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Everything posted by Steff

  1. I hope they have another girl and she has dark brown hair without even a hint of red. Another girl so they won't use a boy to try and show up Jackson (we know they would). No red hair to deny Auj (puke) her dream mini me. I'm gonna go with "Blaze" as their name choice but I do really like Tiki Torch Roloff.
  2. I'm having the same problem. My mind won't stop running away with worse images & sex games. throw in chatter about Jilly doing yoga and I'm stuck on them doing a downward doggie style. ( I shared that because I can't be this miserable by myself, welcome to my nightmare everyone!) I don't need just brain bleach, I need a frigging sledge hammer to knock this out of my head.
  3. Jilly Muffin hit it deep to try and top the bowpocalypse that was announced today. Gotta admit tho, no one else has the corner on being the Fundie Dr Ruth.
  4. A giant jar of pickles is needed of course to go along with the pre-licked bbq tuna. If someone can also bring cans of peas so we can all eat them straight from the can that would be greatly appreciated. To make this party really authentic, we're also gonna need someone to gather up as many kids as you can find & make handmade/badly colored signs to congratulate me on my "blocked by a Duggar" merit badge ceremony. To weave (barely) back on topic, Jilly Muffin is going to look like a Shar pei puppy before too much longer. Her Great Value asshole still has a jacked up face, just no more barbed wire to shred her toes with. Ok, I just grossed myself out.
  5. It was on their wedding video post. I'm not even sure what exactly I said, but I started it with Cha Ching! lol and something about never missing the chance to cash in using her family.
  6. WooHoo! We'll have a party! Everyone has to wear clothes at least 2 sizes too big & every dish brought for the pot luck must have at least 2 cans of cream of crap in them. We can all squint into the sun and take really bad selfies!
  7. Wellllll hell. Looks like I finally got blocked by Jilly Muffin. Do I get a Girl Scout style badge for it?
  8. So Derrick gets a pile of presents for Father's Day and Jilly Muffin gets a bag of gummy bears for Mother's Day.
  9. "Swipe Up! Give me clicks on my website so I can literally cash in on my grandmother's death that happened just a couple of hours ago. Oh yeah, she was Godly and something, something, something & something else and Jesus!" I just can't with Jill anymore.
  10. Guys, I saw a "Duggar booth" in a Chinese restaurant tonight! It was my husband who pointed it out. It was a one sided booth. There wasn't a seating at all on the other side, just a wall. We were out to dinner with my mom, she asked us what we were giggling about & he launched into a snark/rant on couples who sit on one side together. Then she goes "you should take a picture of it" and he immediately goes "oh no, that's like #8 on the sit down eat your food & stop being a dumbass in a restaurant list!".
  11. guess Anna caught on to the Mechelle slam too.
  12. Does anyone else think this is a thinly veiled slam on Mechelle?
  13. I'm even worse. I prefer my music to come out of REAL headphones connected to a physical stereo (and I don't like wireless headphones) with my 100 disc CD player. My tuner died last week & last night my son had to give me a crash course on how to use my phone to play music thru a set of wireless bluetooth headphones. Needless to say everyone laughed as they watched & I fought it tooth & nail. My tuner went into the shop (trying to find a shop to work on a stereo tuner was an adventure itself) today. To bring it back to Muffy and her 150 lb talking asshole, I bet he's wearing some knock off pods. His face, teeth, jaw are becoming very Picaso-esque. Sliding right off his face.
  14. I found the article I read. https://www.grandtournation.com/thegrandtour/clarkson-reveals-why-he-teared-up-at-end-of-the-grand-tour-season-3/?fbclid=IwAR08VDr69VNCnRAjXH4YGw64jLwCqwgsXeyWyDZnVqds2lqVL56repto0Hc ‘In 2002 I came up with the Stig, then an audience with a track and all that stuff. So, you know, you do something for 17 years and then it goes,’ he told the website. He added: ‘The truth of it is, I think, I never got the chance to say goodbye to Top Gear. One minute I was there and one minute I wasn’t. It was like, did the show and then never did another one. ‘Never said goodbye. Never got a gold watch. Never got a retirement speech. Nothing. So this was almost as though we were saying goodbye to Top Gear as well. That’s why it was so emotional for me.’ He wasn’t the only one who felt the feels as they said farewell, though, with ‘man of wood’ co-host James also letting his emotions out, as Jeremy said: ‘…behind the scenes were quite a few quivery lips. People who I’ve worked with for 20 years or so.’
  15. I read an interview with him, I think on their Drive Tribe site, where he said it hit him harder than he thought in the moment & he felt like it was a lot of leftover emotion from Top Gear. He never got to really reflect on it, say goodbye to it & get closure.
  16. In her instastories she has a picture of her signing someone's Bible. Yes folks, she signed a Bible. I have no words for how offensive that is.
  17. Oh man this reunion is making sitting thru this shit show season worth it. lol
  18. in the early 70's, my mom tried to leave my dad. She couldn't rent a motel room without his "permission". She couldn't open a bank account, get a credit card, rent a car, or an apt without either her husband or her dad as a co-signer. She lived in a different state than her parents, my dad was in Viet Nam (home between tours when she tried to leave), & eventually my grandpa had to drive to California to bring her home. Our first apt post divorce was signed for by my grandpa. Eventually my grampa rented the house next door to him & my grandma for us to live in. Back on episode topic, I'm seriously in love with this show. I thought for sure I'd never keep up with so many boys, but they've really made them each an individual that I can pick out & remember clearly. It's funny how no matter when or where, if anyone says Frank's name out loud, he pops up immediately. I agree that Frank conning Lawrence into cutting his hair was Joey level scheming. Loved Joey & Timmy passing out repeatedly.
  19. I cried so hard the THIRD time they patted my hand and told me to go home that they actually gave me a sleeping pill so I could get some rest. The last month of pregnancy is why I have only 1 kid. It was that bad. To bring it back to Tori, I could hear that same dread/on the verge of breaking down in her voice when she said they would just send her home again. I was pleasantly surprised to see Tori not going all dramatic and screechy. And happy to see a hospital and epidural without any big fan fair or dramatics.
  20. not necessarily to defend Tori, but they plugged in my epidural and I was out like a light. I slept until they woke me up & told me it was time to push. I hadn't slept in days, was miserable and as soon as the pain stopped, I was OUT. My dh also slept while I did because he was working 3rd shift & had worked all night before coming home & us having to head to the hospital. Also like Tori, I was in tears because I had been sent home multiple times & was just over it. It was damn near a party when they said I was in real labor & wasn't going to be sent home again. Now I'm getting worried that I'm a closet fundie, because I also had an audience while giving birth. Dh, my mom, my mother in law, my aunt & 1 of my brothers & a brother in law on the opposite side of the curtain, just "listening". This was early 90's, so sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same.
  21. I feel like they really hit their stride this season. No more gimmicks, no more trying to find a way to recreate, but not exactly, old Top Gear formulas. Conversation street has been really entertaining and funny each week. Hammond's horse rant should go down in history it was so funny the way he went on and on and on. IMO the Mongolia episode was the cherry on a very very good season sundae.
  22. K is for kitchen table & Kathy Bowman in the BEST Halloween show opener ever. "it's just like gutting a fish!" "Liver?"
  23. not trying to defend Christine, but one of my grampa's LOVED the desert. Always said it was one of the most beautiful places he had ever seen. Looked like sand & ratty shrubs to everyone else, but to him it was a picture of heaven. Some folks think beaches are beautiful, some go nuts for mountains & trees, and there's some that really do love a scrubby looking desert.
  24. Every last thing they do or say is just another ad for their stupid ass book. There just doesn't seem to be anything authentic with either of them.
  25. I'm not going to give her credit for doing stuff with the boys because she's only putting out effort because her talking asshole is on spring break. When it's just her & the boys, they never seem to leave the house. But her talking asshole is around & suddenly look at all the stuff they are doing out in the big bad world! Nope, her talking asshole is taking everyone to the park, she's just there because he is.
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