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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. Aww. Widdle Kody feels abandoned. I wondered if any of the wives rolled their eyes at that. "I was here, in the room, when you were taking calls...". Well, yes, that's how it works. When you have a spouse that is not monogamous, you're going to feel bad when they pay attention to another. I just want to shout DING! when he comes out with one of these hurt statements, and maybe hit him with the big clown hammer that makes DOINK! sound effects.
  2. I think I'm over my urge to sympathize. Yeah, Meri was sitting at home alone, in her lonely house with the wet bar. But who set up that situation? She wanted that. Can they not have her evaluated for depression? Jeez, she's looking like the poster child for anti-depressants right now.
  3. Holy cow....this could have been funny, if the scam dude/girl had accidentally deprogrammed Meri???
  4. Yep. They're spinning it as Meri the Victim. And glossing over the fact that she'd be out the door so fast if her imaginary man existed.
  5. At this point, all I'm feeling is sympathy for Meri. Getting scammed is easy. If it wasn't easy, there wouldn't be scammers. And I like that Robyn was asking the "how did we not see that you needed help?" question. Somebody shoot my unicorn, please? I don't want to feel sympathy for any of these people!
  6. Random thoughts, no spoilers. Robyn is really most beautiful when she's pregnant. And it was interesting to hear that in polygamous families, children tend to claim their mother's bed, and get touchy when they get kicked to the curb on their father's night in the home.
  7. I just watched it; I wonder if she'll come back with a decision? I didn't really like either one, but the lingerie one was hideous. And then, a woman in a Pnina that I actually loved on her. She had long blonde hair, and needed her sleeves lengthened. She looked beautiful.
  8. Well, that was awkwardly hilarious. The only moments that rang true to me were: 1. Violet laughing herself silly reading Spratt's column, and cutting Denker off at the knees, and 2. Isobel rolling her eyes at Violet at the very end. The rest really did feel like a Happily Ever After Checklist, and Fellowes should NOT be allowed to write another tv series. Edith: You broke my heart! Bertie: But I love you. Marry me? Edith: Okay! Robert: I hate the silly hospital and the demands it makes on my wife. Rose: But Cora's GOOD at it. Support her! Robert: Okay! Robert: What about making Barrow the new butler? Carson: But.....(mumble grump mumble).. Mary: He's already trained. Carson: Okay! Robert: Things are changing. Cora: We should change with them. Robert: Okay!
  9. Yes, assuming they have realized Meri fully intended to flee the family with her online prince charming....future fame get together without the TLC cameras will be super AWKWARD.
  10. I think you're right. I think the table conversation happened before the catfisher was unmasked. It changes how I feel about that conversation. At first, I was feeling very sorry for Meri. Dealing with a threatening person all alone, and pulling back from the family, to protect them. And they sit there and say, whatever, Meri. Figure it out and let us know where you end up. But if this conversation happened while Meri was still contemplating meeting "him"....and nothing scary had happened yet, I can see the sister wives' reactions being better. Janelle had some sympathy for the lonlieness. Christine immediately goes into problem solving mode, just try SOMETHING, and we'll support you. It was weird that Christine was the voice of common sense....
  11. Was it Courtney who promised "I can be better by football season?" That made me laugh a little. It IS football season; that's why K & J are out of time and can't give any more chances. My heart broke for Taylor. I know she'd been working very hard. I wish they'd have let her go earlier. This getting right down to the wire and then cutting a bunch of girls feels cruel to me. But I do agree, they're going on instinct, and their instinct is probably correct.
  12. I thought Madeleine's new hair color looked great in the salon, but when she was back in the studio, it looked as dark as ever. Was that just a bad edit? Also, I wish we'd seen Taylor's time in the salon. I have to admit, Taylor is really growing on me. I don't remember her runway walk either. Hmm. I'll have to re-watch the episode.
  13. I think Kelli was trying to goad Colby into reacting badly in that meeting, so she'd have an easy reason to boot her from training camp. That way, the fans still got their vote, but whoops, their pick was just NOT up to par. Because if this had just been a dance correction meeting, the only things brought up this early would be the technique issues. ETA: I think Kelli's wanting Colby out of training camp quickly, because she's in charge, not the fans and their dang vote.
  14. I re watched ep 1 tonight. Finally got to see Christina in the kick line, and her kicks were great. Now, I wish I could have seen her solo. And when paused, the girl with possible hairy armpits turns out to be just a bad shadow.
  15. I like that we saw some of the kick line in slow motion. Through this whole series, I've never been able to see which kicks were bad and good. The motion is too fast. It's interesting that we didn't see Christina on the kick line. I've been wondering how her tryout would go...if it was an injury only that got her cut last year. I remember Judy telling her her technique was wrong, and didn't know if the injury caused that critique.
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