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Everything posted by urusai

  1. Sounds like another "90% chance of voting Jeff" debacle.
  2. So Audrey is in have not room chomping on an apple; No call out from BB or nothing. Get her entitled ass out of there!
  3. The only mist Vanessa has is the one clouding her brain until her meds kick in.
  4. Austin voted out, his girlfriend in the audience, and Julie throwing him shade about the twins. That would be amazing TV.
  5. You mean 90%? LOL actually she called it her "liars compass".
  6. James was totally having fun and Meg couldn't stop laughing about how ridiculous that was. They told Jeff and they all had a big laugh.
  7. Vanessa said as a gay woman she would be depressed if she sent Audrey home and later found out Audrey was truthful. Audrey is an excellent liar.
  8. Jonny Mac was saved by a Gronk party. No such luck for Becky. She's looking for a train right about now.
  9. Uh oh, it's Becky's turn. I hope she gets comfortable cuz she gonna be there awhile.
  10. LOL! I feel so sorry for Jonny Mac right now having to listen to this rambling. If this doesn't convince one of her crazy, I don't know what will.
  11. I find it hard to believe the way Vanessa is behaving is all acting on her part. She talks soo fast and has so many thoughts she's trying to blurt out it's hard to understand her. The way she was retelling the "Jeff lied to my face" story and on the verge of tears was very uncomfortable. And she had to retell the whole thing to every hg individually. Also, she claims not to lie but obviously everyone lies in there. The way she says it though,makes it seem like she really believes it.
  12. Vanessa is so manic. Can't wait to see her when she's not HOH and has no power.
  13. I hope whatever happens, it blows up Vanessa and Austin's game. Cant stand either one of them. Vanessa is such a control freak and Austin is pseudo superfan. James only chance is the Gronk takeover.
  14. Having a hard time understanding Vanessa because she speaks a mile a minute. Must be all that Red Bull she drinks. She really has a bad case of HOHitis.
  15. They showed James taking a shower and Audrey, Shelli, and Meg talking about clothes. Vanessa asked Clay if Have Nots could have coffee, so I guess she is one.
  16. LOL! "Beats the purpose." Jordan... bless her heart.
  17. "No scratchy the new woody." The contractor looked shocked after hearing Icki say that.
  18. Does Dorinda have to send a royalty check to Icki for having the nerve to order a dirty martini and a bleu cheese olive?
  19. Don't forget he also has a newborn who I feel the most sympathetic for. Him and his GF had no problem stealing from his sons. I wish he would suit up and dive then maybe Andy would cut out the engine and say "payback is a mofo."
  20. Awww Jackie dumped Shep. I liked her at the Founder's Ball.
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