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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. You make a good point. Haggis did have access to that same material over the years, and yet his expectation was that Scientology would agree with his position. It makes me wonder how much of the studies are glossed over by celebrity members. Or are quietly explained away by handlers..."well, yes, this was written in the 1950s, remember..." I would like to know the average amount of time it takes a person to pass each OT level, but it would need to be normalized for different levels of income and free time. Because if the breakdown is celebrities spending much less time on each level, that could be explained away with saying regular public doesn't have the money or the free time to blast through them. And that takes me back to Miscavige. His early study to become an auditor was fast-tracked; rushed through because they wanted him to be presented as the youngest certified auditor..., and I'm really not sure he went any further up the bridge than he did as a teen.
  2. Her hair reminds me of one of my favorites, Julie Jacobs.
  3. So, the episode repeats after Kellie Pickler's show. If anyone is staying up to re-watch, can you look carefully when the ladies are being seated in the restaurant? I could have sworn there was a Celinda shaped girl sitting by the window.
  4. Well, NOW I am impatient for next week.
  5. Gina is not making me like her right now....but I was just so happy to see Robin and Lacey getting to speak; that is the best part of the episode for me! I think Gina is treating this like a competition with the other girls, and the rest of them are competing with themselves. And I LOVE KaShara.
  6. I started giggling when Paul told about Leah not avoiding him after he resigned. Scientology actually got one thing right. She was a Scientology failure.....for failing to disconnect from him!
  7. Oh, MY. Well, Laura Prepon, if you're going to be filmed saying you haven't seen any Scientology info that is detrimental to homosexuality, what does that say about you? -Are you just a failed student of Scientology? Because the info is right there....maybe you should go back and re-read? Maybe you missed a word? -Or, are you just too lazy to look beyond the Celebrity Level Scientology you've been spoon fed? I need to stop now. Her little video clip has gotten me upset.
  8. It feels to me like the focus in this episode is both to tell the celebrities that they can't now hide behind "I've never heard of any abuses" and to show them that they were, in fact, targeted. For a reason other than the love bombing they see when they first encounter the cult.
  9. I like you!! I got a snarky vibe from Brianna during one of her talking head scenes, when she said that yes, she could "get her maturity on...". It made her momentary y'all accent even funnier. I think she's got an undertone of sarcasm that she hides well, and I agree with a previous poster that this was probably a joke or dare to join the squad. She'll be just fine, and she won't be back.
  10. That's an interesting question. I thought that warning session was odd, but wasn't sure why. I bet she hadn't been spending time with her group leader, or getting extra Kitty sessions!
  11. I admit, I've played it a couple dozen times on youtube...
  12. I want to see the rest of Denise"s dance! So far, she has been my favorite guest choreo. I also want the rest of Brennan's solo...
  13. I've read so many histories of the cult, and personal escape stories, that I don't really remember which book this came from. Someone was describing Dave's teen years, after he quit school to join. He was staying with another Scientology family while he studied how to be an auditor, and there was a violent incident that got swept under the rug. Something stemming from his behavior after an asthma attack. He apparently became extremely violent, and couldn't be reasoned with, and afterwards, it was like it never happened. I remember that making me stop and think how closely teenaged Dave resembled the young Caligula in behavior. And that it probably meant there was something seriously wrong with his brain. Warren Jeffs is another close match. And that's really scary. ETA: Found it! It's from Going Clear. And ironically, I found it with the help of the cult's own FREEDOM magazine. Thanks, Scientology! That's another footbullet for you! Your attempts to discredit Wright accidentally made it easier for me to discuss Little Dave's violent streak! -Snip- from Freedom Mag: "On pages 165-168 in his book Going Clear, Wright accuses a 12-year-old David Miscavige of alleged bouts of violence directed against members of his own family and other fellow Scientologists when in the throes of severe asthmatic attacks. Let’s repeat that: Wright would have readers believe that a pre-teenage boy struggling to breathe during a debilitating asthma attack can still physically assault numerous people, including his own family."
  14. The L is because he always distanced himself from his parents, and emphasized the relationship to his namesake Grandfather, Lafyette....and built that man up to be larger than life.
  15. That's a good point! I wonder if Kelli even made that connection. It wasn't poise, it was fear of losing her spot on the team.
  16. Oh, bless her heart. Melissa's eyebrows need separate billing....and the edits are BAD. It looks like Melissa is in a completely separate room than the rookies are dancing in.
  17. I miss Valley Ranch. It was a real, lived-in building, and you could tell there was a lot of dancing and practicing going on in that studio all day. The Star just looks like Corporate HQ, or a film set. Not the kind of place that inspires girls to come in and practice before class. I bet they have found a studio closer to where they all live to practice...since I'm hearing the drive to Frisco is kind of a bitch.
  18. I took a little break to find that scene in my iTunes copy, and yes, Erica's name was called. But they didn't show her at all, and it was a quick cut to Jinelle talking. I wonder if that wasn't considered enough of a coverup. What did Erica do to deserve that? Heck, even Brooke was in the studio and they showed her lining up for the aquad photo. So, is Erica on the injured list, or the Naughty and Gone list?
  19. I just watched that episode last night. Charlotte saw Kellie smiling, called her name, and shook her head NO. That wiped the smile off Kellie's face. After that, Iwas very surprised Ann made it to TC. I think you're right; Charlotte took a dislike to Ann.
  20. Somehow, I missed that Katelyn didn't make it to training camp. Her dancing was so much better than some of girls who made it. I was really rooting for her.
  21. I want to see Cersten's whole routine, without the jumpy editing. From what little they showed, her routine was so fresh and unusual!
  22. And right there, she showed that she has the poise to be a spokeswoman for the organization. Grace under pressure and bullying. I loved Kelsey right from that moment.
  23. Yeah, that's how it looked to me. He repeated that the daughter is blaming the mother for all this, so IF it's all mom's fault, then she should just "fix" it. By selling Smirky's stuff. His sarcasm, well really, ANYTHING he said was lost on the mom. What I want to know is where did the boyfriend get that much to give her? He seemed young. Too young to have that kind of bank.
  24. Oh, and I'm so good at it that I never need to wear gloves, and I don't even leave a hole in your arm when I'm done!
  25. (Knocks) Hi, I'm from Acme Labs....We do door-to-door forensics and paternity testing...would any of you be needing genetic help? We can also seal coat your driveway, and install solar panels while you wait... I tried several times to watch, but found myself laughing too hard to catch a lot of the dialogue...
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