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Everything posted by urusai

  1. This way if one of them win veto he can put up Day with hardly any repercussions. Hence the BD.
  2. Make that 90% correct. I want to see James kick vic's ass if he says anything bad about Natalie.
  3. Loved James comment while seeing the back of the haircut. "Looks like someone is jumping off a cliff." Hopefully he'll be gone before it starts growing in.
  4. I think this is what Polly was going for but Paul just couldn't pull it off. http://male-hair.com/undercut/trendy-hairstyle-ideas-for-undercuts-2016/
  5. No way in hell will James get the same 'do. Nat would have him cuddle with Mr. Jenkins!
  6. With an ugly personality. Her snide remarks, two faced attitude, and jealousy issues makes her a turn off to me.
  7. zika is a spiteful bitch and I can't wait for her to be on the block. And I haven't forgotten about her "chinky eyes" comment either.
  8. So all that water on the floor and 3 people can't even wipe it up? And Z in her socks just keeps walking over it. Disgusting pigs.
  9. Frank trying to reel James in, just like he told Tiff he would do. James talking to Tiff. It would be hilarious if he told her "I think you're playiing too hard." I could just imagine Van's head exploding hearing that again.
  10. Tiff talking to herself asking for Frank to come talk to her. Tiff just told Frank and Bridge she won.
  11. I liked Paul telling Tiff it's just a game and don't ever try to make him swear on his mother for anything.
  12. Yes agree to disagree. I do wonder why after saving Tiff, the ones who voted to keep her are now having regrets? Is it because she believes Frank over them? Day must be a really good actress because her incredulous looks after Tiff told her what Frank said fooled me.
  13. Tiff telling Nic what Frank said to her and Nic was soo mad at Frank blowing up her game that she had to pound the pillow to show how mad she was.
  14. Yes I watched. I saw her meltdown in front of Day, Z, and Nicole. Then Paul trying to reason with her. I totally got flashbacks from last season with the over the top emotions. Then seeing Tiff talk to Frank alone and saying it's all strategic with a smile on her face? Meh, to me she's faking.
  15. Seeing Natalie comfort Tiff while she's crying, then seeing Tiff admit to Frank she cries for strategic reasons? I'm done with Tiff. Nat seems like a genuine nice girl and Tiff should be ashamed of herself for doing that to her.
  16. And that's why I don't feel bad seeing Tiff's meltdown. She had to have some idea how this is played. I think they are having Brexit level of regret keeping Tiff.
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