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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. Her mom has some sass! “YOU weren’t planned!”
  2. He looks like a whiny little boy, flinging his arms around...
  3. Just when I thought she was getting with the program....
  4. I missed the first bit. Does Christian live with her?
  5. I love Christian...nailing down the max weight loss number for that diet. Sneaky dude.
  6. I’m going to do my best. Yes, dear, we believe you.
  7. He’s boxing her right into a corner from the first minute.
  8. This mayor made news for speaking out in the 1990s about the Taco Bell Chihuahua being offensive and demeaning to Mexicans. So of course, they incorporated a Taco Bell reference in their plots against him.
  9. Also, we don't know what the going rate of commission is. The amount Sea Org staff get as regular pay is frighteningly low. Around maybe $50 a week....With a commission added on, she probably had enough money to....go out to eat a couple of times. Or buy a shirt. Or a pair of shoes. It couldnt have been enough to make a difference to you or me, but to a Sea Org member, who has to decide between soap and shampoo OR replacing the shoes that have a hole in the bottom, it's worth stretching yourself to try. They live communally, and there is NO privacy. And no free time. I guarantee they knew about the inheritance within minutes of her mom finding out. There would have been a letter from a lawyer's office, or something like that, delivered to where she lived. And there's another Sea Org person distributing the mail.
  10. I hope not. I want to see how the Defense Fund story works out.
  11. Oh, I disagree. I LOVED her during the Zora’s leaving scene. I like her a lot better now that she’s back on her feet.
  12. I want to see them fight to get the church back. And Mae and Kerissa will be AT each other to control the house... :)
  13. Whew! I was counting down the minutes to quitting the show...no Bishop, no reason to stay. But they kept me. I can’t figure if he already suspected Gigi’s parentage, or was he just that unconcerned, since he’s in every important way her daddy?
  14. Ok, for any of you who have watched it live, and watched their Amazon copies, was anything beyond the dance music changed?
  15. I give up. Just purchased ep 12 from Amazon. Itunes lost me for season pass purchasing.
  16. Having the same problem. Got the text, but when I go into my library, it’s not there. Not showing in itunes, either.
  17. I have a pact with my BFF - we don't watch on Thursday nights; we gather on Saturday and watch my iTunes copy. This Thursday, we're watching live. Next year, I'm going with Amazon for the episodes. IF I watch. Oh, who am I kidding; I'll watch. Because Marshall. And I'll compare every TCC to KaShara....
  18. I still haven’t gotten my iTunes episode yet. I really hope they aren’t editing it....
  19. If Kelli has some control over what footage is used, then I think to give VK as much air time as possible, since she isnt making the team this year. If Kelli has no say in what film makes it to tv, then I think the CMT people are building drama for the train wreck to come.
  20. That's Gina in the front? I didnt recognize her. I liked her hair better with some curl in it.
  21. I like you! I wish there was a way to heart your post more than once....I know Kashara wants to study physical therapy, but I'd love to see her as the coach of a college team.
  22. To me, that's right up there with the folks who begin a response with "Dr Phil, I...." The people who invoke his name with each answer they give are the ones who end up being proved liars.
  23. Has anyone seen Marshall’s Instagram? He reads us, and explains how the side eye happens! We love you, Marshall!
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