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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. Wendy Osefo grew up in Nigeria, where she was born. She earned a B.A. in political science from Temple University and a M.A. in government from Johns Hopkins University. In 2012, Osefo completed a M.Sc. in public affairs with a concentration in community development from Rutgers University–Camden. In 2016, she became the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D. in public affairs and community development from Rutgers University-Camden. At least this is what she put on her wikipedia page.
  2. Most American colleges and universities require proof of insurance to attend. And nearly all offer some kind of policies that can be tacked on to your bill--the rates are very reasonable as they are only insuring young adults between 17-24. And they can provide great coverage. I am surprised that the Browns aren't expecting her to wait until next year so that it can be done under Ysabel's own insurance when she goes to school.
  3. Yes, masks are the CDC recommendation. Here are a few articles that discuss shields. From the NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/24/health/coronavirus-face-shields.html Excerpt: “I’m a huge fan of face shields,” said Saskia Popescu, a senior infection-prevention specialist at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. “But I don’t think we can swap them out for face masks just yet.” Dr. Perencevich and his colleagues expect that more research will show shields to be superior to cloth masks, not only because shields provide full face protection but as they are nearly impossible to wear incorrectly. “Remember, effectiveness depends not only on the inherent properties of the facial covering but also how well the facial covering is worn,” he said. And he and his co-authors like to imagine that people who are reluctant to wear masks will find face shields more comfortable: Once a person tries one on, they say, the wearer realizes its many benefits. Here is an article by AARP on masks and shields https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2020/shields-compared-to-masks.html Excerpt: Amesh Adalja, M.D., a pandemic preparedness expert at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, says, “There's a lot of at least biological possibility to suspect that [shields] are definitely better than homemade face masks, and maybe even better than other types of masks as well, because they not only prevent you from spreading it … [and] because it also covers your eyes, it provides more protection to the mucus membranes of your face where you might be getting infected.” James Cherry, M.D., a distinguished research professor and infectious disease expert at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, says that while experts aren't yet sure about how vulnerable our eyes are to infection from this coronavirus, “With many viruses, the eyes are important.” He points to measles and adenoviruses as examples of viruses that are known to infect people through their eyes. So basically, I am hedging my bets and I have both.
  4. Yes, I have some. They are definitely better than masks. I've heard that the masks protect others and the shield protects you. So I am ready to wear both.
  5. INTJs having a partner makes total sense. You want one person. And that person better be able to put up with the nonstop analysis of everything. Except, when the INTJ makes a decision, it is done so please don't make the mistake of revisiting that decision.
  6. I am an INTJ as well. We are a curious group. I remember taking the assessment at work and the summary statement for the personality was "I am sorry that you are going to have to die." (May be why military leaders can skew to INTJ). My team just laughed and said, that is exactly you! And it didn't bother me. I like to be in charge and make the tough decisions. And I really don't want to spend time chatting with you about them. Just leave me alone and trust that I am right. And if you see me in the grocery store please don't talk to me. lol.
  7. Curiously, you don't have to give the requested deposit. I had a HDHP with a really high deductible. When I went to pre-op tests and then to check into the hospital for an expensive surgery I was twice asked for a large sum of money and I said no thank you. Wasn't planning on paying today. The hospital ran the pre-op tests and admitted me and I had the surgery. I paid afterwards.
  8. I have waited a few days to post because the finale left me both satisfied and disappointed. I am satisfied because the episode was so good. I loved watching these chefs and every dish looked amazing. It was the best final ever. I was disappointed because I wanted all three of them to win. I wanted Bryan to win because he seems like such a stand up person who makes perfect food. I want to eat everything he makes. I like his dorky laugh and the way he talks about his family. I wanted Stephanie to win because of her warmth and the way that she grew as a chef and a person this season. I loved her talking heads about champagne Padmas and her connection with Gregory when they discussed her brother's death. I wanted Melissa to win because she cooked the best food. I appreciated her thoughtfulness and artistry. And like Bryan and Stephanie, I think she is someone that it would be great to have as a friend. So I thought I would be happy if anyone won. But I realize now I would be happy if everybody won. But it just doesn't work that way. It is too bad this season is over because it is the best one ever.
  9. I was going to be happy no matter who won, so happy for Ms Jaida Essence Hall. The finale was meh.
  10. Amber (about Anna), "I mean, let's be real transparent, like there's a little bit of relief going on because times have been very challenging and difficult over the last few years. I think space apart is necessary to fix some of the relationships in our home." And at the same time she complains that Anna doesn't plan to come home on weekends... You can't walk that back when you say it on television. Unfortunately, I think I am done with the show. That said, I would watch a spin off of Anna in college.
  11. Do you mean like in season 6 when Amber tells Trent that she will go to his individual therapy sessions so she can share some things that she notices with Trent?
  12. This long weekend I have been watching a marathon of 7 Little Johnstons. Watching it as a marathon confirms a few things: 1) Every member of the family, except Emma, treats Anna poorly. And it has become worse over time. Amber, Jonah and Alex are the worst. It is no wonder that the poor girl thinks she was sent away for behavior. Kind of breaks the heart. There were a few digs in the second and third seasons and by the time you get to the 5th season, she is treated like cousin Oliver--tolerated, just. They tease her on intelligence, maturity and the fact that she isn't an emotional train wreck like everyone else. Yes, she wasn't the perfect kid, but I have yet to meet the perfect child. She does fine. 2) King Alex is a spoiled, lazy baby who will be likely spend his adult life living with his parents. All that kid does is eat, cry and complain. If it was just a tween phase, I'd think he would grow out of it, but it has been going on for 7 seasons. 3) Amber is not someone I would want as a friend. Rant done.
  13. Thought I'd share my work story of the day. I am lucky enough to work in a job that can be done from home, and I manage a team of people who all are able to work from home. Some did, even before the pandemic. We use a lot of video and instant messaging. Today I am having a video update with one on my employees when their partner walks into the room, completely naked. Naked man realizes his partner is on a video call and starts to back up very slowly. I say nothing to the employee. Hairiest naked person I have ever seen. Now that I have shared it I can pretend it never happened.
  14. Blew it up on my hi res monitor, a dog is walking by and the tail is curling towards Mariah's bum.
  15. At the end of Untucked Heidi seemed to be suggesting she will see us soon on All Stars. Did anyone else read it that way?
  16. They stay in a hotel and are supposed to be sequestered. Willam was kicked out because his husband visited. And a queen claimed found out she was going to lose LSFYL when she got her check out notice from the hotel. I think it was Jiggly Caliente.
  17. It is one of my favorite restaurants, and just two blocks from work. I can't wait to get back there.
  18. No locusts or earthquakes, but it has hailed 4 times in 48 hours here. I have been able to find most things--toilet paper, sanitizing wipes, pasta and flour, but prices are crazy. I paid $7.29 for a 5 pound sack of flour. I only do delivery, so maybe they are marking it up. That said, I will deal with extra grocery expense because I know someone that has lost relatives to the virus (in a red state) and my husband's manager has a cousin in the hospital seriously ill. And I came into close contact with someone with the virus myself. I have the cough, the body aches, a headache, the nausea, and it feels like someone is pressing on my chest. But without the fever and shortness of breath I can't get tested. Instead I am told to quarantine and call if I get the fever. I am hoping it means I have a mild case and will soon have coronavirus antibodies for protection.
  19. So sad. But I am glad it is set up for the off chance Amazon picks The Magicians up.
  20. I guess I have always assumed Louise will end up with Zeke. Kind of a Little Women thing where Zeke pines for Tina but ends up with the love of his life in Louise. They would be amazing together. Just think of how he would complement and rein in her deviousness. I think thinkTina ends up like her Aunt Gayle, living alone and painting butts for art crawl. Or maybe she ends up with Darryl.
  21. I think it is the owner is selling her rental so they need to move. My best guess.
  22. Sorry if this is too off topic. In 2006 I had the unexpected pleasure of having lunch with Tony, Paulie, Bobby, Silvio, Meadow and Carmela (plus everyone else in episode 1). We were shooting a commercial on another set at Silvercup Studios. The things I remember. More profanity than I have ever heard in my life, the largest men I have ever seen in track jackets, and the best Italian food imaginable through craft services. They stayed in character throughout lunch and it was an experience of a lifetime--I felt like I was having lunch with a bunch of mafia men!
  23. Does anyone else hate Brittany? She is many of the things we complain about when we discuss Sergio. She has an inflated ego, she is dismissive of others' talent, and she has the personality of a pancake. I am ready for both Brittany and Victoria to clean up their work spaces and leave.
  24. Okay COL here. I don't wear a bra at all at least 3 days a week. I don't put it on for shopping, for company, or for the doctor. I do wear it for work. I'll be retiring this year. Then I will only wear it when I exercise. I think it is entirely a personal decision. If you are bothered by nipples, look away. That said, why the hell is she pointing it out in her post? If she wants to pass the pencil test, go ahead. Just don't tell me about it.
  25. I hate to admit it, but Kam is my favorite. She is smart enough to be funny. She is naive enough to be funny. She is quirky enough to be funny. Kam is rich enough to offer great house/clothes/handbag porn. And she shows enough of her relationships to be relatable. Stephanie used to be my favorite. Now I have moved to the camp that she would be better off if she wasn't on the show. She seems fragile. Kary, LeAnne, D'Andra and Brandy can all leave and I'd be happy. I'd love a recast keeping only Kam. And I hate admitting all of this because I think none of it will happen and I'll stop watching.
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