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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Thank you @HartofDixie for posting the movie posters!
  2. Thank you for posting this. I asked if someone could post it in the episode thread (Someone may very well have, I always come to this thread first and I have yet to check that one out yet.) so once again thank you. Some of those posters were great and I will echo some of the others in saying that the posters were much better than this year's comics. "Dan you will always be Judas to me!" What did he say about Jerry? I always found it odd that they became friends after the show.
  3. This was a tough one for me because I have liked Mat for the most part up until the last couple of episodes. This last episode though he really went into full on Godfather mode and he was too blind to see what was actually going on around him. I am good with his ouster, but it sucks to see Benji get what he wants. I highly doubt that either Sharn or Shane are going to get their revenge in the next episode as the previews suggest. I mean what can they honestly do? They are going to get picked off now instead of the remaining Contenders. What will be interesting is when the new majority has to eat itself. Where do Brian and Monika (sp?) fit it with the Contenders?
  4. Sorry to do this again (I did the same thing in regards to the comics), did anyone catch or are their links to the different movie posters? I caught some of them, but I would be interested in seeing them all.
  5. Blockstar is "woke" and therefore she will feel no guilt in what she said. People who are like that tend to see things only one way and it is nearly impossible to changer their minds. Though Brent did seem to get her to change her mind, only to leave that GBM that wrecked/confirmed anything that Blockstar thought of him.
  6. When they showed him during the preview that aired during the final episode of Survivor last season, I said to myself, "Wait a minute is that? No...it can't be." I know him from TAR so I probably should not have been shocked to see him pop up on Survivor (I would have been less shocked if he had shown up on Celebrity Big Brother) but still it just seems weird to me that he is on the show.
  7. I can't remember if it was Dan that said it or not, but I recall someone once saying, "You always split the final five vote." I think that it makes the most sense and if Tyler and Kaycee are the two voting they might as well do it to. Especially with two people who might have volatile reactions towards being voted out such as Sam and JC. Might as well have a good portion of their anger directed at Angela. Which I could totally see Tyler doing if they want Sam or JC out. In a way she is sort of like a child soldier. Trained to be stone cold. Like everyone else I call b.s. on Derrick being more popular than Donny. Donny has to be one of the, if not the most, beloved houseguest in the show's history. I wonder if this is keeping up with production's narrative of Derrick the Great. Heck, even Derrick said it was not true. I believe for this line alone, Brett should win AFP. I, much like the studio audience, went there. Which is why I started laughing when the vast majority of them were laughing.
  8. Did anyone catch what Blockstar's comic was? Her comic was the only one I did not catch.
  9. I know this was not directed at me but I just saw it last weekend as well. It was one of those movies that was good if you did not think too much about it. However, once you start to think about it, it turns into a mediocre movie. Though I will say that Jennifer Garner did a good job (though my opinion here might be bias here because I have a tad crush on her) and it took me back to her Alias days and that is a good thing. Back on topic, the commercial I really hate right now is the Salmon Sisters commercial. It is played like forty million times a day and it is on during shows of different genre's. One could see it during a WWE commercial break and then one could see it on a commercial break for Snowfall. I am just sick of it, I hate the sound of the sister's voices and the cutesy music that accompanies the commercial.
  10. Not to go all Hayleigh here, but she looks marvelous, awesome, beautiful, amazing, sexy...and on an on...in this picture. Seriously though she does look really good in this picture and her mother is very pretty as well. In fact, her mother sort of reminds me of Gerri Harwell (a.k.a. Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls).
  11. I was not sure where to post this but this thread seems to be the best so I put it here. On the current season of Survivor Australia there are two contestants holding Immunity Idols and they are coming after each other. It started me thinking about the following what if scenario (because from the looks of the previews for next week's episode of Survivor Australia this might happen). After a merge there are two player gunning for each other. Both players know they are the target of the other and neither has Individual Immunity going into Tribal Council. Therefore, when it is time to vote both players play their respective Idols. Now if both players are the only two players that receive votes, what would happen? This is not a Cirie situation as only three people are covered by Immunity (The two idol players and the player who has Individual Immunity), so I would think there would be a revote and everyone else who is not covered by Immunity would be eligible to be voted out. I would be interested in reading if anyone else can think of a more plausible outcome to the above scenario.
  12. That is what I found myself saying. Well I am not sure if I would be cool with a Shonee win either because she has done (and admitted to doing) nothing for the entire game. I am either indifferent or like the rest of the players. I honestly would love to see Fenella win but I doubt that will happen. Has anyone noticed that Benji does not really have much of an Australian accent. I know he either lived or live here in the States so I am wondering if that is why. I mean he does have an accent but to me it sounds more like an American trying to put on an Australian accent.
  13. Thumbs up to everything Bob said. This guy is a very agile athlete. Check out this video below to see what we are talking about (the main part of interest is near the end of the video)… https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=johnny+nitro+royal+rumble&view=detail&mid=AF5D90AE48771D40EF76AF5D90AE48771D40EF76&FORM=VIRE Sorry for the lack of a video and making it a link on this page. I could not figure out how to link the actual video to the page.
  14. You are absolutely right it is subjective. That being said, I do find Angela attractive but look wise Haleigh is far more my type. Once again I am taking this off topic but, a few years ago I was watching Luther and I commented on how hot I found Ruth Wilson to be (she is also on the Affair). My sister turned to me and said, "You have terrible taste in women, that chick is ugly." Now granted my sister is not gay so she was not commenting on Ruth from an attraction standpoint but she does say that all of the time to me, that I find unattractive women attractive.
  15. I really enjoyed this show and I did not see the ending coming (maybe because I am stupid because the hints were there). I loved the ending, it was shot in a very horror movie style. The one thing I hated about the show/did not get, is why did they have the teenagers roller skating everywhere? I could not even tell you the last time I saw anyone roller skating, let alone in public. Then to top it off they had "cool" teenagers doing it. It just seemed very odd to me. I mean I am thirty-nine and roller skating was considered lame by the time I was like eleven years old. So here we are almost thirty years later and it is what all of the cool kids are doing. Nah, I am not buying it. That was the one thing that took me out of the story. Yes I know it is a very odd thing to harp on but still, it was just odd to me.
  16. Exactly, in a show like this or Survivor perception is reality. If people think you played a larger part in the game (regardless of reality) they will be inclined to award you the victory. That might be the case for JC if he makes to F2. At this point he has probably spent more time with her family than he spent with her.
  17. That is why I never really viewed Parvati as that great of a player. Yes she won but to me (my memory is hazy, having not watched that season since it originally aired) it was Cirie who drove the game. Had there been a final three, I truly believe Cirie would have won. Also, I hated Natalie with a passion. She was a non-entity for most of the game and then all of a sudden she came across as a psychopath. Anyway, back to topic...
  18. Well he has been mostly a heel for the vast majority of his career but that means nothing unless he is going to go all Fairplay and live his character while on the island. From what I have seen of him outside of wrestling he seems to be a nice guy. He is a tremendous athlete and will be an asset during challenges.
  19. I cannot recall if I liked or disliked him on TAR. So he has a clean slate with me. I just do not think he will be cut out for Survivor, though I have said that in the past and have been proven wrong.
  20. I wonder if he is like me. I would not call myself a superfan but I am clearly not a normal fan either because I have watched every season since season 3 (I saw the vast majority of season 2 on YouTube before stupid CBS decided to enforce its copyright.) and I know a lot of stuff about the game that the average viewer would not know. However, I could not tell you who finished in fifth place during the week three HOH in season 12. Maybe Scottie is in the same boat. Or maybe as you said he was faking it until he made it.
  21. Yes they were dating. They were on a season of Survivor together when they were a couple. I have no idea if they still are one. Kat probably would have been a good fit for this season of Big Brother as she was just as crazy as some of these folks. Was I the only one who heard Angela Lansbury's voice when reading that?
  22. Oddly enough even Evel Dick seemed to not be a fan of the speech. I say oddly enough because you know ED is a piece of garbage and all (though I have to admit I do enjoy his responses on Twitter). He was talking about how Derrick was an overrated winner and how Derrick cheated on his wife with Kat from Survivor while his wife was pregnant. Interesting stuff.
  23. When he said that I thought the same thing. I was like, "Why did he wish a dictator a happy birthday?" I think you are absolutely right. I found it funny when Scottie said Rocksalt was furious over Angela's GBM, that actually made the show for me. I mean all RS did was talk shit about how Angela and Brett were privileged so to have it thrown back in her face was great and now that I know RS is furious about it, it makes it even better. I for one think that Angela is playing a good game. Her social game is lacking and that will probably come back to bite her if she makes it to F2.
  24. Oh I would love to see them do a Bad Girls Club-style reunion show. I would have killed to see one for last season as well. Just to see what everyone had to say to Paul. That was the first thought that came to me as soon as she won HOH. I would be good with her winning, I mean she doesn't really have much of a strategic game (at least not that I am aware of) but she seems likable and she has won a lot of competitions so I would not be annoyed with her winning. Sam looks really cute here.
  25. I have not run across this commercial in some time, there was a car commercial that used to run rather frequently a couple of months ago where this couple goes into this diner and ask for directions to some cliffs. An old blindman comes forward and says he'll direct them to the cliffs. What the what? How could a blind person possibly navigate in a car? I mean walking is one thing, because they would know exactly where to go, but in a car? The last thing I would want is an old blind man directing me to drive somewhere, especially if that location has a cliff.
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