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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Not going to lie, it is kind of cool that you're related to the first ever HOH in BBCan history. Did she ever say if AJ was as strange in real life as he was in the show? I always wished they would bring the Instant Eviction and the Triple Eviction to the American show. Those twists were really good. That was part of the reason why I enjoyed BBCan sometimes more than the American version because the twists were always better.
  2. For the last few days every time I read Jack's name I mentally see Jackson and vice versa. Therefore, I am attributing all of this stuff said about Jack to Jackson. Screw you Big Brother for casting people with similar names!
  3. I feel the same way. This cast is just bland for a lack of a better word. I felt the same about the cast of BB Can that just ended as well. I really cannot put my finger on why.
  4. Obviously you do not have to answer if you do not feel comfortable doing so, but you piqued my interest. Who was your cousin? I felt that BBCAN seasons one and two had the best casts. You could be on to something, I am not a smoker either but yeah they will go through great lengths to smoke anywhere they can. Especially now that they are not allowed to smoke in buildings. I have been watching since BB3 and this sounds bad but I really do not recall how long the evictions have been on Thursdays. It seems like a long time. Since I have been watching it, the only day I do not recall it being on was Monday (I think it was on Mondays on season one).
  5. Can't really blame him, she was hot back in the day (I have not seen a recent picture of her). I remember there was one episode where she was riding a bike while wearing a dress and as a sophomore in high school (yeah I am old) that was oddly hot to me. Still is, if I am being honest.
  6. Same here, I was so happy when C&C (Music Factory, sorry I could not pass that up) did not win the first time. Granted Chip and Kim are my all-time favorite team so I was biased but yeah I really did not like C&C their first go around. This time I was really happy that they won, I mean I did read the spoilers that they won when they were posted a year ago so I was not shocked they won. But I was happy that they did win. Yeah that was not very zen of her. It was so weird seeing her as the intense one and Colin trying to be the calming factor. What a 180 there. I understand why they have alliances on TAR but I find them to be stupid. I am not sure but I just was never fond of them and I have always felt like they cheapened the spirit of the race. I could not do it, but if you have a photographic memory you probably could. As others have said, that is her "thing". It was what she was known for on Survivor, so I would not be shocked if either the producers decided to tell her to do it. Or she just did it on her own because that is what she is "known" to do. Eliza really disappointed me on here. I always liked her on Survivor and I will admit I find her attractive. But seeing her on here really killed my goodwill towards her. I had read other posters in the Survivor section say that she was an asshole but I did not want to believe it (because I still do think she's cute). Hell part of me is wondering if Corrine is just a bad influence on her. Probably not, but it could be true. Now I have always despised Corrine, she has never not been an asshole. I have said it before I like Korey, but there is something about Tyler I just do not like. I cannot put my finger on it, but yeah I just do not like him and I was happy that he did not win. If Korey could have somehow won all by himself I would have been good with that though.
  7. Sorry for the back-to-back posts. I did not read this until after I posted. Anyway, I am not sure if what Jackson did was intentionally racist and ageist, only he knows. However, Twitter does tend to blow stuff way out of proportion and it seems like they are not happy until they find something that they can be offended by and complain about.
  8. Yeah I find it so trippy to see it snowing there. I find it funny that they have no qualms standing outside in the snow having lengthy conversations while it is snowing. I am from New England and we get our fair share of snow and I for one have never stood outside casually talking while it is snowing out. Instead I am cursing the fact that I have to go out and shovel it. I have to say I am not feeling the evection episode happening on Wednesday nights now. I am so used to evictions happening on Thursdays. This Wednesday night crap is messing with me.
  9. Yes that was the one. I guess neither one of us was going crazy and it was real.
  10. I think that was the one. I wonder why I got Tom and John confused.
  11. Yeah you must be right, because I know it was an SNL skit and if you say it was with Tom Brady then that was what it was.
  12. I could be wrong but I thought John Hamm did a skit on SNL where he said, "It's not sexual harassment if he does it." Implying that because he is so good looking women would not consider it sexual harassment. I could be wrong about that being a skit though because I tried looking for it and I could not find it. Maybe it was with another actor or maybe it was just a joke someone told me. But I agree that it is not okay no matter who does it. Wow and the twins willingly went on The Challenge? That place is a den of STD's.
  13. Any news on when the Australian version is coming back? I remember it being on around August through September but I cannot recall if it typically started at the end of July.
  14. I thought the same thing as well. I guess that spoiler, thankfully, ended up being wrong. The best thing I did a few months back was to stop going on Twitter. I used to spend two or three hours a night on it. Now I hardly think of it. I still do have a fake account that I use to look at the site from time to time (as much as I dislike Evil Dick as a person, his Twitter account is pretty funny). I honestly did not find anyone all that annoying yet. Which is hopefully a good thing. I did not watch the pre-show interviews. The only one that I think could end up being slightly annoying is Nicole but the thing is I have a thing for quirky/nerdy girls and I may just end up thinking she's cute (I do find her attractive). I am just glad there are no super woke people like Rockstar on this season. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for the people who do the live feed reporting each year. I honestly do appreciate what you do and you do enhance the show for me with your witty takes and your spoilers. Had I followed the live feeds on here for the last season of Celebrity Big Brother, I might not have stopped watching it part way through (I did watch the final couple of episodes).
  15. Me as well. I was such a huge fan of Cara when she was first on the show, now I am just sick of her. Yes I despise Paulie since he was on Big Brother but my dislike of Cara goes back before she started dating him. Do they really need to bring back White Trash Ashley? She is another one who can fuck off to whence she came.
  16. I know he never actually said it, but for some odd reason when Turbo won I half expected him to say, "I make win." Yes I know I am an asshole for saying that but still I chuckle every time I picture him saying that. I wonder why Ninja was so hated by Theo and Cara. Turbo I can fully understand, but the other two I just do not get it. Ninja seemed very nice and charming to me, aside from the whole Turbo argument.
  17. I noticed that as well, Elissa seems to be able to clam/shut Rachel drama down while Brendan (Was that how he spelled it?) was never able to do so and sort of fed into it. I guess that is the difference between a sibling and a spouse. A sibling has no problem telling you to shut up while a spouse has to dance around it. It was so odd seeing Britney and Rachel being so nice to each other after the way they hated each other on Big Brother. It just felt odd seeing them be supportive towards each other. Granted people do grow and being a parent makes you grow-up even quicker (hopefully) but yeah it was such a bizarre thing for me to watch. Floyd is gay as well? To quote Johnny Carson, "I did not know that." I never recalled him making mention of him being gay. Not that it matters, I just do not know why I never read or saw him say he was.
  18. I feel bad for whomever got involved in that War of Realms nonsense. With all of the main stories and off-shoots it is completely ridiculous. Also, I had to laugh about Marvel doing yet another reboot of the X-Men. They just did an overhyped reboot and now they are doing it again. Marvel is such a crap company. They are constantly rebooting stuff (even stuff that does not sell *cough* Captain Marvel *cough*) and they make far too many variant covers. They should take a lesson from DC and trim the fat get rid of the low selling books and put focus on the better selling books.
  19. Not really much to say but damn did Clarke look amazing in that dress. Holy cow! I also got a chuckle out of Murphy's line (I think it was Murphy) when she changed back to her normal clothes, I am paraphrasing here, "Oh look you're back in your murder clothes."
  20. When I first heard that Jon Cryer was going to play Lex I had my doubts. But man he was great as Lex and I am glad they left it open for him to return. Also, I have to give Nicole Maines major props. I felt her acting had a lot to be desired in the first few episodes. However, she has vastly improved as the season went on and I have come to enjoy her character (Not going to lie her being cute is also a factor.).
  21. I feel better knowing that there are others who are finding this show less enjoyable. I actually do not remember the first half of the season because there was such a huge gap (screw you CW) and I watch too much television. Anyway I am sick of the Time Bureau characters. All of them...if they were to write Ava, Mona, and Gary from the show I would be overjoyed. I do not care about any of these characters. Mona especially, I find her to be far too annoying.
  22. Not Happy to see... Natalie A., Parvati, Sandra, Sarah, Tyson, Adam I despise everyone on this list with the exception of Adam and Sarah (I just did not find either to be compelling winners). Natalie and Tyson are two of my least favorite players ever. Neutral about... Amber, Michele, Sophie, Ethan, Ben, Nick, Tony, Wendell, Boston Rob Happy to see: Denise, Danni, Jeremy Very happy to see... Kim and Yul Kim is my favorite female winner and Yul is my favorite male winner (though Earl is a very close second)
  23. I wonder if Rick being hyped everywhere is just that hype and as others have said Victoria gets the win. In a promo I heard today on the radio they were hyping Rick (it only had an audio clip of him talking). Granted with a radio spot they tend to be really short so how many clips can you put in the ad.
  24. I have always despised Corinne (Though I have to admit she was not that bad during her second season on Survivor) and was a fan of Eliza (If I find a woman attractive I often overlook a lot.). After seeing Eliza on here I can no longer overlook how catty and bitchy she is. I makes me wonder if she was always like this or Corinne brings to worst out of her.
  25. I am not sure where to put this but Da'vonne said on Twitter that she turned down being on the current season of The Amazing Race (her partner would have been Jason from her first season of Big Brother and that internet only season of Big Brother) in order to do the Challenge. I wonder why she would do that? To me TAR, while being nerve wracking as hell, would be such an awesome experience. To travel around the world for the chance to win half of a million dollars sounds awesome. I would much rather do that over living in a house with Ashely and company for a month.
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