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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. She's the ONLY person in this series I want to see multiple follow-ups on. It was so nice seeing Tracey and Anthony start working together differently. He's a good guy.
  2. Only 15-17 pounds lost from that operation?
  3. Would it be feasible for someone like Tracey, where her lymphedema is so out of control, to just make the decision to amputate the legs? She could get back to a more normal life, could be in a lot less pain, could be more mobile, lessen the strain on her heart.
  4. Man, I wish I had seen yesterday's part 1! If two people are catfishing each other, do they cancel each other out?
  5. I can't believe I'm still giving this episode head space. If Whitney can't afford the house without Nuddy's rent payments, and can't afford to decorate without whining about debt, where in hell has the TLC money gone? Or are we supposed to pretend they aren't getting paid? Id love it if Buddy's reaction would be, "Whatever. Put a lien on m TLC paycheck." And Lenny? He's on the show because they are still having sex? So he's basically getting paid to have sex with Whitney...
  6. That poor kitty. Just him go live with Grandma, please.
  7. Just from the teaser at commercial time... I love Whitney's mom. Oh, and "I don't know how this pregnancy will affect my dance career...."
  8. And of course his kids have no problem letting him have alone time with the grandchildren. His kids were raised by a pedophile. It was normalized to them from birth. Why would they think it's a problem? I wonder if anyone who knows this family personally has called CPS? Even with all his problems, the one I'm most afraid of is his wife. She scares me, and I can't imagine what that poor girl went through. Being abused by Gary, then knowing Tabitha was OKAY with staying married to someone like that.
  9. Given the state of the house, if she had any more good pieces, they were probably too damaged by mold and dog poop to keep or sell.
  10. I agree. The kindest thing would have been to remove her, and have her brothers help in identifying things she'd want to keep. Once they all realized the intervention was failing, continuing to negotiate new deals with her, just added to her stress.
  11. The problem with doing that is, she can't distinguish what is worth saving and what is trash. Go these people, there's no scale of importance. It ALL is 100% Keep. After a few days, all she would have gone through is maybe a few bags of trash, while time ticked away.
  12. Wasn't there another woman who wanted her house back, and the new owners let her participate? She had a lot of law school books, I think. How did that one end?
  13. Yeah, the kindest thing would have been to remove her from the process after that first day of non-compliance. But that's with the benefit of hindsight.
  14. This is the first episode that has just left me scratching my head. It would be kinder to just have the Sheriff trespass her off the property. They are just letting her spin, and she's not getting anything out of it except feeding her drama llama. I know the new owners want to keep their promise, even as she continues to break hers, but at some point, they have to say No More.
  15. Wow! Matt actually cursed. It takes a lot to get him to that point.
  16. I missed the first 1/2 hour. I'm assuming they bought it as is, from a foreclosure? Yeah, they own the contents. If she keeps it up, she'd be finding herself bidding for her own treasures at auction.
  17. And here's my favorite line of the episode... "Matt found her in the dumpster..." And now she wants to save a ROCK! Can I shout BINGO?
  18. I was flipping past and became mesmerized by this stubborn woman. Mostly I want to know what possessed these guys to buy such a hoarded up house, even if it's a mansion?
  19. She did not one thing to prepare. She's so used to being checked out and letting the others handle stuff that she wanted to go fishing the morning of her daughter's wedding. I just can't...
  20. Ok, one last observation. How cute were Caleb and Maddie cutting into the Elk Cake??
  21. "Mom gets emotional when it's something that matters to HER..." and her speech is about sticking with your spouse even when the marriage is crappy.... I need to stop now, because I'm getting too poop-stormed about how Maddie's parents made this all about them....
  22. Ahahahahaha! Kody says "rings? I never did rings...." . and then TLC cut to the logo shot of the Male Ring, with the 4 attached Female Rings.....
  23. What religion is Caleb's father a preacher for? I wonder how hard his teeth are grinding right now? And yes, Christine and Robin are both beautiful today.
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