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Everything posted by Steff

  1. I'm sticking with Blaze/Blase/Blaize
  2. It's probably hitting Josiah, but Miss Lauren is probably fluffed & puffed and relaxing in a nice comfy bed with everyone running around trying to take care of her. Josiah is probably having to cart her helpless ass to the bathroom and ask 14 times thru the door "are you okay, do you need anything" while she does her dainty business. Then he gets the honor of carting her ass back to her pillow fort bed. He's probably getting less sleep than Princess and her Bsa pea. You just know for those middle of the night feedings he's having to carry her ass to her plush glide rocking chair, fluff her pillows, freshen her lipgloss & then bring her mini-pea to her, after he's done diaper duty of course. Then repeat it all in reverse. Every 2-4 hours.
  3. Of course she lashed out at her parents over the college disaster, but when she actually took action, made a decision & did something it was because of Mark's job. If Becky had told Mark not to take the job, he wouldn't have because of her. When it came down to it, they were the only couple who actually thought about the other one & would put the others wishes before their own.
  4. I completely agree that Mark & Original Beck had the healthiest relationship. They were equals without one trying to control or "play" the other. Jackie never really wanted Fred, she got stuck with him & ended up hating him. Roseanne was always scheming, planning or doing something to keep Dan in the dark. Darlene & David's relationship never even had an attempt at being equals. But Becky & Mark treated each other right, loved each other deeply, and wanted the best for each other, not just themselves. For being as selfish as a teenager as Becky was & as "joe cool don't give a shit" as Mark was, when push came to shove, both of them thought about what was best for the other first. Like the bike shop episode. Becky's life has been turned to shit, she lost her college dream, but her anger comes out about what Mark will lose. Even tho Mark & Becky from the outside looked like they were Dan & Roseanne 2.0, Becky didn't want to be like her parents. Roseanne couldn't see that, but at times Dan came across like he got it. He knew Mark had value as a mechanic & as a person. Think about the episode where Dan tears into David for treating Mark like he's a failure at everything. For all his harsh words & reaction to the elopement, he LIKED Mark. Roseanne came across as she couldn't stop it, so at least now she'd have someone to pick on all the time. My brother & I have spent way too much time talking about the relationships from the show & why it all just works in a satisfying way. We've agreed that Becky was our favorite then (minus Nu-Becky) and she's still our favorite now. But it takes an understanding that for some families, it's nearly impossible to break the bad choices, no money, no dreams come true cycle.
  5. I agree with both of you. And it's also why I didn't like nu-Becky (Sarah). She just became a bimbo. She didn't have any of the real dreams or potential that original recipe Becky had or the real angst over her choices & decisions. With Mark & original Becky they wanted the best for each other & could envision the dream the other one had. Nu-Becky threw fits about what was best for Mark, but she was content to be a bimbo. Original Becky threw fits for Mark and herself and what they wanted out of life, not because she was a waitress at a knock off Hooters. It's also why I can see how Mark's death completely derailed Becky's life. He was her biggest cheerleader without the snark like her family. He supported her dreams, wanted her to be someone if that's what she wanted. As long as it was what she wanted, he was there. granted sometimes it would take him working thru it, like the Dr. conversation, but he wanted Becky to be happy. I always felt that Mark felt that Becky was that proverbial "better half" for him. She made him respectable & a better person. He gave her the confidence & support to be a better Becky. At least in theory, if not always in practice. The two of them together, to me, was the perfect "learn to be happy with where you are in life while still reaching for more". Mark was happy no matter where they were as long as they were together, while original Becky was always going to be reaching/working towards more. Again, at least in theory. Nu-Becky derailed all of that because she was a bimbo with no dreams & none of original Becky's smarts.
  6. They don't have to be brought into the fold for Jill to still brag & talk about how she's related to the Duggars (by marriage). No one else has to acknowledge the connection for Jill to think & feel more important because she's technically now a Duggar (in her mind).
  7. I bet she decided to do it now because they would be stuck in the house & not doing anything for a week. They're usually on the go (doing nothing really, but not stuck in the house). With dimwit Jeremy having to recover from surgery, she can't drag everyone around to take pictures of herself & record podcasts about herself right now. Potty training gives her something to do & a reason to take more pictures of herself (and her kid accessory). Plus there's the bonus of doing it before Jackson since every aspect of life is a competition to her.
  8. I also kept coming up with something too tragic for Jackie to deal with as to why no one will even utter Andy's name. He didn't have to fall into the grease trap, it could have been a vicious custody battle with Fred that did her in. Her dating history, her multiple failed jobs, her living situation, lack of money, emotional instability & she's the poster child for if it's a bad idea, count Jackie in. Fred could have not only became interesting, but more stable & with no finance issues. Or if Andy was a little older, say pre-teen and chose to go live with Fred. Jackie couldn't do anything to stop it & her reaction could have been so severe that Andy wants nothing to do with her. The only flaw in the theory I keep coming back to is that Bev wouldn't keep her mouth shut about it. She would use it to torment Jackie. Dan, Roseanne, the girls all would tread lightly & know don't even think about talking about Andy, but Bev always goes "there" where no one dares to go. I also spent WAY too much time thinking about it.
  9. I was worried I was getting too weird as I sat & tried to think of a death that could be funnier than "So he fell off the bridge?" "No, more like IN the bridge" I found some potential in Andy falling into the grease trap at the Lunch Box. Then I pegged my own creepy meter & stopped.
  10. Bear with me here... What if Andy is like Crystal's 1st husband Sonny? Not in a bridge, but something so tragic that it can't be mentioned. Something that even thinking about mentioning it freaks everyone out because it sends Jackie over the edge. Of course, the massive flaw in this theory is that it could have been mentioned at least off hand when she was dealing with Roseanne's death. Or if he's not dead that he chose to live with Fred at some point & again, it's so tragic & sends Jackie in such a bad place that no one can mention it. Flaw with that would be that Bev WOULD mention it.
  11. Tori and Bobby: She doesn't care about the cake, only the Whine. in reference to how she didn't care about the wedding cake (or much else with the wedding)
  12. I just totally turned back into a 7 year old feeling all giddy. First crush all the way. Goodness he was such a cutie.
  13. I saw on one website they are calling her Fame Whore + 4.
  14. Steff

    S14.E09: Field Ready

    See that was always my experience growing up & living in Texas. It wasn't until we moved to Georgia that it became the 2nd question I was always asked. "What's your name? Where do you go to church?" is how every conversation with a new person here starts. Never once in Texas (at least in the Houston area) do I remember someone asking me about my religion. But I am willing to admit that I have realized since moving out of Texas, that Houston was a very culturally diverse, Liberal(ish) bubble to grow up in.
  15. I miss this show so much that I binge watched the entire season the other day.
  16. He did a Tarzan voice and said "You not Tarzan, you a Conner".
  17. It's always about her talking asshole. She could have said "had a fun day making cookies with the boys & decided to take some to dad at school." but nope. Because it's never about the kids or doing something with or for them. It's about the asshole. Always.
  18. and for all her money, the kids didn't have sports or gymnastics or activities. We know for awhile Cara played lacrosse, but that was it. SHE didn't put them in anything because it was too much work for HER.
  19. My parents divorced in 1974 when I was 5 & like you said, my dad basically divorced me too. I'm his only child & yet I only saw him a handful of times total & only after I turned 16. He was gone again before I turned 17 & never saw him again. Never paid any child support or anything either. It was considered "normal" in those days.
  20. What did Kate do to improve her ability to support her children? Because, again, the little kids are the ones who made the money to support her & the twins. It's ALWAYS been about the draw of the little kids. And how was he supposed to do more when #1 his kids had been poisoned against him #2 he didn't even know where Collin was for 3 years because SHE wouldn't tell him. #3 when he did find out where Collin was, SHE moved him immediately to keep Jon away from him. The bitch smirked & laughed on tv about how she was the only one who knew where he was. Like it was some fucked up warped contest "hide the kid in a mental institution". It should also be repeated that SHE spent the last 10 year bashing him in the media knowing that he couldn't respond. She's running around to anyone who would listen talking shit about him knowing that he couldn't defend himself from the stories she was spinning. Where do any of HER actions help the kids? We know she beat them. We know she sent moldy food in their lunches. We know she piled them with so many chores that outsiders cried for them & how they couldn't be children (Wife Swap episode). We know that she made her children support the lifestyle she wanted. We know she sent one of her kids away for having ADHD & put him in a mental institution for NO REASON for 3 long years. We know she only visited for a total of a couple of hours in 3 years. So when exactly was she doing anything that wasn't FOR Kate?
  21. I have found the PERFECT recipe for Jillbilly! I just received a bunch of old (like seriously OLD) cookbooks from my aunt. In going thru one of the church lady cookbooks, I found it. It's even got a name to fit. Can Can Casserole! 1 can cream mushroom soup 1 can cream of chicken soup 1 can chicken & rice soup 1 can carnation milk 1 can mushrooms 1 can water chestnuts 1 can chow mein noodles 2 can French friend onions 3 cans of chicken Mix & top with 1 bag potato chips. Bake until bubbles like a artery hardening masterpiece! This is a Jillbilly dining experience that is just begging to be made.
  22. why???? why must you inflict this vision upon us? but now that you have, it must be continued. Jillbilly answers the door holding a bag of skittles between her teeth as she slowly pours some cheap coconut scented lotion all over her feet. Now see what you started? lol
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