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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. Because he forgot The Bleeeaaachhhh! Oh, lordy. This is reminding me of my favorite Dave Barry novel, Tricky Business. It’s set during a hurricane, and two elderly guys keep yelling the instructions from the weatherman....stock up on bread and milk and....BLEACH!
  2. “I take care of you......FINANCIALLY.” That explains the desperate look on Freddy’s face. AND the two hour...ahem.....showers.
  3. Well, YOU can wipe the Coke off my monitor, thank you!
  4. Ok, commercial. I am going to toss the rest of the pizza....
  5. I would not be taking ANY lectures from the mom, who is probably within 10 pounds of her.
  6. Dr Now, you have to change the formula for this woman. You can’t say hubs is the enabler when your patient can drive her own self to the supermarket.
  7. If I miss this appointment, I don’t feel like the Doctor will see me. Im sure out of everything Dr Now understands about his patients, it’s the amount of physical hardship a multi-state road trip will cause. 665!
  8. I think we have the key quote for this episode. It’s no “Ow, mah leegggg,” but it will do.
  9. Everybody’s sticking in the 600s range....can I change my vote? No 760 could drive and wear panties. Can I have 660 imstead?
  10. I just finished my pizza hut dinner, and I’ve got the urge to throw the leftovers away. I guess 760, has anyone taken that yet?
  11. Wow, she’s actually mobile, and wearing clothes!
  12. I can’t believe they are still sticking to their tired “the cops were seconds away from arresting us” flight to Vegas.
  13. Daaaaammmnnnn. I will NEVER eat Tater Tots again, casserolled or not.
  14. Wow. At first, I disliked James. Then I disliked Tammy. And now, I’m happy for both of them. She’s standing on her own, and her son is thriving, and James showed his son how to go through and keep a promise. I hope we see a follow up after her surgery to remove the mass on her stomach.
  15. That has kind of turned my opinion, too. I think he was just not seeing and end to it, and had been keeping his new life a secret to keep from derailing her. Both of them sucked at the relationship. But he’s a good guy for seeing this through, and keeping his promise. Even if he’s bitchy while doing it.
  16. This might be the first time the person has lost all the weight before the surgery is ever approved. I’m in awe that she has kept to the program through all this. And I’m starting to see the other side of James.
  17. I think she didn’t have the smirk until he appeared and tried to “help” by pulling on her arm. To me it read more “Yeah, jackass, you were within hearing, but you wait until i’m fine to come help?”
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