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Everything posted by Steff

  1. My dinky little town is still debating on whether or not we can have chickens inside the city limits (town has 2 lights & 1 grocery store, but I'm technically inside the city limits). I've already told hubby that if they approve it, we are so getting chickens! We already have a garden that is 1/4th of an acre, so chickens would just totally complete the Green Acres look. And now I have to have one of those strawberry planters too! Again, I see no problem with Will calling chickens bawk bawks. he knows they are chickens, he just has another word for it. Having taken my kiddo to pick strawberries every year when he was little, it's not unusual for kids to shove a strawberry in their mouth while picking. The general goal is to only have them eat 1 or 2, not shove every berry they pick into their mouths. I don't think a single cherry tomato we've grown in the garden has ever made it into the house. And I'm just as guilty as anyone else for picking and eating right there.
  2. What does Jen having recently finished Chemo have to do with Will in the stroller? do you think Jen should have been in the stroller? Your comment was "let the boy exercise and run around already". Who is to say that he DIDN'T run around & needed a rest for a bit? And we saw that even in China Will was calling a chicken bawk bawk. So maybe he learned it when kids learn animal sounds. I saw nothing that said that Jen & Bill ONLY taught him to call a chicken a bawk bawk, just that they played along with it when he does.
  3. 2 kids are going to act different, because they ARE different. One will be a follow the rules type, while another is a break the rules type. One may be quiet, reserved & shy while the other is very outgoing & talkative. I don't see either as a negative or as one kid is better than the other. They are little kids for goodness sakes.
  4. Life will not end if Will calls a chicken a bawk bawk instead of chicken. My own kiddo called a friends giant dog a "wolf wolf" until he was 6. When your kids come up with some cutsey name for something, it's not a big deal & it's cute. It's very possible that Will's little legs were tired out at the point he was in the stroller. I saw another scene where Will was walking & Zoey was in the stroller. They are little kids, they do get worn out from time to time & need a sit/rest. and I'm done on the food rants. It's ridiculous IN MY OPINION.
  5. Our Easter Eggs were always hard boiled eggs. I can't ever remember eating any of the eggs tho. The first Easter I remember was at my mom's parents. It was just my male cousin & me at that time. He was such a bullying little shit to me (he was first born grandkid & first boy in the family) that my grampa dyed several UNcooked eggs & convinced my cousin to break them on his head. (BEST Easter gift EVER!) For the next several years, grampa made sure I found the "special" egg that got the biggest chocolate bunny.
  6. auntl, remember when they showed the boys an Iphone & they talked about never seen one, no clue about technology? The boys run survival websites. Dad has like 4 or 5 books under his belt. They did not just fall out of the bush. Hubby liked the show & asked me to google more info on it. Now he's all butthurt because it's fake. lol
  7. If you like Alaskan Bush People, do NOT google for more info, you'll be highly disappointed.
  8. So we can bash Jen by making up scenarios of things that we've never seen or heard about, but we can't laugh at the absurdity of having to make up scenarios just to turn Jen into some evil mastermind? So, making it up okay, commenting about making it up not okay?
  9. Bill just added to his Super Stud legend last night when asked "why adopt from overseas" and he answered "because that's where my children were born". Just awwwwwwwwwwwwwww *sniffles*. Eeeeeevil Jen! was absolutely right when she said that he's a stud because of how he treats her & their kids. You couldn't ask for a better man to spend your life with. Plus, you know, he is kinda cute. He's not a troll under the bridge like Matt Rolloff and he doesn't have the teeth that ate your face that Zac Rolloff has. He looks like a nice looking guy who is just a little short. he cleans up nicely too. Too bad Eeeeeevil Jen! can't clone him and sell the copies to other women.
  10. Since this is supposed to be the introductions type thread, I'm steff (obviously) and I'm also from Texas, but now living in Georgia. Mom to a 20 year old college student son and still married to my baby daddy (aka first husband) for 21 years. I do the housewife, garden bitch, hey where is my (fill in the blank) thing. I'm a little wishy washy/flip floppy when it comes to reality tv. I have slowly given up on all the Howife shows because if I wanted to watch women fight, I'd go to my moms when my aunts visit. I liked the house porn, the shopping porn, the food porn, but not so into bitchy cat fights every show. I love bad reality more than cat fight/bitchy reality. Mountain Monsters is a current "so bad it's good" show. I got really caught up in Bill and Jen when they moved to Houston. That's where I grew up, so I get a kick out of seeing stuff around town. I made my kiddo watch last week just so I could prove to him that there really is a train in Herman Park, so the pics of him on it were real. He was convinced I took them on vacation & that he had never been to the Houston Zoo. I got totally hooked on the show because in a sea of negative reality tv, this show is an oasis of just good people. It's just a bonus that Will is a totally adorable little boy and Zoey is a beautiful little girl and of course, Super Stud Bill all balance out Eeeevil Jen.
  11. Same here 4leaf! I was thinking, damn, I barely posted on TWOP after the first time I got into trouble (on the Duggar thread of course), my posting days here are gonna be super short if I keep talking. LOL I was close to abandoning this shows threads until the happy snark showed up. I like happy snark.
  12. So the content wasn't the issue then, it was the location of the content?
  13. Yall may be having nightmares tonight from Eeeevil Jen!, but I'm gonna be have warm fuzzy dreams about that super stud hunka hunka little man Bill!
  14. Bill is a stud because of the amazing qualities in a husband he shows. He's caring, concerned, loving, aware of others needs & wants, helpful, attentive, supportive, polite, and tends to see others needs before his own. The way he takes care of his wife and children is VERY attractive. We've never seen him have a meltdown, a fit over something not being perfect or going his way. We've watched him stand strong while his wife was sick, stepping up and dealing with everything else so her focus is on her health, without ever complaining about how much extra he took on. We've seen the love in his face, eyes, actions and heard it in his voice when he talks about his wife and children. He doesn't complain about much if anything. He's the ultimate "roll with it" kinda guy. No matter what has been thrown at him, he's cool and calm under pressure. He sets a goal and puts in the hard work to achieve it. He understands compromise and teamwork in a marriage and family. Hell, on some levels, he's more attractive than my hubby. LOL
  15. Not sure where to post this. Apollo pled guilty today http://www.cbs46.com/story/25445157/real-housewives-husband-enters-guilty-plea#.U2lKyzP8OPo.twitter As part of the plea agreement, Nida will pay between $2.3 million and $4.5 million in restitution. Nida is scheduled to be sentenced on July 8. He faces up to 30 years in prison and $1 million in fines.
  16. Edgar! *squeeeeee* I believe it's 3 greenhorns on the Time Bandit. On the Bait, they said there were no greenhorns on the Wizard this year.
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