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Everything posted by urusai

  1. Hearing the twins talk and validate each other is really annoying. Screw both of them.
  2. James is my hero right now. I admire his attitude because no way in hell would I have sat there while Van belittled me like she did James and Meg.
  3. Get fucking Van the hell out of hn room. She is such a bitch. Now Van is gonna cry? This is too much to watch.
  4. Austin is the biggest fucking baby. His turn to be have not and he wusses out and lets JMac volunteer. Big for nothing piece of shit.
  5. When Steve said he didn't mean to attack Austin and would stop, I laughed when I heard James say "Control, alt, delete".
  6. I wish they had shown James covering Julia's bed in aluminum foil instead. That was pretty funny.
  7. Oh i'd say she has taken it down several hundred notches now. Has that bitter beer face going on.
  8. Vanessa and Shelli are the definition of not having grace under pressure.
  9. Loved James telling Meg "This is Big Brother, you can bounce checks." LOL! Gooo James!!
  10. I hope james does to shelli/clay what jennifer did to kaysar
  11. I loved Emma screaming "I want a wada!" after Paige made fun of her accent.
  12. Julia's reaction to Liz telling her Austin tried to kiss her was all kinds of win.
  13. Sounds like another "90% chance of voting Jeff" debacle.
  14. So Audrey is in have not room chomping on an apple; No call out from BB or nothing. Get her entitled ass out of there!
  15. The only mist Vanessa has is the one clouding her brain until her meds kick in.
  16. Austin voted out, his girlfriend in the audience, and Julie throwing him shade about the twins. That would be amazing TV.
  17. You mean 90%? LOL actually she called it her "liars compass".
  18. James was totally having fun and Meg couldn't stop laughing about how ridiculous that was. They told Jeff and they all had a big laugh.
  19. Vanessa said as a gay woman she would be depressed if she sent Audrey home and later found out Audrey was truthful. Audrey is an excellent liar.
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