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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. It would only work if he actually walked from house to house.
  2. We know that it was broken when they moved to Flagstaff. With Christine getting 3 days out of 800 (and a few nights and dinners) why can't Robyn see why it is broken and that Kody and Robyn broke it.
  3. Very telling that Kody would skip giving a Christmas gift to Meri and shower gifts on Christine (the favorite wife). His idea that Christine was giving Meri a gift certificate so that released him from his spouse responsibility is crazy. But it is interesting because it confirms that he does have favorites. And worse, he treats them better. He is a despicable human.
  4. Oh, please. Now Robyn is attempting to say that the issues must have existed before she arrived--there's no way that her addition to the family, Kody's favoritism, or the Robyn/Kody tag team gaslighting have nothing to do with it. It is clear that Robyn and Kody think they can gaslight the viewers.
  5. I agree. At any age--16 or 36, the parent should reach out, especially when there is no issue with the child.
  6. Christine spills the beans. Robyn and Kody decided it wouldn't be safe to have the kids get together after the gift text incident. It is what we thought but usually wouldn't be told.
  7. Christine saying this would be easy for Kody to fix. And then another woe is me from Kody. The fact that Kody would go 6 weeks without talking to Savannah is unforgivable. And Janelle is right, He could have sent a gift back to Savannah through Truly and Ysabel. Christine sees what is happening.
  8. Wow, when Janelle said that if Savannah wasn't still in school, she would move into the other side of the townhouse. They are laying the groundwork.
  9. Welcome All. Hoping for another fun night.
  10. I was just rewatching the episode when I saw a lot of medications amongst the clutter I'm the video--on Max from 8 minutes to 8:10. It made me wonder if: Robyn is a hypochondriac Kody takes 'supplements' Robyn has Munchausen Syndrome and the dozens of pill bottles on 2 shelves are used to garner sympathy or support from Kody due to a perceived sick child.
  11. I did a quick scan the 2 years before they moved to Flagstaff and these wonders were not on Robyn's walls.
  12. Yes, there is a Kush Gallery in Caesars Palace.
  13. Are we sure that they aren't these types of Kush--just inexpensive art prints? https://iartprints.com/buy/vladimir_kush_behind_the_trees_art_print-70366.html?ds=10x8&gclid=Cj0KCQjwx5qoBhDyARIsAPbMagArgT-F6eIocVWKf4qUDCKq-rVJmMjaWtOR9DXQ851q3_i8DfwfRLUaAk0IEALw_wcB Instead of these? https://kushfineart.com/artworks/categories/8/9398-behind-the-trees-39-x-49-inches/ She buys Dickens Village and Precious Moments so it would be a big jump up to $7K on a giclee. It wouldn't surprise me if the previous owner left behind a print that cost $75 and Robyn thought she was scoring something worth 100X that.
  14. I just want to join the crowd in saying: "TLC, you can't make Kody seem like less of a narcissist by wasting my time showing him going with Aurora to get her ears pieced, hanging out with creepy friends or eating crepes like burritos. You can't convince me that Robyn isn't a hoarder when we see her hoard in the mudroom, or that she cares about Kody's kids from the OG3 when she squeezes her eyes really tight to cry. If you are testing to see whether I will watch a show focused on Kody and Robyn, hell no. Please stop trying to make the the narcissistic, lazy grifters a thing. Gretchen, stop trying to make 'fetch' happen."
  15. I think it was redneck scooters. Does anyone think Kody and Robyn will try to get TLC to take them on an overseas trip? I have to believe that when he saw the instagram posts of the Europe tour, and thought about the fact that his personally funded vacations seem to be camping trips that he'll try to outdo Christine and take his tenders and love muffin to somewhere better Maybe the Galapagos? Or the Amazon? Or at least the 2024 Olympics in Paris. NarciKody and NariRobyn can't be outdone by Christine.
  16. I thought Bravo was suggesting that Ralph and Courtney were in a 'romantic' relationship. There was a party early on, when Ralph was introducing his 'cousin' and as they headed out the door, they started holding hands. At that time I thought Bravo was just saying look at the dawg. Now I think they were doing Drew a solid, catching the relationship on film for the courts. Do I think Drew tapped out after years of abuse? Maybe, but I don't care. I hope she has a good lawyer.
  17. The fake story about Kody thinking about leaving Robyn. Stupid. They are asking us to believe that the person he has to 'dial down his sexual tension in front of Meri' could be left by Kody. No way! It has been clear for a dozen years that he loves and is in love with Robyn. And there have been suggestions that Robyn and her best customer share special romantic affection. There is nothing wrong with their relationship, so pretending, when Kody can't keep his hands off of her, that the marriage is in trouble is ridiculous.
  18. Robyn has about $3500-4000 of Dickens Village that she has collected 'because Kody likes it.' You all are right. Robyn is just on this side of being a hoarder. But her hoarding is expensive now. When the show stops it will switch to cereal boxes, handguns, and broken precious moments that she picks up at Goodwill. Good Grief!
  19. I thought it was interesting that Meri didn't host Christmas Eve. Part of me wonders if she knew she would be choosing sides. In last week's episode she was pushed into not inviting Janelle's and Christine's kids. And Meri didn't want to choose sides. At this point she was hurt by all of them. For the time being, Meri is enjoying most-favored status.
  20. Wow, the teaser for next week. Meri says she is making some changes. Peace out! Sayonara, Bitches. So the juicy bit to encourage us to watch another snooze episode is that Meri gave up before Janelle. I guess another ring will fall in the opening credits.
  21. When Kody says there will be other Christmases and that's why he was a jackass--all I could think was he doesn't really understand that he has made his choice, made it known, and the fact that he is fighting with Janelle doesn't justify neglecting your children.
  22. It is interesting that Kody didn't include Gwen in the Christmas celebrations. At this point, Gwen wasn't talking about Kody--it was before her Patreon. I wonder if she was banished for being bi-sexual.
  23. Robyn and Kody are pretending that the boys chose the separate Christmas. We know this isn't true. Janelle asked about seeing them on Christmas and Kody said no. Do they think that we don't remember her asking? Do they think we don't remember the proposed gift exchange?
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