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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. I think the surprise on Padma's face was that Victoire wasn't eating much of anything. Yes, there was a spicy dish with some heat, but most of the dishes were heavily seasoned with other flavors-salty, sour, bitter, astringent, sweet and spicy hot. They were there to balance each other. Perhaps Victoire might have tried the spicy hot dish first and lost some sense of taste so she missed basic things like adding seasoning to the cucumber salad. Or maybe because of tasting the heat she opted out of truly experiencing the others. She might have been well-served taking the Sara route of adapting the Thali to her style of cooking. Beyond that, I wish this had been the double elimination and Victor and Gabri had both exited stage left/sashayed away.
  2. And Robyn told us that a Janelle is a bad driver--wasn't the pick up too much car for her?
  3. My perspective on Amber's favorite kids: 1. Alex, 2. Liz, 3. Jonah 4. Emma Last/#100. Anna Trent's favorite kids: 1. Anna 2. Emma 3. Liz 4. Jonah 5. Alex
  4. I know this is a very dark conversation and I have sympathy for Christine and how she chose to handle this. I personally don't know enough for more emotion than that. What I know is that Christine had significant bleeding and could have died, so her subsequent pregnancy required a hospital birth. I don't know how old the fetus was when she lost it. In the first 13 weeks it isn't uncommon for women to miscarry into the toilet and a good number or people flush the remains. I don't judge any woman for doing this. Miscarriage at 14-20 weeks means the fetus is somewhere between the size of a nectarine or a bell pepper. If you go to the hospital, there may be pathology done to determine the reason for the miscarriage. If the mother/parents have the means, they may bury/cremate the remains. If they do not, then the hospital may send for cremation with other miscarriage remains. It is often treated as medical waste. Given that Christine had just declared bankruptcy and they were pretty poor, Christine and Kody may not have been able to afford a formal burial. And since burying the remains on their property is legal, they may have felt like it would allow them to have closure. And I take Gwen's comments about the stones being to keep the dogs out rather than as a grave marker with a grain of salt. She would have been 7 or 8 when Christine miscarried and those memories may not be crisp. It is hard for me to judge them on this. Table for one, please.
  5. Some municipalities require that you report where the burial is on the property, and miscarriages before 24 weeks can also have different guidelines. (And this conversation makes me both sad and uncomfortable, but I am in it)
  6. I think it is a donut hole.
  7. Tom is such a louse. Whether it is spending the team's money on an overthought dish or forgetting ingredients for another member of his team. Add to that he took no ownership of his poor decision in flow of customers. I think he needs to go soon.
  8. Julian Lennon has confirmed that Paul McCartney wrote it for him when John left his mother for Yoko Ono. That is who Julian was supposed to let her under his skin into into his heart.
  9. Yes, she showed another page with a line item that showed that $1000 rent payment. And her point was the entire mortgage for the house when they bought it 15 years ago would have been less than $1000. It is an interesting point as there were 2 other families living there as well. She extrapolated that they created 'income' for Christine with this $1200 support so she could get credit cards (which Katie Joy believes were used for the whole family) and then defaulted on the $17K. She also mentioned that Janelle has complained about Kody messing with her credit too. It does sound like it could be fraud.
  10. I was just watching without a Crystal Ball and they mentioned that Christine, when she filed for bankruptcy, included paying rent to Kody on the Lehi house ($1000/month). They are saying that her rent was $1000 and her roommate paid her $1200/month so this gave her income which allowed her to get credit cards which carried $17K in debt. Anyone heard anything about this from a more reputable source?
  11. I actually skipped the first episode and decided to start with the Hispanic lesbian artist who lost her wife to Covid. It was okay. There was a condom joke.
  12. I do think one of the teams has more egos than talent, so this will be interesting.
  13. That's how I saw it too. my hope is Tom is the next to go. Of the remaining chefs, he is my least favorite.
  14. January is the right date. Meri and Dayton share the same birthday and celebrated together. Her birthday is 1/16. And Robyn has admitted she married because she conceived out of wedlock.
  15. Yes, she entered the delusion era. How could MIB possibly think that she had a chance at anything? She has the likability of Silky, Mimi, Darriene, India, Gia and Roxxxy. She will likely be on our screens again in an Allstar season, but I doubt she'll ever win. MIB should just walk away in her kitten heels.
  16. Maybe Robyn will suggest that Kody gives her away. Or Mykelti will suggest that Kody performs the ceremony. I suspect that Christine will want a big wedding, so it will be interesting to see which kids attend.
  17. The Magic of the internet. From LinkedIn, Hunter works for Valley Healthcare systems in las Vegas. Per Glassdoor, the average nurse with a BSN makes $99.8K. With a Masters in nursing, $100K seems likely.
  18. I thought the end packages on the finalist were interesting. Luxx is really only a fashion queen, and Anetra was presented as a dance queen. That makes me think that Mistress and Sasha will be in the final and Sasha will take it. I heard a few days ago that Anetra and Sasha are crushing the fan voting with the other two far behind. I'd love them to be the final 2. Either could win, but Sasha is the right choice for me.
  19. At least Maddie, Mykelti and Aspyn got weddings out of it. And all the OG kids went to college while the gravy train was rolling.
  20. I like the whole cast, except maybe for the french Samuel, May and Amar. Potato girl. Ali, Charbel, Sara, Victoire, Begonia and Buddha are my favorites. Dawn is a perfectionist and seems to be a bit of a sourpuss. From Wikipedia, on Dawn: After retiring from her athletic career, Burrell turned to the food world, enrolling at the Art Institute of Houston to study culinary arts. Her first restaurant jobs included working for chef Tom Aikens in London and Monica Pope in Houston.She next went to work for Tyson Cole at the restaurant Uchi's Houston location, then became sous chef at Uchi’s sister restaurant in Austin, Uchiko.From there, Burrell became executive chef at Kulture, a Houston restaurant focused on dishes of the African diaspora, described as “global comfort” food. For her work at Kulture, Burrell was a semifinalist for a James Beard Foundation Award for “Best Chef: Texas” in 2020.
  21. Just not sure I can watch it. I'll probably come here to see what everyone says, but I am ready for this to wind down. Other than Anna, I don't really like any of them anymore.
  22. These folks live in the US too. Beyond his native English my ex-husband speaks French, Spanish, German, Russian and Japanese. Like math, art and music, you can be a prodigy in languages. I did not win the language lottery. Seven years of French and I am only good to read simple novels/plays, navigate a grocery store/public transportation and have conversations.
  23. I really like Maddie and Wally together. They are both people who spent their living years taking care of/doing things for their mothers. I like Wally's innocence. I suspect Simon is the killer and he is being haunted by Maddie's ghost. Except that she doesn't remember he killed her, so she is being kind. And I think Nicole is covering for Simon, who she cares for.
  24. Kentucky Sarah really cracks me up. She is a lot like my SIL--unfiltered, down-home and ultimately kind.
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