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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. I want to shake them and say “maybe if you put Brennan on the team, she wouldn’t be terrified!” Interesting that they all liked a pageant girl; a Miss America runner-up. In the past, they have expressed a bias against the Pageant Personality.
  2. Seeing the second clip of Dayton, I think she looks a lot better than last year.
  3. I notice a lot of rookie tryouts are using the moves from past years’ dancers. Like one girl doing the twirl then fall into splits that Holly did.
  4. “Attrition” is probably the politest word she could come up with. I thought VK looked good! Dayton is beautiful, but she’ll need to show some POP soon. Who is the curly blonde who cheered in Portland? She’s gorgeous.
  5. Madeleine’s back!!!!! Oh, Brennan. I hope she makes it this time.
  6. Heh. Yes if it looks like Charlotte or Kelli like them. No if they have any kind of muffin top, or are devoid of a relatable backstory, or are just crazy. Maybe if you’re on the panel for a paycheck and don’t give a damn, or you’re too afraid of the other judges to make a decision.
  7. I notice Kelli didn’t mention any girls from other countries this time.
  8. Victoria is very cute, but she’ll struggle with weight, I think.
  9. I guess I’m watching this with the wrong spirit, because I’m getting really frustrated that they needed all that help to move boxes full of paperwork and jewelry, and will somebody please label those damn drawers??? The store is twice the size it needs to be, the “line” is a few boring pieces, so it shouldn’t be all that difficult to organize it. Maybe Man-Bun will do it? A male model who works retail....hmm. If this was running in real time, I’d just drive over there, unpack the boxes for them, and maybe throw a “grow UP, people” over my shoulder as I leave. Oh, wait....was that big room the office space? I’ve tried to talk myself into stopping there after work, but every day I drive through that neighborhood, I remember how awfully annoying all these people are.
  10. Once again, a rerun from 2014 has made me sad, because I can see how GOOD he is at connecting with teenagers, and showing them some truth and a hope they can set their own lives on a better path. Or, how good he WAS at it. What has changed? When he was on, he was impressive. Now, he’s just coasting. (17 yr old addicted girl with feuding parents who couldn’t find their own butts with a roadmap)
  11. I watched an OWN rerun today, from 2010/2011 Sibling Rivalry and Abuse. He was SO good with the three sisters and their mother who “Just doesn’t understaaaaaaaand” why the girls are angry with her. They had some damn good reasons, and Mom is nowhere near selfless enough to get it. But he stuck with it, and was not sarcastic. When he was on, he was ON. I wish the show could get back to this, but that would reduce the Robin McGraw, Lifestyle Guru free time to zero. (This screenshot is dated incorrectly. The show aired in 2011.)
  12. Okay, here’s my wishlist. I want to see more solos from finals. It’s hard to judge on brief seconds. Plus, it would help future girls trying out to know what a good solo looks like, and what to avoid (big props, weird costumes). I like Melissa better as a judge than a mentor. She has a good eye for what the total package should look like on the field, and as a dancer, she can back up Judy when there are concerns about dance technique. More More More of the practices and sessions run by vets. Air by the staff choreographers. Some of my favorite moments over the years have been seeing Megan F. working with rookies, Kitty coming in to mentor a few girls, and during semis one year, seeing Shelly walking a girl through the combo, one on one. We hear them say they want these girls to succeed...little scenes like these SHOW it. Wider focus and more of a routine than a few seconds. I love seeing them dance as a team! Show us more of how appearances get blocked, and fixed if something is off about the stage/field.
  13. Ok, I googled her, prepared to clean my eyes with BLEACH if she turned out to be an internet model....she designs cheap jewelry and sells it on facebook. And is a student at Strayer University.
  14. She doesn’t even realize he just fired her ass...
  15. Sigh! Get on the scale, cue dramatic music, and...commercial.
  16. Freddy, it wasn’t a simple question. It was a simply manipulative question. And if you’re not just paying lip service to your wife’s viewpoint, then I worry about your intellect.
  17. Oh, honey, don’t try and make him quit you. He’s more of a Jedi than that. You just keep flailing around, getting frustrated....and he’ll just move on to the next person who is more deserving.
  18. God is facepalming so hard right now He can’t see straight.
  19. Go, Dr Now! “If we’re not smart enough to find fluid on her, how are we gonna help her?”
  20. She may make it to my original estimate of 760...right before she explodes and the crime scene guys have to bring a LOT of bleach.
  21. Wow. She’s taking 5x diet pills to lose water weight, and she still gained?
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