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Everything posted by Steff

  1. I woke up not 1 but 2 cats with how loud I laughed at that line.
  2. I have an uncle that my aunt put into a nursing home but won't tell a anyone where he is. I've called/visited every nursing home/elder care place in a 20 mile radius and NOT A SINGLE ONE will even tell me that he's NOT there, much less one that will tell me he is there. I call BS on their phone call to a hospital. Had to be done for the cameras.
  3. oh man, the Lawrenceville location is about 20 minutes from where I am. But sorry, I cannot take this one for the team. lol
  4. I don't know why Dr Gates would say anything about this or why it would involve/change the show at all. She was just 1 person of many who they did research on. The college cheating scandal has nothing to do with the show, Dr. Gates, or being on the show.
  5. N is for Norbert aka Ziggy. "Does your mom still call you Norbie?"
  6. J is for Judy. Becky's friend that Roseanne called every 15 minutes to ask Becky a "question" while Becky was out with Mark against her parent's wishes.
  7. Nothing like getting a brand new shirt and leaving it in a pile on the floor until it's time to wear it to church.
  8. B is for Bonnie who had an amazing voice! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y4ptVHmEIs
  9. I'm in a rural (small hick town) area and we don't have a UPS store nearby. Plus I'm a SAHW, so I got nothing but time on my hands. lol
  10. Along the clearing out stuff lines... Typically, thru the year after I paid bills, I would file the bill away. January of each year, I would clean out the files, but I had never bothered to buy a paper shredder. So I would rubber band the years bills together & put them in a big plastic tub & then shove it back into a seldom used closet. This year when I went to pull out the tub, it was just ridiculous how full it was & how many YEARS of paper I had built up. So I bought a shredder. I spent the entire afternoon shredding 9, yes NINE years of bills and 19 years of tax returns. My kid is gonna be pissed when he gets home from work & has to take out the trash. I filled 4 large garbage bags today with nothing but shredded paper.
  11. I think we need to remember that these are sitcom characters, not real people. They are pretty much where sitcom characters in a show about the working (lower) middle class should be. Repeating the same mistakes, making bad choices, living in the moment.
  12. V is for Vanessa from the Magazine Discount House, one of Roseanne's many jobs after Wellman.
  13. L is for the Little Maggot, Brian. Roseanne's boss at Chicken Divine.
  14. J is for Jimmy Meltrigger. Who not only showed up to take Becky out after she.cut.the.cheese! but charmed the rented pants off Dan. "I feel much better knowing my daughter is going out with a cornerback."
  15. and not one mention of the charity fundraising that was the entire haircut was supposed to be about (in the actual video). Just all about themselves. Their crash back into reality is going to be epic when it hits.
  16. IMO that is also very real. A death has a ripple effect thru those that loved them. Some never recover from the loss & it spirals their entire lives into a direction they never imagined or planned for. It directly did that to Becky & David. Darlene was part of the extending ripple effect. Mark wasn't her brother or husband, but what it did to her husband completely changed her life & plans. I still find the show to be a rather honest, if bleak, portrait of life of a family living paycheck to paycheck just trying to get by. Just like original recipe Roseanne, the only stable constants they have is family, love, and humor.
  17. IMO we are still seeing other stories being told, but generational poverty is real & many families struggle from generation to generation to break the cycle of poverty. Often they aren't able to. Darlene was the closest to breaking the cycle, but then circumstances set her back to where she's struggling again. It also plays into the way the economy/job opportunities never really allow for some families to escape the paycheck to paycheck lives. I see it as staying true to the original recipe Roseanne, they are a family that struggles to stay afloat. Sometimes the pressure isn't as bad, other times it's a panic. We also have more multi-generational families living together now than we have in many many years (I'm not going to go hunting for the exact stat), so it makes sense for Darlene to move back home when she is struggling, lost her job & her husband left her.
  18. Their problems just changed. Now they couldn't afford to fill their prescriptions, couldn't afford Roseanne's knee surgery, didn't know how they were going to pay to fix the basement when it flooded. The problems became more expensive problems than just how to pay the light bill.
  19. they had their power turned off, often talked about paying 1 bill while putting off another one, all the jokes about sending the check for the electric bill to the water company. Had at least 2 mortgages on the house at one point, at least 1 failed business, Roseanne was often bouncing from job to job. Had to choose between buying Dan new shoes or Becky a dress for a dance. They couldn't afford a VCR & were gifted one. "The Conner's leap into the 21st century!" ~Darlene Roseanne had the hidden credit card that Dan didn't know about "What fool credit card company gave us a credit card?"~Dan She talked about how the alarm never went off because she didn't pay the bill. (same episode as the unknown credit card). They had plenty of storylines that revolved around not having enough money for luxuries/wants and other times, not enough money for their bills.
  20. E is for elevator that Roseanne took to watch Leon & his partner fight in Housewares.
  21. A is for AnnMarie. "we're all fingers over here"
  22. Y is for yelling which the Conner family is known for.
  23. U is for the UFO that carried Arnie away "Who are the Allens and why are they out of spice?"
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