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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. Did anybody notice, on Sarah's twee little biography card, whether she was a retired teacher, too? That "Watch your language" was so close to my third grade teacher (the year we discovered SWEARS!) that I did a double take.
  2. There's something very unsettling in the relationship between Sarah and Karan. In a Shirley Jackson, there are bodies buried in the cellar, kind of way.
  3. Well, Karan just broke the Internet. I tried to look at the Town's Inn website, and I got: Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. It's freaking me out that she never raises her voice above the "Kindergarten Teacher Whisper"...
  4. I think the woman was either completely nuts, or just faking.
  5. Will somebody slap me, please? I'm watching tonight's reruns, and the woman who didn't want a ball gown, because it would remind her of the first wedding? She ended up in a Pnina, and.....I LIKED it. It was pretty. It made her look beautiful. I think I might have brain damage, because I went looking for that dress on a Pnina site, and there were several other dresses of hers that I liked, too! Whimper....
  6. Season 3 premiere: I feel so badly for this family, but they should NOT be in the hotel business right now.
  7. I'm watching the Boss's Time Out episode right now, with my jaw hanging open. Holy cow, Anthony just needs to snatch those poor housekeepers up and help them escape to new jobs. There's really nothing more I can say; I think my brain is shutting down. Bossier City, LA
  8. I agree. I used to think Jenelle was depressed. Now I think she's just lazy and manipulative. She seems unaware of the basic work needed to put on a holiday party for 70-ish people, and she just wanders around, pretending to "help." OR the TLC folks are giving her a very bad edit.
  9. Eeeee! The show will be reaching out to "Sam!" We need Chris Hansen.
  10. Yeah, I'm reacting more to the clips for next week's show, with Mariah upset.
  11. Can we discuss the Catfishing Expose here, since Meri's a big part of it?
  12. I think that part of the subdivision is gated, and they're the only houses inside gate? http://hollywoodlife.com/2013/08/19/sister-wives-christmas-surprise-recap-kody-brown/
  13. "And I'm glad that everyone's here, including Meri....." Disconnected or not, Jenelle is a master of the passive-aggressive remark. HA!
  14. Ok, I might be operating on lack of sleep here, but I'm lost in the timeline. Aspyn moves into Robyn's house, and Hunter joins the military. Teary Meri and Checked-Out Jenelle go to buy a wreath....and now Hunter's coming home. When was the months-long time jump happen? Did it happen before the let's pretend to be friends therapy? OR....did it take them four damn months to choose frickin' table decorations? Does Robyn look any heavier, like four months worth? And Jenelle, yes, you do need to make SEVENTY of whatever it it you're whining about. You can't just show up with 9 cupcakes and expect them to stretch, like at the shower. The shower that happened four months ago???
  15. Meri saying that the insights she just gained.....would have been helpful 20 minutes ago...aiggghhh! How do these women live in the same home for most of that time, and share a husband, not have the slightest idea what makes each other tick??? And where was Ko-duh during all that? He knew they had problems. Doesn't sound like he was ever engaged enough to help them get along. Polygamy sucks.
  16. I do like Nancy when she's handling a single relationship. But I'm a LOT like Jenelle. If I were her right now, I'd be Done. The fact that she's willing to try, after all the years of bullying, is amazing.
  17. Can someone please pinch me? I think I may have actually died of boredom...
  18. Oh, boy, then I have some reading to do!
  19. There's really no reason anymore for the family to tiptoe around Meri's feelings. Her daughter is grown, and can carry on relationships with her other mothers. Meri only had one, yes, but at this point, fixing that issue is not feasible. She gave up the First Wife status, so that unspoken status is gone. She got her big house and wet bar, and what did she do with it? Used it to isolate herself and carry on an online fling. I think she's going to find coming back from this harder than her previous struggles, and the other wives not as accommodating to her feelings. I think they might pay lip service to fixing the relationship, for the cameras, but I suspect they, especially Janelle, are just DONE with Meri and her issues.
  20. I've avoided hearing about a lot of the details. Was Robyn egging her on? Or covering for her??
  21. Wow. Jenelle's acknowledging there has to be a choice between including Meri MORE in the family, or......
  22. That's interesting. I missed hearing that. I wonder whether it's a side effect of Robyn finally getting the ring, and a new baby, or if it's due to Meri pulling away from everyone?
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