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Everything posted by urusai

  1. I think Tiff went on tv to get a bit of fame. Not to play the game.
  2. I don't feel bad for Tiff. She watched the feeds last year and saw how her sister was all emotional and manic. Now she hates this game? Then why sign up?
  3. I remember when a seagull shat on Icki from rhoc at a restaurant. Don't think she has had much luck considering she's still the same ugly hag.
  4. I can totally picture Paulie and Cody fist pumping at the shoah to some techno.
  5. Tiffany wears Nicole's MSU hoodie and Paulie's Syracuse hoodie.
  6. Tiff talking to cam asking, "I don't know how you did it, Vanessa. You didn't have any weirdos." Umm Van was the weirdo.
  7. bunch of math wizards in this cast this season. Dory in the hoh fish tank for the win!
  8. Please Nashville, Tiff is a rousso. "It's in her nature" to be the bestest ever and always be right. The props to vic was pertaining to him not keeping it a secret that he won roadblock.
  9. props to vic for letting them know who his nomination was. i thought the roadkill winner could be anonymous?
  10. here goes tiff going full on van and tears and stuttering after finding out she's going up for nom. what the fuck is up with this rousso gene that makes them so emotional?
  11. My sense of direction is out of whack also but WHY it's called SEA salt? I can't. She laughed after she said it though. I think she meant it because in a later conversation she started to say it again but caught herself and changed it up.
  12. Corey just asked, "Why is it called Sea Salt?" Really, he did ask earnestly too. LOL
  13. Is this a new twist where the outgoing HOH can play for it again? Or is Paul just a pinhead who didn't bother to read the rule book? 2:01 a.m. Paul announces to Bronte, Victor, and Jozea that James is the mastermind and Bronte agrees. LOL! Viva La Revolucion!
  14. Per Jokers: "At 3:04 pm, Zakiyah is discussing ways to wear eyeliner with Natalie and says to her "You'll look like you have chinky eyes." Go join Corey in the corner now, zika.
  15. Then MIchelle would tsk tsk Ari for eating so much mayo. Now Tiff is asking James about last season and how Liz wanted him out instead of van. James replied that van was telling Liz he was gunning for them.
  16. LOL! Jozea reassuring Bridgette both of them are safe. In fact, he guarantees it. Can't wait to see his face come Thursday.
  17. Corey also enlightened the group about his favorite burger, the McGangbang.
  18. And he supports trump? He stays for a few more weeks and his inner Aaryn will def come out.
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