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Everything posted by Steff

  1. I would have never expected Jessa to attend the Jillbilly school of bad modeling. Clearly she must have failed Squint Into the Sun class, but she's determined to get extra credit for the worst Duggar shoes ever. When we said we wanted to see more closed toe shoes instead of sandals, this wasn't the look we were talking about. She might need to go back to Barefoot & used to be pregnant class with Joy. (sorry Joy)
  2. My grandparents on both sides were what I call "Southern Baptist lite" and there were no Jesus paintings/artwork/statues. But damn there were books. I got a box of books from one grandma and it was very entertaining. The only one I kept was "Bad girls from the Bible". Simply because I couldn't get over the title. I do remember that both grandmas had the Birth of Venus painting. The only Thomas Kinkade things were always blankets/throws. And they had a bunch of them. (to keep it semi on topic) The new trend & something all the Duggars seem to love is the Bible verse wooden crap. Or basically whatever Hobby Lobby is throwing up everywhere. I'm just waiting to see which one of them is ballsy enough to try out the new letter/name/crossword puzzle style.
  3. I need to get a hobby because I've been thinking way too much about this new baby photo prop's name. I'm gonna pick either Blaze/Blaise (because duh) or Phoenix. I could see them not really grasping the idea of a Phoenix rising from the ashes/Ember & instead thinking "oh how cute they'd be name connected". But I also wouldn't put it past them to go simplistic like Ember with something as stupid as "Flame". I thought about Loki, since some consider him a God of Fire. But since he is a God, I figure that would go against their whole religious nonsense. Or they could just weird and name him Carhartt after their favorite jackets. Maybe they'll honor his conception by naming him Treehouse Bedpost. I really need to find a hobby.
  4. Now see, if she had stayed home while her talking asshole did his summer "intern" job she could have had all the unpacking work done long ago. Each night after the boys had gone to bed she could have unpacked, organized & decorated a room/area. Then have the weekends to spend with her talking asshole. He could move heavy boxes to the room she wanted them in for her to unpack when he headed back to his summer job on Monday. And if he can't come home to a house being unpacked (messy) a few times, then there are much bigger issues going on. It's almost like she goes out of her way to make things harder than they really are/need to be. She adds stress to situations that don't have to be stressful. I may be weird, but unpacking/setting up a new house can be fun if you go into it with the right mindset. It's a brand new house, it's all your stuff & you can for once do anything you want. You can paint, put nail holes in the walls, create a "kid's corner", decide if you don't like the way stuff is arranged, you can change it all on a whim. More than once I've rearranged a room one day & changed it the next. Her boys could build a moving box fort to rival all others in the living room while she unpacks. Then clean it all up Friday before the talking asshole comes home (if he can't handle a little mess in the middle of moving). She could do a picnic in the living room (on top of boxes to protect the floor if necessary) to give herself more time for unpacking & organizing. Her kids are young enough that a hotdog & some mac n cheese will work for a quickie meal. Heck, she could even have a couple of kids from her buddy group spend the night & help. but nope, gotta stretch it all out way longer than necessary, create extra stress & time limits that just aren't needed if she handled it all differently.
  5. I hope Glowing charcoal, I mean Ember, goes thru what I went thru when it comes to "farm girl". I'm a city girl who spent every summer at my grandparent's cattle ranch. At first it was a blast, always had fun no matter what we were doing. Feeding the cows? Most exciting moment of the day. Going fishing with PawPaw? sign me up first! The older I got, the less I enjoyed it. Every year I liked it a little bit less. Feed the cows? cows are gross & slobber & stink. Go fishing? I saw a snake & no thank you. Play in the hay barn? I'll just sit over here & sneeze for the next hour while you load the hay. By around age 10, I wasn't going outside unless someone drug me out there. By 13 I had stopped going for the whole summer & only did a week. The only fun was horseback riding, but I had a helicopter gramma who wouldn't let me do it unless pawpaw could supervise & he had ranch stuff to do all day. I hope she becomes the girliest girlsie to every girly. That she rolls her eyes & loathes all the "farm girl" stuff they try to push on her. That she cooly looks at her wanna be perfect mom & out perfects her with a snotty "I don't want to get my dress dirty" ewwwww dirt attitude.
  6. Inner family shots fired! Jessa posts pics/video of her boys helping her make pancakes. Age appropriate, involving the kids, normal looking food, & making it look very non-stressed. Included a "mom made these for us" story & a real recipe. Makes Jillbilly look even more incompetent as a mother.
  7. I don't know why I'm shocked, but somehow in a group that has Jessa posting literal piles of used diapers, Joy living in a 5th wheel, self absorbed Lauren who never misses a chance to put her foot in her perpetual victim mouth, & Anna married to a porn loving sleazeball, Jill manages to be the MOST white trash out of everyone. She can't cook, she can't clean, she has no clue how to raise/take care of her own children, is connected to a talking asshole by a 1 foot invisible chain, can't handle the smallest tasks on her own & is just all around clueless. She films & laughs at her child crying because neither she nor her talking asshole are smart enough to take the door panel off & roll up the window. She treats Izzy like he was put there just to ruin her day every day. Now she's getting gum stuck in her horse tail hair and then gives it back to him. I shouldn't be shocked, but I just can't with this bitch. Someone needs to sit her ass down and start dealing with her problems.
  8. Texas cops are unusually anal when it comes to crosswalks. My brother was arrested when he was 16 for not using a crosswalk. 15 kids crossed the street, 1 got arrested. Now granted, he was also an EPIC smart ass as a teenager & was arrested several times because of his mouth more than what he did. It was a "come pay $50 and take your little asshole home". never any charges. this was in Houston in the 80's. I've never really liked Kennedy. There's just something about him.
  9. I couldn't even make it thru a full episode of Ghost Bait it was so bad. I gave the reboot of Ghost Hunters a shot, but was bored to tears. I mean, I get it, they are trying to be the grown ups in the ghost shows room, but snooooooooooooooooze. I have the feeling that Ghost Nation will be like that also. so I'm sticking with Ghost Brothers for now. They make me laugh & I enjoy their interactions with each other.
  10. If you share your fixing to do laundry post, then I'll share my fixing to mop the laundry room post. My mop is in the sink & the bottle of Mr Clean is right next to it posing for it's moment in the instagram sun. #fixingtomop #gottamoptoday #laundryroommopjob #catmissedthecatboxgottamopupcatpiss #makehubbyhappymopthelaundryroomtoday #boycatmom #girlcatmom #badcatmom Ok now I need brain bleach, because the scene from the Kids Are Alright with the mom "enjoying" the spin cycle of the washing machine popped into my head. Is Jillbilly having foreplay with the washer?
  11. Oh good grief. Derrick would have lost his mind & Jillbilly would have turn into a babbling ball of tears in a corner if they saw my life earlier this year. My husband was gone to school for 4 months. didn't see each other once in that entire time. I had to hire someone to mow the yard, which involved 7 different yard guys coming over for quotes. Then having them here every 2 weeks...alone. Hired someone who wasn't a relative to put in a new sink. Hired 2 guys we know to work on the a/c. They were in & out of my house for days! oh the scandal!!!! Even had a male neighbor (just him, he didn't bring his wife) come help me move furniture. My adult son's male adult friends would stop by & hang out waiting for him to get home. Even worse, brace yourselves, my husband gave a woman he was going to school with a ride home several times. He even had dinner with 3 women ALONE!!!!!! I can't imagine being so distrustful of outsiders & my spouse that you don't think they can be alone with a member of the opposite sex. Even when it's someone you know. I still don't understand why they all had to move for his summer intern job a couple of hours away. If it's going to help your career, then Go! I'll hold down the fort & take care of what needs to be done. You go, get the education/experience & we'll have plenty of time together afterwards. But they don't trust each other enough. IMO that's what it's about. It's not "healthy marriage tips", it's trust. She doesn't trust him enough to let him out of her sight for more than a couple of hours. He doesn't trust her to be around any males that aren't family. Even tho, it's the males in her family that hurt her the most! She's not mature enough to handle herself & 2 kids for a few days a week on her own. When she has 40,000 family members as backup. It boggles the mind.
  12. I figure with Tori mentioning how hard this pregnancy has been on her, we're going to get the full on sunshine & unicorns perfect pregnancy from Auj. Tori mentioned feeling like she "got big much quicker" and is uncomfortable with her body, so that means we'll get beautiful pregnant body & how you just have to learn to love your body with Always More written on her belly from Auj. After Tori has her baby, then we'll get the month of labor plan, sunshine, blahblahblahblahpukeblahblah perfect everything from little miss perfect.
  13. Well this is going to suck for little Jackson. He's going to be bumped down the importance ladder with Matt. A non-little person boy is Matt's ultimate #1. We saw it with how he treated Germy & Zach. Plus you know that these two will make sure it's all about their little "farmer boy" & "girlsie" while pushing Jackson & the new baby girl (most likely also to be a little person) out.
  14. Being born & raised in Texas, I'll give this one a go. I would have said that the star represents Texas and being the best. It symbolizes being the greatest you can be and representing the star/state with dignity, pride & class. When you wear the star, you know you are representing the best, not just the state, but the Cowboys as well. (as a bitter Houston Oiler fan, that one hurt). It's Texas pride and Cowboy pride. I include the state bits because most of the judges are from Texas & you'll get em the Texas pride emotion that is bred into Texans from birth. At least a few of them would think "that girl gets it (Texas)"
  15. I watched. I seriously LOVE these guys. Their reactions & honest "awwww HELL NO" moments just crack me up.
  16. I've looked, but maybe I'm just missing it, but have Jing & Jermy posted some thoughts and prayers for El Paso yet? A few comforting words for the community they showed off & bragged about being such a part of?
  17. After I typed it I thought well that's just a loaded sentence waiting to go off the deep end. lol
  18. I think we've officially hit the end of Jilly Muffin's recipe box (that sounded dirty, forgive me) Last 3 or 4 recipes have all been repeats. She's out of family/friend of the family/Mechelle's recipes.
  19. I absolutely LOVED Ghost Brothers. I had become so jaded by Ghost shows that their honest scared over every little thing was great. When Juwan jumped up and noped the hell out when something they asked to happen actually happened was awesome. And gotta love anyone that will follow a cat around & let it find the ghosts for them. And anyone looking for REALLY bad tv that is weirdly very entertaining, Mountain Monsters fits the bill.
  20. Look like the talking asshole is the only one with any food. It's all piled up in front of him, her plate & poor Izzy's are both empty. Sam is asking for more, but again, there's no plate or any other food near him. While good ol' #Besthubbyever is shoving food in his face from a heaping plate in front of him.
  21. When my son turned 18, I told him that it was the last year for the decorations & he looked at me like I had just kicked his kitten. So they still go up every year and he's now 25. lol We used them to decorate the car he got for his 18th birthday. The great big "Happy Birthday" banner (only $1!) has even made the rounds for 4 different yard flockings for other family members birthdays. These are the types of tips and hints that Jilly Muffin should be using and pushing for her "mommy blog". It's just so easy & only takes a little bit of common sense. She probably spent more time making those signs than I spend decorating everything. I will give her a pass on the blue cake. My son was obsessed with blue food when he was younger. I loathe the green & purple ketchup days tho.
  22. When my son was little & we had very little money, I bought real Happy Birthday signs & decorations from the Dollar Store. I doubt I spent $10 total. 20+ years later, I still have the same ones & use them. All it takes it taking care when putting them up & taking them down. Then keeping them in a place where they won't get messed up & you can remember where they are. Mine are in 2 ziploc gallon baggies stuffed into one of those silly wrapping paper organizers that was in a fund raiser from elementary school. Then only thing I ever have to add to it is picking up a couple of streamers at the Dollar store when it's getting close to a birthday. Even that is only done every couple of years because 1 streamer goes a long way in a small house. To me, that's being frugal & saving money. Plus it saves time & makes decorating easy, fun, & quick. And as a bonus, it makes getting your houseful of boys/men to decorate for your own birthday painless.
  23. The Bates family & married Bates kids all have posted videos & pics over the 4th. I still find it shocking to compare them to the Duggar and see just how unnatural the Duggars are with each other. The Bates adults are having fun with each other & the kids. Everyone is playing, eating, sitting around laughing together, etc. I'm not leghumping on the Bates, it's more about their "normal" interactions make the Duggars look like they are all strangers. Everyone is outside, on swings or parent & child playing in a hammock. Tonight there was a video of all the little bitty kids getting to play with sparklers. It's what most of us did as kids. The Duggars just don't interact like a family. No one seems close to each other in a natural, fun loving way. Hell, there's no real fun going on at the Duggar's compound. There's no little cousins running around squealing & then eventually all crashing out on pallets on the floor. There's no true childhood laughter. Not even for the grandkids. I mean the Bates do the stand around & sing hymns and have the whole Bible time thing, but it's not the only reason they gather together. Again, not leghumping, just startling (it shouldn't be, but it was) to see the difference this holiday.
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