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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. The absolute disgust that Christine has for Kootie and his anger at Christine, if we didn't already know the outcome, it is clear now. Game over.
  2. Your situation isn't uncommon. Some faith-based plans will just ask you to sign a declaration that you are Christian. But they will look more closely at finances. That's why I suggested this as Christine's insurance. She applied, was reviewed and declined a few times. And the need to raise a certain amount of money--I'm guessing it is a faith-based plan.
  3. The season is going so quickly because of multiple weekly eliminations. The final is next week.
  4. Not kidding, I worked with a woman named Candy Rock who got married and was then Candy Cain.
  5. 100% agree. I think it is reasonable to say, "Kim and Barry have said I am filled with evil spirits so I can't be around them. I understand that it means that it affects others and I won't be upset if you choose to include them and not me in any or all gatherings." Manipulative would be demanding that either she or Kimwit & Barry can be in your life. She has never demanded that. My mother treats my husband like Kim treats Olivia. I am more upset than Mr. Lulu and I have chosen to limit contact with my mother. Mr Lulu hasn't manipulated me. If anything, he has given me the courage to do what I always wanted to do. I imagine that Ethan feels the same way.
  6. I took it as a lawsuit threat too. And what's funny is 1) I don't think housewives are allowed to sue each other for this stuff--I think there's a clause in their contracts 2) Even if that isn't the case, what Shannon said was true. Heather is now the worst housewife in the franchise. I hope Andy is taking note that she is hated and not in the 'I'll watch to see har taken down way.' It is in the 'I won't watch while Heather is on way.'
  7. I am someone that wanted Heather back. But she is pulling this season down. Season to date: --Heather thinks that she is better than everyone and lets you know. And she lets Shannon know that crossing her again will cost her greatly --Shannon is still mourning her previous lifestyle and blurring the lines between real friends and show friends --Gina and Emily are shit stirrers and don't have the wealth to be on the show --Dr Jen is boring --Nicole seems medicated at all times and is still uncomfortable on camera --Noella is crashing and burning pretty quickly from this divorce. I know the pain of divorce and she probably should have skipped the show. She is too real and too raw. If the show continues on this way I will officially be done. That leaves me with SLC and Potomac. And maybe Miami again.
  8. Worth a mention, Amber saying yes, yes, yes and then yelling yeah while she ogled 3 young men in American flag swim trunks was grossly inappropriate. Add to it Trent's sister Heidi commenting on the physique of the person responsible for the fire within his earshot and repeatedly where's Amber--it was juvenile. I think they are trying to sell us on Heidi and her little person husband and daughter because the kids are pulling away. If you are going to say anything about the physique of other people then you need to accept that they may say flattering or inappropriate/derogatory things about you.
  9. I wonder if this means Meri is vaccinated. Here in Portland (Lake Oswego is akin to a suburb) you have to show your vaccination card to eat indoors. And I am totally good with that.
  10. I am guessing Christine signed up for faith-based health plan. Faith-based plans are health agreements that are designed to meet the same general needs as health insurance. The plans are groups of people who voluntarily work together to share the burden of medical expenses. Healthcare sharing plans are usually faith-based, meaning participants share the same religious beliefs. They assist each other with the cost of medical bills and help to protect plan members against catastrophic financial loss due to medical bills. If I am correct, the faith-based plan would pay for Ysabel's surgery and in return Christine would help others pay for their surgeries by making monthly contributions to the shared pot. This would also explain why she had to find a plan that would accept her. That's my guess.
  11. Does anyone else appreciate the irony that Amber was whining about having to go back to school full-time and work full-time when that has been her expectation for Anna & Liz?
  12. Pain and healing really is unique to each person. After my last surgery the doctor let me know that it would be a YEAR before I didn't wake up and think of the pain/surgery first thing. It took 6 months for the wound to heal and 2 years with on and off numbness across my whole abdomen. It really was a year before the pain went away enough that I wasn't affected by it daily. So I believe Ysabel certainly could be in terrible pain 2-3 weeks after the surgery.
  13. Larsa was the one that I didn't want to come back because she was such a smug asshat.. This Larsa smells of desperation and even that doesn't make her return okay.
  14. Yes, Prajje stuck paper doilies on pleather. He made poor choices. I think either Prajje or Chastity would have been out regardless of the model. Both designs were poorly designed. I'd rather blame the poor design of each rather than the models.
  15. I was the exact same. I was on oxycontin every three hours and alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen every two hours. My pain stayed between 4-7 for weeks. I had heard that our bodies don't remember pain, I still remember that pain 5 years later.
  16. Linda: We were dumb to try and remake Gene's favorite Christmas album. What are we? Moby?
  17. I was happy with the Icesis win, she was the best queen. I did like Pythia more, but I think she was just a bit behind Icesis. All in all, a really good season.
  18. I am watching, and I think it is good. I don't like the audience voting though.
  19. Given that her husband may have been cheating on her and his sons (Herman and Nelson) shut down the magazine I am going to guess that Alexia doesn't really care what they think. Also, considering that in 2017 Alexia filed an injunction against his sons for trying to take her home after Herman's death (despite the fact that the prenup gave the house to her) she might even be enjoying bringing this up.
  20. Watching the first episode and I am enjoying it. A few thoughts: 1) Larsa is still an ass, now she shows her fake ass for money 2) Lisa, Lenny's affair wasn't just emotional. She seems unhappy, or maybe it is being unsure in her relationship 3) Marysol and Alexia are the same, but with different love interests 4) Adriana is unrecognizable 5) Julia may be too normal for this group, Guerdy and Nicole are not so interesting 6) I don't miss Leah and that surprises me the most! And I am all in and looking forward to this series.
  21. I know I am quoting myself, but after RHUGT my new list is: Jill, Tinsley, sober Dorito, mentally healthy Kelly, Luann and Kristin.
  22. Kody (and the puff adder Robyn) were sure as hell going to get the plot of land that they wanted. And it was going to have a Janelle buffer from the other wives. Hopefully Christine and Meri haven't agreed to redraw the property lines and one of them will insist they sell the property and settle up.
  23. Not mine, but Rupaul's in To Wong Foo: Rachel Tension
  24. Who do you think is worthy of a crown but didn't win? I think all of the below are worthy: Eureka Ginger Minj Katya Kim Chi Manila Luzon Peppermint Raven Shangela Trinity K Bonet
  25. Crystal is one of my all time favorite queens. And that final--Crystal, Gigi and Jaida was great. It was another time I liked all three finalists but Crystal was my favorite. Icesis or Pythia as the winner are my picks. Either one winning works for me.
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