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Everything posted by urusai

  1. The Rousso family trait is real, ya'll. Van jr. in hoh bed, face wet, everyone else is up and she wonders why people keep asking if she's ok? Dramatic much? Everyone is afraid of Bronte cuz she'll scold them if they make a mess. I guess she's the next boot. You know how the hg's like their messiness.
  2. LOL. Loved Natalie thinking Corey is so hot then Corey waxing poetic about Victor.
  3. I hope this series is a one and done. Soo boring and tedious.
  4. Just wait to see how many times he says "LITERALLY".
  5. Ben ain't fucking around by changing into his uniform. Hannah fucked up by lying to Ben in the first place. She should own the fact she messed up.
  6. My penis appreciates your thoughtfulness and thanks you.
  7. Totally forgot Fernanda was on the series. Lynn's shocked face when Tamballs told her about kissing Fernanda was hilarious considering Lynn's daughter Alexa was a budding porn star. Lynn came off as such a prude. Also forgot about "Alexis Couture" show when Icki called Tamballs to say she was bleeding out her ass. LOL
  8. Maybe the ability to pull out cash to feed a caviar vending machine?
  9. bianca is soo low class. And of course jonny is there with his two faced, shit gathering ass fishing for info to use against the other ones.
  10. LOL The twins, James but no Grandma damnit. Judas not sitting with the twins though. They must've taped this a while ago, Rachel is still pregnant.
  11. It was dumb ass johnny telling Morgan that started the drama. Hate johnny and his attention seeking, ish stirring presence. Dorothy, double stick tape is your friend.
  12. I thought i heard Kyle say the account was 37 pages long and 5 digits. Not $37,000
  13. If jessalynn wasn't Jojo's mom, i'd slap that fat, shit stirring cow in her face.
  14. LOL! Bianca's comment about looking like a Orange County housewife if you're caught wearing fur in LA was such a burn. Hilarious! I wonder if Icki still has her coat she paId for herself "gift" from Brooks.
  15. OK thanks for clarifying. To me it seems like referring to themselves as Persian instead of Iraninan makes them think they are above and more entitled.
  16. I'm confused. Are they Persian or are they Iraqi? Are they calling themselves Persian because of the negative connotation of Iraq?
  17. Wait, Ramona and the picture with her dad, she said she sat on his lap but the photo shows her sitting on the arm of the chair. Dorinda is a better person than I am because no way would I give Moana any sympathy and would have slapped the shit out of her for that "thank God" remark.
  18. I totally agree with Eileen that LisaV is more empathetic towards animals than the ladies on the show. I would be too with this bunch.
  19. Two orange oompa loompas complete with blowouts circa 1995 Jersey.
  20. LOL! Rinna looks like a brunette Brandi on WWHL. Her face looks soo tight.
  21. "Narrative" is too many syllables for Brandi to come up with on her own.
  22. I'm just glad Taylor is gone with that sleazy as hell boyfriend she had. You are soo right about Dorothy. That basketball player is just bad news I think.
  23. "God knows I've seen a few fake dicks laying around your apartment." Julie looked soo embarrassed. LOL
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