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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. I do understand how Jasmine is sucking up too much of the energy in the room and Kornbread is trying to close it down so that it isn't all about Jasmine. She was walking the line, but I also remember how she helped Willow. Angeria and Willow are separating themselves as the best of the season. Kornbread and Bosco are also up there for me. Still a few filler queens to go. I hope one of the fillers doesn't have the golden ticket.
  2. S1 E2 When Kody is heading off to spend the weekend with his girlfriend Christine says, 'You are replacing your family with Robyn and her kids.' Turns out our Christine is Nostradamus. She saw that adding Robyn to the family would cause it all to crumble.
  3. A very funny typo. I was in school 1983-87. Being a vampire during COVID would be hard.
  4. I was in college 1983-1987 and my class was classic American films. Every week we watched a double feature of screwball comedies, film noire or westerns. I didn't take it for a grade--just pass/fail.
  5. Kody is the one that hates dogs unless they live on ranches and he can talk to them and they talk back (he said this in season 1 and Mykelti advised you can't have a conversation with a dog). I think one of the reasons both Christine and Janelle enjoy living without Kody is they can have dogs. Of course, Robyn wouldn't get a dog.
  6. Thank you. I do have a few of my sister's things and I started going through them shortly after she died. I framed several photos and then put everything else away until can look at them with more joy than sadness.
  7. What's interesting to me is that this season was shot in 2020 so if we believe that Kotex and Meri hadn't been intimate for 10 years, that means they stopped being intimate right around the time that the series started in 2010. It aligns with the addition of Robyn (seems like a lot of issues started around the addition of Robyn). It also means that the whole time they talked about IVF and surrogates Kotex wasn't having sex with Meri. It also explains why she was probably reluctant to have more children with him. We know from the show that the courting of Robyn came out of left field for Janelle, so it appears the only people happy and promoting the 4th wife were Kody and Robyn. And it also suggests that Kotex wasn't having sex with the betrayer Meri, the complaining pregnant Christine, and I will suggest the 'like a male friend' Janelle. Kotex had to take a 4th wife to get sex on the regular.
  8. I completely agree. My sister passed away unexpectedly this fall, she was 52 (not Covid). And several friends sent me plants. I ended up giving them to a neighbor because I couldn't have them in the house.
  9. This series is losing steam. I was really excited for the first few episodes and now the last two are disappointing. It is too mean girl with few likable cast members. I might watch a show about Julia and Martina. And I am starting to like Kiki. But I actively dislike Larsa, Alexia, Marysol, Adriana and Nicole. Guerdy and Lisa are meh. I may slog it out to the end of the season but mostly because I am waiting for UGT 2.
  10. I have eaten there. It is in Hillsboro. Think pub grub with great burgers, some healthy options, good desserts and lots of beer. Here is the menu: https://d2660z551umiy9.cloudfront.net/files/Menus/CPR/IHmenu.pdf
  11. I believe Robyn was actually upset that: 1) She and Kotex were going to be outed for making everyone else get tested but not doing it themselves before the party 2) Because Kotex had insisted everyone come over for Areola's birthday they had to actually admit that their nanny got covid. Otherwise I don't think they would have shared the news about the nanny 3) It turns out that Kotex rules were not better than the CDC rules So in the end they tried to spin it as too risky for everyone to get together. Kotex was actually upset that: 1) Christine pushed the conversation about sex and the door. I am hazarding a guess he has probably used the lack of a door to dodge sex for 2 years 2) Christine wasn't satisfied with scraps and moved on 3) Kotex and Robyn's financial woes meant he had removed himself from Christine's mortgage and since they aren't legally married or cohabitating Christine had every right to put his things in the garage 4) Kotex realized that he'll have to make nice with Janelle and Meri to keep the show going.
  12. In the preview for next week it was perfection when Christine was asked about her relationship with Kody and she says, "We're divorced." Really nothing else to say. After this, I would be happy with the show ending. If TLC did a few check ins with the children (except Robyn's, no interest there) I would watch those. But I can be done with the adults.
  13. One more thought. Now that Kody is no longer a polygamist he and his wife can move back to Utah. The police won't be interested in investigating him at all.
  14. And the surprise at the end that Gabe and Garrison have Covid. I wonder if Kody was quaking in his boots that we would have to take care of Janelle like he said he would.
  15. What Christine did 'wrong' was become her own person and realize that she needs more than what Kody is willing to give. It was important for her to pack up his things and put them in the garage. Christine is finally putting herself and her kids first.
  16. So Kody thinks Christine dropped a bomb. Watching the montage of him treating her poorly was hard. Why would Kody think this was a phase? He says she murdered their intimacy with betrayal. Again, Kody takes no responsibility. He is shocked and dumbfounded she doesn't want him staying in her room.
  17. Wow, Kody thought that Christine would be good with a platonic marriage. He really thought that she would be okay with no intimacy--being celibate at the requirement of her husband who is sleeping with Robyn. This is heartbreaking.
  18. I like Christine and Janelle calling out the irony or Robyn being the cause of Covid testing. Robyn, Not just part of you, all of you should feel badly for potentially exposing your family to COVID. I wonder if Christine and Janelle knew that Robyn's family didn't test before the party.
  19. And wait, Robyn, you not following the rules and potentially exposing everyone to COVID is a reason not to see each other. It is a reason for you to hold your household to the same standards as everyone else. Why didn't you test your family like everyone else? Why did you have a nanny when you had 4 adults in your house? Clearly, the Robyn Brown family weren't following Kody's protocol. We saw that last week.
  20. So Kody was willing to risk the health of all of this other kids and wives for Areola.Robyn, It isn't because you got together. It is because you have a nanny and you didn't test before the party.
  21. Kody: My job is to protect Ariella, my world doesn't revolve around my adult children. My obligation is to my minor children. Janelle: There are adult children at Robyn's that aren't being pushed out. Areola cops a feel on Christine. LOL!
  22. I like that Christine is honest that getting together doesn't mean anything is fixed. I like this confident Christine.
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