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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Forgot to ask in my previous post, have Jess and Nicole mended fences or are they still not getting along?
  2. As much as we make fun of Analyse's intelligence on here, Nick has made some very questionable remarks that have left me questioning his intelligence. Shit the dude has a Masters and he does not know what the word dainty means...the fuck? I was going to attempt to post a witty comment here. But yeah I think the joke is in what he said. What would his hair cut even be considered? Is it a Cesar (I had one back in the early 2000's and it was terrible)? Is it a bowl cut? What does he say to the barber when he asks for it? Or does he do the thing where he points to a picture on the wall and says, "I want it like that." Also, on the topic of Nick...I did not realize that he had both ears pierced until Thursday night's episode. It looked so odd, has he always worn earrings in both ears and I just did not notice it? Yeah TWoP mods sucked. I got reported for grammar mistakes as well, also spelling mistakes, and board on board. The mod was none to pleased when I asked them if board on board was a sexual thing (I am shocked I was not banned for that to be honest). I have never had any problems with any of the mods on here, even when I constantly go off topic in nearly every post. I appreciate that because on other sites I frequent I tend to have an adversarial relationship with mods. Only one time I had a sort or run in with a mod on here (not in this section, in the Dr. Who section) and this was well before they were made a mod. In fact, when I saw that the site had made this person a mod I scratched my head because this poster was frequently combative with other posters.
  3. I am going off topic but that is my thing. That is what is happening on the current season of Australian Survivor on both tribes. On one tribe there is a guy who gave another guy a fake idol. The guy who got the fake idol is now gunning for the guy who gave him the fake idol. On the other tribe you have Johnny Fairplay (nowhere near as bad as Johnny, but the dude does lie a lot) type player who constantly lies and he has called the woman who is leading the majority alliance of his tribe the godfather of the tribe. She's pissed and has been planning his demise but thus far she has failed to do so (Due to a fake Tribal Council and the liar guy playing an HII). My point? Yes Cold Wars on reality shows are awesome to watch. Especially when it takes weeks for them to play out. This made me laugh more than it really should have. Though I thought Julie looked good in the black dress she had on the other night. Since the first or second week of the season I have had Tommy pegged as the winner. He is very Andy like (not because they are both gay) in that he goes from room to room. He seems to have a good relationship with most people and despite me finding him fake and annoying, he comes across as a nice guy. That is my exact feelings about her as well. She's is not ugly by any stretch, but as you said whatever she has had done to her face gives her a very unnatural look. Though I will say she looked really good during her last night as HOH. I feel the same way. I don't hate Tommy, or Christie for that matter, but the dude is just so fake and I would rather not see him win. But I think in the end he will. She's like a little dog who yaps and yaps. Maybe they hate them as much as we do... I agree, but in my state there have been many school systems that have banned peanut butter and any peanut related food from the school's lunch menus just for one child. Is it me or are more and more people becoming allergic to peanuts? It was not something I heard a lot about when I was growing up, but it seems like it is becoming more and more common now.
  4. I recall trying to watch the feeds during one of the decent seasons (it might have been the Brigade season because I remember Enzo going on and on about being so famous and renting out a riverboat or some such nonsense) and that bored me to tears. I cannot imagine having to watch the feeds when the season is the shits. Great minds think alike I suppose because I did the exact same thing the other night. I was going to post a comment in here about how this season probably will not pass the five hundred page mark (I was checking to see when last season got to two hundred pages in relation to the current season). Then I realized I make so many off-topic posts (like this one) so I decided not to post anything.
  5. I was thinking the same thing. I watch the television show from time to time and I view her YouTube page more often. From seeing her on YouTube she does not come across as being brilliant or well spoken. Could be due to nerves but yeah she never struck me as being highly intelligent and so I am thinking her fame helped her to get a leg up.
  6. I think I made a comment about that (It could have been someone else as well.). What I was wondering was not so much why she got chosen. But more why was she chose over Holly who has been far more visible (Especially seeing how Holly was HOH that week). I guess it would have to be her ties to Jack and as someone else pointed out, the live feeders voting for her.
  7. Yeah I had a feeling this twist was due pretty soon as well. I do not recall if they did it during the first return season of the show (I know I am on a computer and I can look it up, but I am trying to avoid spoilers). But I am pretty sure they have done a variation of it in every season since. I think one of the ones they did was have the player voted off their tribe pick a player to join them on the new tribe. Because I recall the picked player being pissed about having to join a new tribe. The tribal are so intense for the Aussie version. I normally read spoilers for the American version but I do not for the Australian version, so I tend to be on the edge of my seat when there is a tribal where I have no idea what might happen. I kind of wish they would have listened to Andy and went with Daisy. I have not like her since the first day when she made the comment about how her tribe was going to mop the floor with the Champions because they were younger. Really right now I only dislike Daisy and Matt. Because they are so cocky and not in an over the top way that David and Luke are.
  8. My go to is the lightbulb, just so the person who wrote the post is like, "WTF?", when the see it.
  9. Exactly the dude even had a glint in his eye when he said it and he looked around in approval. I am a tad shocked that Anal realizes that she is not liked. Honestly I am a little shocked that she was one of the three. I mean she is such a non-factor that I am shocked she got more votes than Holly. I wonder where Christie fell in the original voting. I am assuming Jack and Son were the leading vote getters. Was Tommy third and Christie fourth or was it the other way around? I guess we will never know but I find it interesting to think about it. With Christie, I wonder if she really buys her own bullshit and honestly thinks she is a person of high morals who would have to be loved by the fans. If that is the case I can see it wrecking her. Plus with hardly any distractions that has to be something that eats at her. That was the exact thought that ran through my mind. Who considers tanning a hobby? To his fucking cousin? Who the hell does that?
  10. Wow after reading some of the shit that comes out of Nick's mouth...I...well hell I am at a loss for words. That dude has some serious problems.
  11. What is the actual fuck? He does that? What a scrub. She looks like a Cluckin Bell employee from Grand Theft Auto IV (Not that great of a picture but it was the best one I could find)...
  12. Hey now I enjoyed Phillip, in fact he was my avatar until I changed it over to an American Big Brother joke. I live in the States and what is weird for me is the Sunday episode always shows up on Monday morning. But the Monday and Tuesday episodes always show up on Tuesday. I would think that the Tuesday episode would show up on Wednesday for me. But nope, it is always there on Tuesday afternoon. Just weird.
  13. Another poster pretty much summed up what I was going to say and I could not eliminate this quote (About how the producers did not want to give Jack rope to say he was taken out of context, which he did anyway.). So disregard this. As much as I want to see this happen, I just do not think it will. The BB gods never let anything truly good like that happen. I am a Giants fan so I hear Cliff about not wanting to talk about football.☹️ I have said before, I really think Tommy is going to be this season's winner. I originally had him and Holly in the final two but I am not sure there is a way for that to happen now. But I still do have him pegged as the winner.
  14. I would almost be willing to bet that Adam is the first one out once his tribe loses.
  15. Oh man I just thought of what Tommy's nomination speech was going to be... "You know this isn't personal guys. I love both of you sooo much."
  16. But like I said, if she is like me and did not know the origin of the word or never made the connection to what the word means, should using such a word be held against her? That word has become so common in the English language that I bet most people would not know what the origin of the word was. I did not catch him saying that.
  17. But then by that logic nobody would be allowed to speak. There are words that out there that might not offend you but would offend others. You might not even be aware of it. Until tonight I did not know the meaning of the word gyp. I mean I knew it meant to rip people off but I never made the connection to what the origin of the word might be. Therefore, I would have no idea that I was offending the one million people or so that would find the word offensive. Granted I personally never use that word but still I am willing to bet that Julie is probably in the same camp as me and she probably does not know the origin of such a word. I am not offended by the word mansplaining (I am not sure why there is no such word as womansplaining as there have been plenty of times women have talked down to me because they thought I was a dumb guy who could not understand what they were saying. But I digress.), but I am sure that there are men out there that are. If that was a word you used on a regular basis would you remove it from your everyday speech? I am not saying I back racist speech, but I am saying it is tough to police everything you say and I would not want to live in a world where you have to do so.
  18. Oddly enough that is how I felt about Luke during his first season. I was so happy when they voted him out. This time around I agree with TVbitch, he is coming across as being very personable to me. Also, the backstory about his sons and daughters makes me have a new found respect for him.
  19. How would Cowboy and Jee (Or was it Gee? I am too lazy to look it up.) factor into these equations? Add Shambo to the list of automatic laugh emojis from me. Man I wish Shambo wanted to come back and do another season. She cracked me up. I always find that odd, because Survivor allowed Boston Rob to wear the Red Sox and Patriots hat but they do not allow anyone else to do that. I get that it was part of his image but still. Anyways, I am midly annoyed that all of my Tommy votes were for nothing. I had been given him and Jackson the most votes.
  20. That makes sense, when I missed an episode a few weeks back I decided to watch it on the same day the new episode aired and I found that I followed the newer episode better. Next season is going to be the last? That stinks, it seems like the CW is getting rid of everything I watch on that channel with Arrow, Supernatural, and now this going. It seems all I will have left is Flash, Black Lightning, and Legacies.
  21. When I was still on Twitter, Evil Dick would post that shit on a nearly daily basis. You are right once you see it you can never unsee it.
  22. Sorry for the back-to-back posts but I wanted to reply to this and forgot to do so. I agree, I had no idea who Hannah or Sam were and had forgotten they were even in the game. Honestly I thought they were the same person because they were never on the show. Normally I would chalk it up to the fact that they were winning so much that their tribe would not be the focus. However, other members of their tribe have gotten a good amount of air time as well. The same can be said of Simon. He has not been featured much at all either.
  23. I thought it was funny what Abbey said that Matt was a moron in the episode before the Tribal swap. I think Matt is my least favorite person this season (I was not a fan of Nova either, she seemed like she was one of those my way or the highway type of people). He is a poor winner and a sore loser. Now I am not sure if that is him doing it intentionally as a "character" (he is a pro wrestler, so that would not shock me if he was trying to play the heel or bad guy in non-wrestling fans terms.) or if he is really like that. He just comes across as an asshole to me. I just wanted to add that Casey and Pia are my crushes for the season (Abbey is cute as well).
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