving quad. Her mothers dying last wish was for her to go on The Bachelor.
  3. The point is I did what I had to do to protect myself. You see these girls riding with friends to go get their nails done. Ask a friend for a ride to a free clinic. Check a bus schedule. It's a lot less complicated than a baby.
  4. I know it RedKoolAide. I see their social media accounts and so many young girls asking them, just like this, "r u gonna b on Teen Mom 4? I hope so, cuz ur so prettyyyyy!" It's crazy they think being on TV is their meal ticket. When going through the part of the episode where their friends ask them how they got pregnant, almost every one of these girls just kind of laughs about it with the stupidest excuse. "Well, we done it before with no per-tection and nothing happened so we just assumed I couldn't get preg-net." These parents also need to take the responsibility on educating their child, boy or girl. When I was 17 and had been with my boyfriend (who is now my ex-husband) for a few months, we decided we were going to have sex for the first time. I was too afraid to tell my mom, but I knew if I got pregnant, I'd be even more afraid to tell her that. I didn't have a car or drivers license. Still no excuse there. I got on a bus and took it to my local Planned Parenthood and got myself on the pill. I couldn't use my medical insurance and didn't have money, but again, no excuses. This was in the 80's. How do girls still not know this? And I'll tell you for sure if I had gotten pregnant, I wouldn't be going on TV. Hell no, my mom would have never agreed to that.
  5. Courtney's asshol-ish boyfriend looks like Peter Tork in this picture. I know, was that from her cleft lip? Or the nose ring? Or combo of both? Because it looked like when you plug your nose when something stinks and your nostrils stay stuck for a minute. I will say she looked better than a lot of the girls this season. She had a decent color hair and seemed to do her hair and makeup a little each day without going overboard.
  6. I know this isn't exactly top quality photography, but looking at this picture of all the girls this season, they all look like shit. I mean that in the nicest way possible. They seem like no one owns a hair brush between them and they all own either a trashed/stretched hoodie or tank.
  7. Oh she thought she'd arrange a 'girls night in'. First, she'd give the Queen, Camilla and Kate square dancing lessons. Then they'd all gather to watch The Notebook while drinking Root Beer Floats. Then they'd have girl talk while laying in their sleeping bags on the floor and they'd all ask her about life as a southern belle. Kelley was final 3. I still can't believe she works for "Katie". Didn't it get cancelled? Thanks Toaster Strudel for posting what is on her page.
  8. Ok, so I take it this gets better? I was questioning whether to keep watching, I'm only 10 minutes in. She talks so slow and quiet she keeps losing my attention. I'll continue... 20 minutes in, she's trying to get a new boyfriend? While pregnant? Worry about yourself and that baby coming, girlfriend!
  9. I can't, I can't take the way she sits during narration. Slightly turned, yet won't move a muscle, talking from the side of her face with a worried look on her face the whole time. She looks like she's afraid if she exhales wrong, she's going to cut the cheese.
  10. I do remember reading before the series started that he had done some impersonation work. I got the impression it was like those dinner parties that people invite celebrity look-alikes so guests feel like they are really having dinner with Marilyn Monroe and Prince Harry. I'll have to do some Googling. But, don't worry, by next week he'll be an Environment Engineer! I had to look up Kelley because I do recall her saying she lives in NYC (but is from Alabama). Found her LinkedIn and it said her career is "Motion Pictures and Films". I can't sign in because I'm at work, but if anyone else can, maybe you can read more about it (I'm guessing it's showing me limited information since I'm not signed in). I also notice she took down her Twitter. I think the teasing and the constant rude (and sometimes funny) comments Megan has been twating her way has gotten to her.
  11. I am having a good laugh at Kimberley's Twitter. No one has mentioned who she is, so she posts "Can't stop watching #MarryHarry!" Then, she's got the kind of fans that think the best person should "win" these kind of reality shows. One fan even said she had tears rolling down her face while watching. Oh God. I feel bad for some people. I just do.
  12. Here is another one that has a good argument this whole thing was faked. As they (and Jezebel) point out, it's funny the exact number of episodes is enough to get them from finding out to all healed. Also, reports on the tweets during one of the many follow up shows (this show feels like a slow, drawn out death) and the people don't exactly exist. They're pushing for a spin-off to renew their vows. Please. Please. Please shoot me now.
  13. I know, I know. I should have been crying happy tears and it should have renewed my faith in honest men and falling in love. What is wrong with me? haha Yeah, the bike built for two was just part of it. The whole reveal with snow falling, snow not falling, couple covered in snow, all dusted off and that inconsistency, the romantic movie music blaring, her giggling saying, "It doesn't matter you're not a prince!" and the whole fireworks show was just too much. The only thing that would have made it better was if Kelley was the final girl. She could talk with her thumb pointing behind her like she always does, proclaim she's here for the right reasons and will do whatever it takes and tell him, "you're not real, so you can just get the heck out" with her thumb pointing behind her like she "told" Megan in a TH. And Lord, Kelley, Kelley. She proclaimed on an earlier episode she's never been in love. I'm going to take it that she's probably a virgin and her last relationship was the 5th grade. Yes, Kelley, we girls usually talk about how hot ex's are, or might check out their Facebook pages on occasion. That doesn't mean we can't fall in love with someone else or we'll cheat on them. Don't be such a tattle.
  14. What was with the constant talk about how "weird" it is to have cameras around? They should be used to them by now. Now I realized that in the original TM Being: series, they made a point to show the girls made friends with their producer. But all the talk of, "all these cameras...it's strange!" was puzzling. Leave it to Maci to force her way into getting the biggest part out of all the moms in the dad series. She was even treated to a clip of her doing the think-drive. While music is playing and she's thinking about her ex while driving.
  15. I'm going to post this in media if no one else has, but the whole season is up on the FOX website. I love my dad and all...but gosh I wish tomorrow was a regular Sunday to sit and watch this all day! Kidding....
  16. I was getting ready to put this in Terra's thread, but realized it's kind of about all the women. I was surprised to hear she's an achondroplasia dwarf. Her face doesn't have the same features that most achon's usually have. You can see Briana and Traci definitely are, I'm still not sure about Christy and Tonya.
  17. Nooo...episodes online, starting when? They keep Tori Spelling on, but cancel the good shit. I know, different networks, but quality to quality, apples to oranges and all that. There's GOOD bad quality and BAD bad quality. Marry Harry was the former. My Comcast guide is still showing the episode Tuesday listed.
  18. Yes, I loved when he said, "your dad knew my job was seasonal...". So did you Derek. Why didn't you have a backup or something lined up for after. Also, liked them cutting down her parents and shit talking about them. They did let Derek live there for a while. I don't know too many parents who will let teenage daughters boyfriend live there. They did. Besides just maybe a moral issue with it, it's expensive to financially take on another almost-adult (not including a baby coming) and cleaning up after a teen boy, because you know he didn't do shit there.
  19. I know it's a TV show, and it's the drama that makes the show, but this is why I don't watch any real housewives, the drama is just too much. Anytime these women get together...it blows up. It's a little too much. And too much about Christy. I'd like to see other families dynamics (maybe Brianna or Tanya). It's good, but not as good as the first episode.
  20. No, he said it was photoshopped. It was him photoshopped next to William. It makes me just giggle thinking about it. How she just looks over and sees it, walks over, then DING! Lightbulb!
  21. Thank you, me either. Knew John/Jack, Margaret/Peggy, Richard/Dick and a few others that kind of don't make sense (and Robert/Bob that you hear frequently of course), but never knew Henry/Harry. I know, it's crazy, huh? She's probably picturing herself at a reunion show where the host tells her, "Kelley, you are the winner because you never doubted, not once, that this man is Prince Harry. You kept the faith and are now rewarded as Harry being your boyfriend! How does it feel?" Poor thing, just wants to love and be loved. She will do whatever is necessary to make sure she's the perfect girlfriend and wife. She's probably already picturing herself going on double dates with Bill & Katie (Will & Kate), sharing a wardrobe with sis-in-law Kate and babysitting Baby George. Poor Kelley. And Megan cracks me up to no end, but what is with her calling him "babe"? I guess she has to call him something since they were never really given a name, but babe?
  22. Him being Prince Henry, as the given name is something I never knew. I'm no royal trivia buff, but thought I knew enough and was surprised I never knew this. Why the change from Henry to Harry? That's going from bad to worse. Please Karina, knock off the Teen Mom Chelsea way of speaking. "OH MY GAWWWD-UH!" Also, I'm half Mexican, half Irish like her...why can't I look as good as she does? Very pretty girl.
  23. Why was Abe trying to call Mary/Katie on a cell phone? Aren't Amish against those things?
  24. Oh I agree. I was mentioning Chester getting shunned to for having the cameras in his house, but Mary is the clear famewhore here. She wants her cake and wants to eat it too. She's so hypercritical of everyone else (making ex-Amish wear Amish clothes at dinner, no Christmas tree, makes Rebecca use an Amish midwife, picks at Kates non-Amish cooking), but when she wants to do something that makes her feel good that isn't considered Amish, she's all over it (going to a club, drinking vodka). She needs to learn she's not the rule-setter of this half way Amish lifestyle and she needs to respect others. She's incredibly one-sided and judgmental. Also sick of the slam-Kate club. She's been a model for several years. They're just now shocked she's modeling lingerie? She's on her way to being a porn star in a year? Jeremiah, shut the fuck up. I would say that about him because he seems to stick it in no matter if it's a girl, dog or sheep. I hope to finish the rest tonight. Oh, and yes, Chapel and Rebecca have some similiarities. The bug eyes for one. You know who else I've always thought reminded me of Rebecca is Betsy from the other Amish crowd.
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