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Everything posted by urusai

  1. Mika is reaching Bitsy levels of stupidity by bringing up her kids questioning President Obama's speech tonight.
  2. Blake, Scott, and Emerson's lip synch was everything. LOL! I 've noticed Teddy seems really grumpy recently. Wonder how Zeno dad hurt his knee? that was a big brace.
  3. icki looks like shit. And all her backtracking are obviously lies.
  4. "Sorry your first wife left you for Melissa Etheridge... buuuuuuuurrrrrppp...that sucks."
  5. "JBF" hair = just been funned? LOL Amanda and Kenya's reaction to the LFL coach. So hilarious.
  6. Of course she had to guzzle the rest of her wine on the way out.
  7. "....but i don't know about a dress shirt thong onesie." "the hell is going on? I didn't think she was a virgin but she ain't stupid is she? DAMN" LOL!!
  8. When the Morning Star called Eros and said they had their crew member (Rocky), Capt. Lee should've told them "Nah, you can have her or take her to shore." WTF was up with putting Oreo crumbles on the salad that was being held up by sticking them in shit? And oysters and grenadine? Rocky should be made to walk the plank for that fuckery.
  9. Briana must be moving back after commenting how much she hates Oklahoma. If I had to go to the ER there and had her treat me, i'd ask her "WTF you doing here if you hate it so much?" Ragey should ask to transfer to make his wife happy.
  10. It's not unlimited, he has to save enough for squid ink and Cup'O'Noodles.
  11. Dave and his inflated sense of value makes me shake my head. There is not a single more reprehensible POS on reality tv as dave hester.
  12. You'd think Gene shat gold out his ass the way everybody wants him. I can't decide if i'm on Parker's side or Tony's. Or if it's just some scripted drama. Frickin Toad needs to shut the frick up and let frickin Dave run the whole frickin thing.
  13. Jasmine is a more pathetic Judy, if that is even possible.
  14. The doctor kept speaking in Spanish to the locals but isn't Portuguese the native language in Brazil?
  15. Jeff better ask relevant questions in the backyard.
  16. She also told him if he won, she has some "ideas" he should invest in.
  17. Liz has a vote though. Was her offer of a car if one of the twins got voted out considered a bribe?
  18. The hg's said 3 hours. The feeds were down about 5 or 6.
  19. Please get Van out of this game. Her mental status depends on it. James's face when listening to Van explain her thought process during the comp was made up of all kinds of win. He was definitely thinking "This bitch is crazy. Get me the fuck outta here." So now Van is saying she will tell someone straight up how she feels but if James tells her she's playing to hard she gets butt hurt? What a fucking hypocrite.
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