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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. Wouldn't the appropriate answer have been "Her mother and I do"... Oh, but wait. Janelle mostly let Christine raise her... Can I borrow a time machine to go back, and maybe slap some sense into whoever decided to ask Kody to officiate?
  2. I think Mariah was as involved as she was, because Meri used her as a confidant. Meri doesn't have friends, and she has a college age daughter she started treating like a BFF. Inappropriate. Also, the Disneyland trip with Mariah was supposed to be a cover for meeting up with mystery boyfriend. Mariah was the only one with her mom consistently while the mystery relationship developed. If Mariah star Kody down and told him everything she knows about her mother's behavior, he'd have to make a tough decision.
  3. I think it was interesting that Kody worried about Mariah...not about poisoning her against her mother, but her convincing HIM to her side. It makes me think Kody, in his heart, doesn't believe Meri was a vixtim. But he can't admit his doubts. But I was impressed with how his conversation with Mariah went. And her beef was reasonable. I ask Mom for time and space, and she won't give it to me. She wants me to forgive her on HER timeline, not mine...
  4. Yeah, I'm kind of shocked after watching the whole show to know that both girls are the same age. I can't imagine being a parent and being okay with a five month dating relationship turning into a wedding so quickly, especially if I felt the daughter was so impulsive she'd leap into marriage because her sister was ahead of her. I found myself rooting for Kody to run him off. And asking her to slow down seemed reasonable to me.
  5. Well, I think the dude fits right in to the family ethic....when talking about Kody's saying having another wedding so soon after Maddie's would "clobber him",... he assumes it's money related, and says something flip about Kody can just take a loan out....against the house... Ahahahahahahahahaha! Welcome to the family, kid.
  6. So, basically Sondra just stapled a tent-sized bustle to the same dress?
  7. How did they arrange passports so quickly? And out of all those bazillion relatives they met, there was no aunt/uncle who could have taken her in, rather than giving her away to Americans? Or did they just sell her?
  8. I loved the hip hop routine; I wish they had just showed the whole thing.
  9. Even Candice was mispronouncing it! I lost count of how many times I said "It's CowboyS! With an S!" at the tv.
  10. I'm in the same camp. As frustrated as I get watching her be self-centered and deluding herself....there are moments when I glimpse the very loving person underneath. I think it was the previous episode. She was teaching her class, and commenting about her dance group being empowered and wonderful, and she was cheering them on. I wanted to give her a hug at that moment. She was treating them so well.... She's not capable of treating herself well, at all. And that's just sad. Somebody needs to teach her HOW to treat herself well.
  11. I love Whitney's mom. Just watching the rerun, and when her mom came out with "Uh, ok. A three-way..." I did a spit take.
  12. "I was whispering the steps coming up, just so she wouldn't look silly...." Oh, Caitie, honey.....that ship has SAILED. So, Twitney has been "biting off more than I can chew" lately? Huh?
  13. Ha! I love it. I wonder what the highest number of Gordons we'll reach by the end of the season?
  14. 5,000 somethings! That's bad! I miss Gordon spending time with the chefs.....this show has devolved into Therapy Time With Gordon, and the hotel/restaurant problems are just glossed over.
  15. Well, that's how I behave when I visit a hotel....I rip the wallpaper down....
  16. The older kids spent years in a plural household with no tv cameras, no TLC money, no trips, etc. I'm worried the younger ones will equate polygamy with the glamour of being on tv, and having money and attention. "They came in, and they messed with our marriage..." Way to go, Kody. Make Meri into the victim.
  17. When Meri was asked how she would feel if Mariah wanted to move in to Jenelle's house....the look on Jenelle's face was priceless....
  18. Didn't he used to shower, too? Why has he stopped that? I LIKED that.
  19. I don't have the heart to snark at this guy. And I won't even complain that Ramsey's show is more psychological intervention than hotel fix.... I started feeling bad for him about halfway through, and I'm so glad he got it. ....and my sympathy just died as he decided to continue to ban children....
  20. Oh, boy. This is shaping up to be another Amy's, isn't it?
  21. When did Kody decide the family was going to observe Kosher rules? Was it five minutes after a luau was offered without him being consulted? Ok, snark over. Caleb and Maddie were so sweet together when he was explaining why his dad wasn't performing the ceremony. And I love Christine. She's just so flummoxed over the idea her daughter wants to marry.
  22. I like their work, but each episode has someone on the team going rogue, and making solo decisions.
  23. Ho-leeee crap. I'm speechless. It's 803, though! EIGHT HUNDRED AND THREE! Wait. 803 of what?
  24. I figured out what had been nagging at me. Karan reminds me of the witch Louhi....from The Day the Earth Froze. The ONLY way to get through this movie is with Mystery Science Theater's help...
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