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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. What's hard for me is the format. Blu wasn't the best queen or even the second best queen in the competition. I'd put her at third behind Pangina and Jimbo. RuPaul is moving away from showcasing talented queens that we fall in love with to trying to create drama by introducing strategy. I don't want a Survivor or Big Brother voting format. If you want to put the queens on an island or lock them in a house, great! But that's a different show. I want to see the skills and charm of the queens. I don't want to see a show where the best queens are voted off by a competitor because they are the biggest competition. I think that's why people hated the Ralsakatox alliance in Allstars. I don't want international all stars to go down that path. And I would watch a drag queen big brother show.
  2. Now that Max and Moriah have broken up (he admitted to cheating on her), Ethan and Olivia are happily married, and Micah has moved to LA, does that mean this season will be about Lydia?
  3. I just saw that 7 Little Johnston's plus the Fin is coming back on the 15th. It will be interesting to see how much the three older kids participate in the show now that they have all moved out.
  4. I don't like this twist of bringing in two new bakers competing against each other to join the show. I will have to vote by not watching and coming here to hear what happens.
  5. This episode confirmed to me that we still have 2-3 filler queens to get through. This was the 9th episode and we have only eliminated 5 queens. I thought that Willow was the best in the panels. Bosco and Deja also did well. On the runway I thought it was a miss across the board. Deja followed the brief but it looked cheaply made. Willow looked great but didn't follow the brief. Bosco's looked cheap and not quite there. I would have given the win to Willow, or given it to no one. Maybe if there weren't so many filler queens and filler episodes we would see better runways.
  6. I thought Mykelti was great too. They are fun to watch together. The chatter was good. Mykelti has become a favorite of mine because she seems so happy and doesn't seem too have much drama swirl.
  7. I was really excited when this came back, even without Joanna and Leah. But even though the cast froze their face through fillers and plastic surgery it seems like their brains and lives got frozen too. I wanted to see how they had grown and how their lives evolved. It was just too sad: Lisa's husband is/was cheating on her. Adriana got a divorce from the man she was secretly married to. Desperate Marysol married again. Larsa is still just a judgmental mean girl. Alexia's dysfunctional family is still not taking ownership of their issues and missteps. I would have been happier with a where are they now episode that included Joana, Leah, Karen and Ana. Just saying.
  8. Well that was disappointing. Yes, Janey was the worst, but I don't think any of the remaining four queens are worthy of the crown. When Ru asked us to tweet it is #teamjimbo #teampangina. Ru sets the rules so hopefully she corrects this.
  9. What I like about Angeria is the way she makes up her eyes and then impossibly thins out her nose. It is almost alien to me. And I love alien drag. Juno Birch and Sasha Velour give great alien drag too.
  10. Seat me at the Molly 'not so much' table. I look forward to this show and I may have to bow out. That makes me sad.
  11. Just watched the carrot cake video and I thought Christine was really good. She did all the things I want in a cooking show--she gave tricks (parchment paper and pineapple juice in the frosting, applesauce instead of oil) and she talked about which ingredients are optional--walnuts, pineapple and coconut. Note, they are not optional for me. Maybe it is too remedial for a regular home baker, but I want to make the cake.
  12. Me too. I'd add Bosco to the list and you'd have my final four. Which means it won't happen.
  13. Yes, a small part of Jennifer may be glad that Bill finally has consequences for cheating on her. Years ago Jen just had to box away her pain at the betrayal. Now the viewers and her colleagues can support her and validate her pain and other feelings. Yes, I prefer the original nose.
  14. I have heard they are already filming. Bravo cameras have been out and about with Heather & Jen for sure.
  15. And even if she makes more money than Kody, since she has physical custody of Truely, Kody pays child support. And that seems fair--you have to pay your underage childrens' expenses. That is the cost of procreating.
  16. It depends on the state you live in. In AZ I believe it stops at 18 &/or the child graduates high school.
  17. I hope she has cashed out. And I hope she is getting child support from Kody. I hope it brings him agita and anger every month for the next 7 years when the money comes out of his account.
  18. I liked that Janelle spoke the truth. She said that Christine and Kody tried to fix their marriage for years. Janelle said that the divorce was good because Christine is happier now. She didn't mention Kody's fake grief for the lost relationship. For that reason I think that there is no real grief. I think Kody is really both relieved Christine is gone and angry that she set the narrative and is viewed as the sympathetic one by the viewers. Robyn is mad that the money train is coming to an end and people see her for the lazy, selfish and entitled person that she is.
  19. Christine appears so happy and calm now. She is near her kids and able to enjoy life without feeling like she is third in the dysfunctional wife pecking order.
  20. Tonight felt like the end of the series. Kody and Robyn go home and see no one believed them or want watch them anymore. Janelle will be on two text threads. Christine will enjoy her cooking show. And Meri will continue selling Lulanoe. The end.
  21. Christine is dating herself. I love that. And awesome that Janelle says it was a good move. Christine is happier.
  22. If you ask me who I believe, Kody is flat out lying. What we saw with Christine was so raw. And I am not surprised that Kody didn't ask her to stay. He is a petulant jack wagon child.
  23. I heard from a friend that they were going to watch an episode.
  24. If you don't believe anything your partner says, it seems like there is no way to course correct. That is especially true when there is no intimacy and he is in love with another woman.
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