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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. That is really funny. In my 20s and 30s I colored my hair to strawberry blonde. With green eyes and lots of curls I looked very Irish. When I went back to my natural brown I got unsolicited feedback that I should stop coloring my hair brown. 17 years after I went back to my natural hair color my mother still tells me that brown doesn't suit me, And she insists I must be coloring it!
  2. You're right, LilyD, folks do that. Dayton says he is graduating in May 2023, so 5 years to complete. Maybe he took a year off during Covid. In April Dayton also listed several new certifications that are related to his majors--Hubspot email marketing, Salesforce, R Programming and Tableau. So I think he is still enrolled.
  3. Maddie may have stopped with the third pregnancy. On instagram, about a year ago, she mentioned a Bio exam. Dayton will finish up next spring with a degree in business. He is focusing on Information Systems, Marketing and General Management.
  4. I think they've done okay on the college front. According to the last census, about 40% of Americans have college degrees. About a third of people who start college don't finish. Leon: Westminster/Loyola, Completed at least Westminster Logan: UNLV, Completed Hunter: Air Force Academy/Johns Hopkins, Completed Aspyn: UNLV, Completed Gabriel: NAU, In Process Gwen: NAU, In Process Ysabel: Eastern Caroline University, In Process Day'un: NAU, In Process Aurora: NAU, In Process Madison: Dropped out of Utah State, but reports taking classes again (In Process) Mykelti: Dropped out of UNLV Garrison: College of Southern Nevada, status unknown Paedon: Did not go to college Everyone else is too young for college.
  5. I'm still liking Kween Kong, but you are right. It is hard to find anyone to cheer for in this bunch.
  6. Oh, I think Lilah has the same look on her face. I think that's part of the Zach gene pool. They look buzzed and slow-moving. And yes, I get they are likely just up and making eggs. This is Roloff morning face. My eye goes to what looks like a tipped over sippy cup behind Lilah that seems to have a fruit drink in it and an off balance lazy susan with a large plant that could fall into Lilah. Si Si looks like Tori to me with the round cheeks and ears.
  7. Well, that was disappointing. I think that Kaos won that lipsync. I don't think she had many weeks left, but I think she was stronger than Jayda.
  8. Another tough one to watch. Micah and Moriah drama with Olivia seems manufactured. Interesting that Lydia wants to live with her dad and calls out lack of quality time with Kim. To me she was saying she didn't want to play the role of mother while Kim was out getting her groove on. It was good to learn more about the Olivia Kim rift. I completely buy into the idea that Kim showered her with attention and then dropped her when Olivia set a financial boundary. And the repeat of Olivia filled with evil spirits--for a young person, that is a devastating betrayal that most would never forgive. Ethan is a petulant man child and not very interesting. This seems like a good time for the series to wrap up.
  9. My personal experience with a child, assigned female at birth: At 5 years of age they told me that they only wanted boy clothes, including underwear, and they asked to be called by a new male name. They never played with girl toys again. In second grade the parents of another child, their best friend, invited us to breakfast. They are a gay couple and one parent is transgendered. They let us know that 90% of trans kids attempt suicide before the age of 18. Middle school was filled with loneliness, anger and tears. There was a lot of self-loathing and anger directed at us. One day our child came home and told us that a transgendered child in a theater class attempted to jump out of a third story window. Luckily, the teacher was able to stop them. High school has been challenging and friendships have been difficult to develop. Slowly it is happening, though and I am glad. College applications are starting, and I am afraid that they won't pick a school that will support them. There has been no 'status' associated with loving this child, only an extra focus on mental health and a commitment to support as best we can. Our love is unconditional. And we want them to know that they are worthy of love and we hope they find friends and possibly a partner that will cherish who they are. I know two other families that are going through something similar, with transgendered children. Both teens have attempted suicide. One set of parents sees this as a phase and believes it will pass. The other is family is imploding. I believe none of the children or the parents want the children to be transgendered. Hate crimes against gay people are slowly trending down, while hate crimes against transgendered people continue to rise. I just thought I'd share this because it weighs on my heart each and every day. I want what every parent wants, a happy and well-adjusted child who becomes a happy and productive adult.
  10. I think that's part of the reason that Monet and Bob are so disappointed. Monet came back and shared their experiences with Bob and they both believed Monet won. Yes, they film both queens winning and sometimes they record a tie too. I think it helps to have the winning queen celebrated by the other queens--because they don't know the real winner so no negative emotions. And it allows the winner to give a funny speech without being overwhelmed by emotions. I watch Sibling Rivalry and Pit Stop and there were a few instances where Bob gave a knowing glance or said something that suggested that despite dominating the season, Jinkx would stumble at the end and come up short. Also, RuPaul absolutely considers Twitter voting, which on this site suggested was a landslide for Jinkx. Now that Drag Race is mainstream I think it matters even more than it did a few years ago. I know Monet is disappointed. I hope they'll consider all that Drag Race has given them and get past this. And I wonder if this will keep Bob from competing in the next queen of queens. I hope not. Shea Coulee posted something on Twitter congratulating Jinkx, reminding people that this is entertainment and someone had to win. I appreciate that she isn't engaging with the folks who are unhappy with the outcome.
  11. Mykelti announced her twins publicly in June. Perhaps she got pregnant when Mykelti shared with the family in April or May. I mean, no way Maddie would want Mykelti to have more children than she has. LOL!
  12. My understanding is that RuPaul's husband Georges is from Australia and this gives them a chance to spend a month or two down under with his family. Or at least that's what I heard during season 1.
  13. Even though they were in the bottom three, I love Kween Kong and Spankie. Not loving Hanna Conda, and they are being set up as season narrator.
  14. Yes, Bob's disappointment is with RuPaul and not Jinkx. Bob knows that RuPaul decided the winner. As Trinity says, this isn't a game show, it is a reality show. Bob's initial comment about who f*#%ed Monet has generated 200 responses, almost 600 retweets and almost 9K likes.
  15. LOL. I'm sure Jaida's still asking. My 2 guesses are still Raja and RuPaul.
  16. Why I also love Yvie: From Yvie: Yvus Christ (gODDly) @OddlyYvie SPOILER ALERT: Congratulations @JinkxMonsoon on being the best drag queen to ever drag on the race! And Congratulations to @sutanamrull on being the best queen to ever already done had herses!
  17. Bob the Drag Queen is unhappy. He just tweeted, "Well we found out who f#$%ed Monet" I wonder if this will affect his relationship with WOW--would he tap out from being on the next QoQ Allstars? Alaska and Willam also said on their podcast that Monet would like a reunion that is not managed by WOW.
  18. Ru did say based on lip sync performance and performance all season, so I think this is the right outcome. Jinkx has always been my queen, but I also love Monet, Raja, Yvie and Jaida. And it seemed right that Jinkx won. The SDADHH could have gone to Raja or Yvie or Jaida and I would have been happy. It will be interesting to see what the queens say online. So far, just one retweet from Shea from someone who said she nailed her choreo against Jinkx. No one else is even acknowledging the final.
  19. The episode cemented my love for Gisele and Jada. And now I like Vivian and Lady Boom Boom. I was sad about Chelazon. Still can't stand Miss Fiercalicious.
  20. Started my day watching this. What a pleasant surprise! Jinkx really stood head and shoulders above the other queens, so I am glad she won. And happy Raja won the $50K. I thought she could have easily won 2 more stars and been in the winners half of the draw.
  21. The summary: The Plathlets show up at the farm and run around like small kids (their sheltered childhood is relived) Children and adults alike climb trees Micah shows up and there is more tree climbing and running around (the isolated little girls are thrilled to see someone, even if it is just another Plath) The kids decide to invite Kim and inform Olivia via a Moriah messenger in a tube top under short short overalls The Plaths meet up at the graveyard (yellow flowers for Dawa) Spectrum Barry says his lines Lydia makes a quick appearance Olivia needs more therapy before she can ignore the woman that said she was filled with demons (She acknowledges that she didn't give Ethan enough support) Ethan is mad at Olivia (He is a hot head) The kids head to the Punky's pool hall (where Plath's go to remember a brother run over by their mother) Moriah whines that she is done choosing (Apparently she is the only person who is allowed to process her feelings) Ethan makes dinner (not sure it was edible by the amount of food left on the plates) And he gives Olivia a leather jacket Micah goes out with the deep-voiced Brazilian and says, at least 3 more dates (Antia is way too much into Micah for a first date) Micah hopes that the family can figure out a way to be in the same place, even if they aren't close (meaning Kim and Olivia/Ethan) Kim stupidly thinks that a meeting with Ethan means that she will be forgiven for poor parenting (she isn't accountable for anything) Ethan says Kim should have focused him on academics Kim claims she was encouraging his love of cars instead Kim does not get a hug and heads back to the studio The adult kids plan to join Olivia in Jamaica to celebrate Ethan's birthday More trouble is brewing.
  22. All of the adults in the family seem reluctant to show emotion. And it appears to have damaged all of the kids.
  23. I netted out at: Jill and Dorinda: Never, not ever Brandy and Taylor: No thank you, posers Vicki: 60 year old grandma that needs to focus on herself and not RHOC Tamra: Meh, I don't think you'll save RHOC Phaedra & Eva: I'd enjoy seeing you again on RHoA
  24. I really watch for the house, clothing and travel porn. The backstabbing and fighting I just don't need. Gina isn't rich enough for the show, they are middle class. Emily, Jen and Noella don't quite make it for me either. Heather is, and if they had other housewives as rich as the Dubrows, she wouldn't get to lord it over everyone. Shannon is great for her quirkiness and because she was that rich. Jeanna was great because of her lifestyle and ex husband. Lydia also clicked for me. I want more helicopters to LA to shop, vacations in exotic places, and big houses filled with gadgets and appliances that only the filthy rich buy.
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