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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. I could be remembering it incorrectly, but I took Matt's comment to Caryn (not Zach and Tori) that if they don't want to come to the farm they aren't obligated to do so. Put another way, if you don't want to be here, you don't need to put yourself or me through an uncomfortable situation. It is okay not to visit. I think that's different than saying I don't want you to come. And they went to the farm to earn their paycheck. Zach and Tori aren't interesting without the farm, Matt or Amy. And for the record, I think Matt and Zach are both selfish and entitled. Matt craves fame and money at the cost of family. He doesn't acknowledge how badly he treats people and how he prioritizes himself over everyone. Zach seems to think his father owes him financial support even though he is in his 30s. I wonder if Amy or Tori's parents are kicking in money comparable to the deal he wants from Matt.
  2. I still feel like Kim and Barry's marital problems are just for the show. Barry may not know, but Kim seems to be acting. Ethan being proud of his sneakiness means I like him a lot less. I was married to someone like that, and my trust eroded every time I found him hiding something. Like Ethan, he would hide rather than have a tough conversation. Lydia is truly an emotional vampire. She seemed to enjoy Barry's sadness. Yes, the best part of the show was Micah and his friends. Moriah was a non factor.
  3. Three thoughts: 1) Lilah looks a lot like Amy to me I think it is the eyes and the mouth 2) It looks like there is leg bowing already, I hope she won't need surgeries. 3) It seems that Lilah rarely wears her glasses
  4. I watched Secret Lives of Women--the polygamy episode today. Two of the Darger wives were featured. Flora Jessop, the original rescuer of plyg women and children was also featured. If you are interested, it is on Roku. It was released in 2008 so 2 years before Sister Wives. I looked for the Browns, but nothing.
  5. I think Amy wants and needs to tread lightly. 1) I think she went a bit further than she probably should have when she likened the Zach situation to her buyout from Matt. Amy said Matt didn't treat her like family in the divorce settlement (not sure why she would ever think that one ex-spouse should get more than the state allows--Oregon is 50-50). Later we had a whole season of Amy dragging her heels in selling her remaining interest because she thought Matt might be getting the better deal. 2) And although Matt may have negotiated the right of first refusal to buy her half of the farmhouse property, those are usually time bound. I think she probably could have flat out given the property to one of the kids. Or put in a clause that the kids had the right of first refusal when the divorce settlement was negotiated. But then she would have given up some of her million dollars from the second buyout. 3) I also suspect that she agrees with Matt that neither Jeremy nor Zach could actually run the farm and they would have been better off with the farmhouse and the acreage that Matt offered rather than buying half of the farm. Amy knows her boys are selfish, dirty layabouts without the skills to run the farm. 4) Finally, most married people choose their spouse over their parent. I fell out with my mother years ago when she refused to come to my wedding (Many years later I am recently divorced and still have a poor relationship with my mother). Whenever she said anything nasty about him or my stepkids it deepened the divide. So even if Amy thinks Tori is being a selfish shrew, she'll need to hold her tongue. She can really only make things worse here. Letting burglars know she is off to Alaska for a month and her home is empty is still a better move than injecting herself into the Matt v. Zach and Tori drama.
  6. I heard that Alaska was disappointed not to be asked, and Violet also thought she would be asked. I wonder if the plan is to have an edgy season with Alaska, Violet, Bob, Sharon Needles, Aquaria, Trixie and Krystal Versace from the UK. I don't think Bianca will ever go back. And not sure I would want to watch that cast, but I think a lot of people would.
  7. This was another strong episode! I saw the queens in 3 groups: Top Two: 1)Viv--In my mind, she was far and away the best 2)Jinkx--great one liners Next 4 3) Yvie--close but just below 4) Jada--so much better than I expected. As good as Yvie, just a smaller role 5) Raja--great runway, improv was okay 6) Trinity--Good back and forth with Michelle, missing with others Bottom 2 7) Shea--A miss on the improv and the runway 8) Monet--big miss improv and runway, a real non factor I think this played out the way it should have.
  8. The last two years there were 16 episodes each season. Soapdirt says Zach makes $7K/episode and Tori makes $3K/episode. So maybe they are pulling in $160K from the show. And add in influencer money from Tori. If that is accurate and they pulled $260k from their last house they could just afford it.
  9. I'm just going to use the teddy bear emoji, well, only today.
  10. Here is a link to hardie planks. https://www.jameshardie.com/products/hardieplank-lap-siding?loc=refresh Rather than engineered wood, think of it as thin sheets of cement. It is big out here in the PNW. When we had to have siding replaced on our second floor (stucco on the first floor) this is what was recommended to us.
  11. I think this response is more respectful and reasonable than Zach's and Tori's. They share they tried, it didn't work out and the dream died, and that they couldn't find common ground with Matt (and possibly Amy as she still owned part of the farm). And they don't want to be disrespectful sharing details publicly.
  12. I was hoping for Ladies of London energy, but sadly no. They are focusing on glamour, but it feels a little trashy. Not sure I'll be adding this to the rotation.
  13. My favorite Amyism is 'Oh brothers.' It especially tickles me as she only has one brother.
  14. Random thoughts and questions: The Kim/Nigel story is ridiculous. Nigel is not interested in Kim. Lydia is an emotional vampire. She wants to know about her parents' failing relationship (from her mother) so that she can get some weird pleasure from it. Ethan is unhappy, but afraid to be alone. Olivia senses this. Micah's friends are okay. They aren't so interesting, but they are drama free. Max did more than kiss the other woman. Do we think that Max slept with her and the 'co-worker' watched? Or did the co-worker join in?
  15. I'm not sure why we thought they'd turn out any other way. They grew up with no boundaries or discipline. Zach peed in the corner of his room rather than walk to the bathroom. And Zach and Jeremy didn't bother to put sheets on their beds while living in the dirtiest room I have ever seen. Zach and Jeremy rough-housed and broke things. They didn't bother to listen to their parents. Zach and Jeremy needed to be paid to help out on the farm. And Zach almost didn't graduate because his grades were so bad. And through it all we heard that Zach was an elite LP athlete and instead of using that as a carrot or stick, the family supported it for story lines. Jeremy was the ladies man with the pack of bros who would become the wolf of Wall Street. Then, Jeremy went off to study photography at a profit university that closed because enrollment had declined 90% due to some deceptive marketing to students. Now he is president of the Roloff Company. Zach dropped out of an associates degree program to focus on being a surly reality tv personality. If Life and Style is correct, and Zach makes $7K per episode, Zach has made $1.2MM over the last 12 years. Put another way, he is paid $100K per year to be a sullen, entitled asshat while we all watch.
  16. Jaida and Raja were my top two. I think that Raja has unfairly been denied two legends stars. Still, a great week for all. I really love this format. I know, in part, it is because there are no 'filler queens' so everyone is great. But it is also the fact that Yvie feels accepted by the other queens, and all (well, except Monet) are helping each other. RuPaul has stumbled on to a winning formula. Hopefully, they won't f**k it up!
  17. It would not surprise me if Robyn is pregnant again. It is part of how she's kept Kody tethered to her. Having a baby at 44 sounds tiring. And that means when their 'dark haired boy' would graduate from high school Robyn would be 62 and Kody would be 72.
  18. And no masks! Given that we heard Kody and Robyn aren't vaccinated and we know Sol had a childhood disease and Aurora has anxiety, do we think that Meri is their new nanny? 🤣
  19. They seem so happy! I am glad Audrey is able to share their true self.
  20. Yep, which longtime viewers or people with access to the internet know is not true. Matt has diastrophic dysplasia and it sounds like a worse physical quality of life than Amy and Zach. I mean, Caryn, pushing Matt in a stroller. I can't unsee that. But if Amy was in another stroller and Chris and Caryn were both pushing them around on double dates, I'd watch that youtube channel.🤣
  21. Mine too. Choices were French, Portuguese, Italian and Latin.
  22. Okay, I'm just going to say it, I wish TLC had a tell all reunion episode where someone asked all the questions we have here. They could ask: Kim, Why is it okay to wear your season 4 clothes when you previously preached modesty? Kim, Why did you page around an empty journal? Kim, Why did you make spaghetti 10 days out of 20? Barry and Kim, Why did you say Olivia is filled with evil spirits? Barry, Are you in on Kim's attempts to improve her reputation through this unhappy marriage storyline? Max, Are you attracted to Micah? Micah, Are you attracted to Max? Lydia, Why are you interested in Moriah's ex? Has god revealed him to be your husband? Ethan and Olivia, if you had a redo would you still marry each other? All, How are you investing your money for a post series life?
  23. I've seen their holiday special--4th row seats. They are every bit as good in person as they are on the show. Better, even. Per Bob, Jinkx is the most talented queen ever to have been on RDR.
  24. I think Lydia has always been interested in Max and is hoping to make her move now that he isn't with Moriah. And I think Moriah suspects that.
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