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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. It does seem that you need to join these schemes early to make any money. I suspect Meri will ride the LLR and Sister Wives payrolls as long as she can and then join the corporate speaking tour. As a legal wife of 10 years Meri will be able to draw on Kody's social security. Hopefully, the Browns set up the Sister Wives business in such a way that they are all contributing to social security. But then again, the Browns don't seem to plan for the future beyond praying for rennals. On another topic, it must be hard for Meri to move beyond her divorce because of the show. If you are around your ex every day how will you ever move to a place where you aren't hopelessly looking for an eventual reconciliation? At least in front of the cameras we know that Robyn encourages Meri to think there is still hope. This idea is she keeps sweet and looks to the mountain is really unfortunate when you need to heal from a divorce.
  2. Here is Amber's LinkedIn profile. Looks like she is at a public school: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amber-johnston-aab83253/ Per her profile Amber is a lab specialist, not a teacher. Here is a list of responsibilities: Support computer lab operations. Support faculty and students to use computer software and hardware. Extend appropriate procedures, respond to queries and document resolution of repetitive issues. Respond to queries and introduce students to use of computers and peripheral equipment. Handle lab equipment to clean keyboards, monitors and disk drives. Watch lab occupants while entering and leaving lab to secure equipment. Extend assistance towards computers and printers’ support. Clean, review and handle minor equipment maintenance to assure its operational condition. A quick scan of positions show some schools require a degree and some are okay with a high school diploma. It sounds like her school district changed their requirement. In fact, her district does have an opening for a computer science teacher and it requires: Have a Bachelor's degree or higher. Pass the GACE Program Admission Assessment. Pass the GACE Content Assessment in your certifying area. Pass the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessments.
  3. In terms of Willow Pill I thought her song worked. Willow has been vocal about the 'hate' being written online about her fellow drag queens. I took it to mean she hates people taking drag too seriously and throwing hate at queens. For instance, people were doxxing and threatening Daya based on her performance/comments on a GAME SHOW. Here is another example:
  4. I was a cue ball for my first two years and then I had a full head of wavy platinum blond hair by the time I was 3. By middle school my hair was thick, dark and curly. Based on her parents' hair I expect Lilah will develop thicker dark brown hair this year. But who knows. Some kids as young as Lilah can pull out their hair due to stress.
  5. Christine, Janelle and Maddie seem to be doing very well shilling pink drink. Have you seen this? https://recognition.plexusworldwide.com/spotlights/weekly-leaders They appear to be the top three shillers for the last week reported (through April 16). Janelle is diamond level--the highest shilling level Christine is sapphire level--the second highest shilling level Maddie is senior gold, which puts here squarely in the middle of the pack.
  6. Yes, it is 4000+ miles round trip. 40 hours each way on the back of a bike is a lot. Even if you only do 250 miles a day that is a long, dirty vacation. Hopefully they travel well together. I remember seeing/reading about one bike trip with friends where he wandered off and left her alone. It could deepen their relationship drive them to only travel separately.
  7. As someone who lives in Portland like Jer and Auj and Chris and Amy I really am shocked that they aren't afraid of getting burgled. Maybe it is because they are from a gated farm in Hillsboro. I live in a nicer part of Portland and my car was stolen after several attempts--I interupted someone hot-wiring my car as I walked out to go to work, I saw porch pirates stealing from neighbors, and I caught someone trying to break into my home when I turned in early. So why do the Roloffs want us to know that their homes will be empty? I mean I suppose I should be happy if it directs burglars towards their neighborhoods.
  8. I agree, Willow was going to win no matter what. And I think Willow won the Lip Sync anyway. Lady Camden was struggling with her wig when she tried to recreate the Freddy Mercury moment and the cameras had to work hard to not show too much of it. Now we get to see a few of these queens again in future AllStars comps.
  9. RuPaul hasn't always had Lip Sync for the crown, so they can easily drop it. I think most people like the individual performances better anyway. So are we agreed?--We'll drop the chat with families and friends, the extra performance number with eliminated queens/or the queens on the strip and Drag Race will stop asking us to tweet during the finale to pump up numbers. Who is going tell Ru?
  10. I guess the Kornbread win is so surprising for me because the queens voted. That's why Keri or Angie seemed more likely to me.
  11. Well, there is Robin and her brood of 5. Although I have to imagine that Aurora will be married off soon. Then there is Janelle. And maybe Meri, although I have to imagine they have bought her out. Savannah is 17 so she's off to college long before they move onto the property. So probably a 6 bedroom house with an RV hook up. Or a 6 bedroom house and a doublewide. At this point I can't believe they share anything, let alone homes or land. I mean, otherwise why didn't Janelle and Savannah move into the Robin Mansion this winter?
  12. So I didn't mind 5 finalists. I liked the format of having them prepare a number with dancers. Based on the performances Lady Camden and Willow Pill were the clear final two and either of them could have taken it. I am happy that Willow won, but I would have been happy if Lady Camden won too. They are both so likable and different from previous winners. I wonder if RuPaul considered having joint winners again. I am surprised Kornbread won Miss Congeniality--she wasn't there very long. But I am happy with that too. It was also curiously light on Michelle Visage. Also okay. The only thing I would have done is cut the show to 60 minutes. I don't get much out of RuPaul chatting with family.
  13. RuPaul crowns America's Next Drag Superstar in an epic Las Vegas drag revue show. Original airdate: 4/22/22
  14. And she's breaking the cardinal rule of: Do not post when you are out of town so you don't get burgled.
  15. Part of white elephant exchange is that each person brings a gift to exchange. Those gifts all sure looked like there were Amber specials. I mean otherwise we would have had 2-3 fart and poop-related gifts. We only had one, the tushy traveler, or as Liz call it, a butt hole washer.
  16. I haven't seen it--what did they share? Which did is in hot water? Has to be either Anna or Jonah.
  17. If you are interested in trying gloggi it is good on a cold evening. Gloggi is the same as Swedish glogg. You can find some version in nordic/germanic countries. When living in Germany we drank gluhwein. It tasted similar to me. You can get it at Christmas markets and it keeps you warm as you celebrate. It is all basically the same. It is a mulled red wine served warm, not super hot. You don't want to burn off the alcohol, so you warm it slowly. Swedish families have different recipes but most usually add almonds for luck, cardamom, ginger and cinnamon. We used oranges rather than apples and added aquavit and raisins. When living in England we had wassail. Wassail is similar and is often cider-based and often has apples, cinnamon sticks and star of anise. Better than glogg, gluhwein and wassail are the European Christmas markets. I plan on visiting the one in Vancouver this year. I'm not up for a flight to Europe these days.
  18. Random thoughts: I think the kids genuinely like Joose. He's been a good sport about their crazy ideas. Amber sees Joose as a way to keep the show airing. But it really isn't enough to keep it going. More interesting: Now we have confirmation that Liz and Anna are both sexually active. I'm sure Amber is unhappy that her two oldest daughters are 'fornicators' (she's religious you know). If Liz wasn't sleeping with Brice then I think it would have been a blow up on Anna. Good for her refusing to show his photo on camera. Amber has mentioned several times that she was brought up to marry before sex. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why she married so young and dropped out of college. Hormones! Thank goodness the girls don't feel obligated to follow their parents' example.
  19. Divorce is rarely easy. I hope Ashley has a good support system.
  20. I've stopped watching. Molly drove me away. I am fine with Carolyn coming back--thanks for letting me know. Carolyn, Romy and Diego should be the final 3, but these ridiculous Molly-centered challenges made that not possible. This show is no longer about baking and that is too bad.
  21. Agreed. I will not be watching either. I think this will be as riveting as Date my Ex: Jo and Slade and Havana Elsa.
  22. The show is a bit of a snore fest this season. I'd rather watch a Little People of American conference. Or paint dry.
  23. My thoughts: 1) Gina offers absolutely nothing of value. If Bravo has any sense they will get rid of her. This I'm jealous of your friendship with Noella and that's why I say mean things about you behind your back makes this unwatchable 2) Emily wants to be the star but she lacks charisma. If she would accept her friend of role I would be fine 3) Jen is boring and doesn't belong on reality television 4) Noella is smart and funny and I am interested in seeing if she can bring anything now that the divorce is done 5) Heather tries too hard to run everything. She wants to be Posh spice. Like Posh, she is really uninteresting. I think she would be okay as a friend of, but she can't anchor the show. 6) Shannon is still my favorite. But she is not enough for me to tune in. I don't want Vickie and Tamra, but let's get some fun people. Andy and Bravo, please fix this before I run out of Real Housewives shows. Thank you.
  24. I was glad to see Samantha Ballantines go this week. She has been in the bottom 2 all three weeks and her lip sync styles relies on taking off her shoes, wig and clothes. Yes, this time there was a reveal, but nothing connects to the song. I think the other queens (save Diamante) were sad to see her go because she is an icon of Spanish drag. But this is about the NEXT drag superstar. So far this is a great season.
  25. For the first time all season I was happy with a double shantay! I am happy that Willow, Angeria, Lady Camden and Bosco made it. Indifferent on Daya. Let's see how Ru handles this final five finale.
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