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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. I hated the topic on teachers' tenure and not one person to argue the other side. I have to say, I believe Whoopi has had bad experiences due to her dyslexia or whatever it is, which sums up her bad opinion there. I feel like teachers' tenure is the final frontier to eliminating job rights/security for everyone, so naturally the topic's been poking its head up increasingly the past few years. People for abolishing it always bring out the argument that it's to get rid of bad teachers, which is just an excuse to me (sort of like how people who joke about fat people are "just concerned for their health"). There are some bad teachers who skate by, but the majority who have reached tenure status have been assessed repeatedly for years and deserve some security/support. I feel sorry for the next generation when they have no good teachers left because parents, government, and talking heads have chased them all away. No, I take that back--I feel sorry for the teachers more.
  2. I have to say, I'm the exact same way as you, RogerFromOhio. I always re-asses myself and why I think the way I do. Sometimes I do a little more research to make sure I'm not thinking irrationally. It just makes me feel slimy.
  3. I’m surprised anyone would e-mail a celebrity. I imagine they just delete unknown e-mails like normal people. I don’t really have an issue with what she said since she was talking in general, but she was ready to go out guns blazing on Monday. I think she was trying to combat the 4 bimbos, but she ended up being the only voice you heard at all and came across crazy.
  4. I hope this is true and that all the current guest co-hosts are not going to be on the new panel. I'm not sure I will be able to take a daily dose of Sunny Hostin; the woman hits me in the worst way. I can't bear people who are subjective and biased, but then turn around and in the same breath act as if their words must be fact by hiding behind the word "journalist" (which at one time implied an "objective authority," which this woman is not.). That's worse to me than even a hypocrite.
  5. I can't believe I forgot this. This woman is so unbearable for me. She's going to give Sherri a run for her money, I see. Maybe "i'm from the hood" will be to Sunny what "I'm a mother" was to Sherri? Anyway, if they have to have a crazy, S.E. didn't bother me too much (keeping in mind she probably won't show her true colors until after she's cast). I didn't even know who she was until she guest co-hosted on this show. The show was complete fluff today and I tuned out after the first segment. Why were they re-hashing several of the same topics from the day before? Something about when Whoopi is absent and Barbara is gone makes me more aware of how little Sherri and Jenny bring to a show. Today felt like the lowest, most boring trash you could find on TV--like the Ricki Lake show or (formerly and soon to rise again) Tyra Banks. They don't have a spark between them.
  6. In my eyes, it's looking more likely that Cupp and Hostin will be part of the new View. I'm really hoping I'm wrong. I worry for Whoopi's blood pressure if they do. The three of them alone were so loud Jenny and Sherri barely spoke, which is hard to believe... I definitely think a man should try never to hit a woman unless he's being assaulted, but I also agree with Whoopi that women don't have the right to hit men either.
  7. That was my first thought as well. I personally would have no interaction with someone as condescendingly offensive and self-righteous as Sherri Shepherd. The funny thing is I still manage to feel sympathy for her with all the drama with her ex-husbands, knowing full well she would have no sympathy in return.
  8. I don't think Whoopi has enjoyed this year at all, although I'm guessing she knew it would be bad already. Even though she's only there for the paycheck, I imagine this year was extremely irritating between having to stroke annoying/senile Barbara's ego while having to put up with Jenny's mindless fluff and Sherri thinking she has to scream nonstop in order to carry the show in its time of need. I'm sure Elisabeth irritated her, too, and Sherri was never a close buddy, but at least she seemed to get along with Joy to a degree. I'm sure Whoopi is looking forward to the new season more than the viewers are.
  9. I'm seeing a lot of Latina co-hosts in this week's lineup. Please let there be one among them that is popular so Sunny Hostin will go away.
  10. You know, I thought otherwise before, but I was wondering, with the addition of Rosie (a former moderator) along with Whoopi's recent absences/vacations and her contract being up next year, if next season may really be Whoopi's last for any multitude of reasons. Maybe they plan for Rosie to take over as moderator afterwards? If that's the case, I'm guessing they'll hire three more co-hosts for the new season so the panel will still be "complete" when Whoopi leaves. (And I have to say, I like when there are 5 at the table.) Even though Whoopi's eventual departure means they just decided to completely revamp, I still say Joy's departure had more to do with Barbara's narcissism, so that she could have the longest run of anybody on The Barbara Walters Show, oops, I mean The View. I wish Joy would finally write a tell-all so we could know about all the backstage happenings. She's the only one I can picture telling an accurate picture, since Elisabeth, Whoopi, Lisa, Meredith, and Barbara would gloss over things they don't wish to discuss, while Sherri and Star would probably paint a biased picture. I don't think Rosie would lie or avoid anything, but she wasn't there for much of the big happenings for the show so not much to fill a book.
  11. I know the Sons of Anarchy season 6 finale and the Red Wedding on Game of Thrones were both moments that stick out in my mind. I'm not even a real follower of those shows, I just happened to see them while someone else was watching and they were very sick/disturbing. Especially Sons of Anarchy, for whatever reason. I remember wondering how anyone can root for these characters when they're all murderers?
  12. I have to laugh at the fact that, with the confirmation of Sherri's farewell show, this means all of the 2008-2013 panel will have received a "happy" farewell except Elisabeth (I say this because there is no doubt Whoopi will receive one whenever she leaves/the show ends, with guests that rival or possibly even surpass Barbara's farewell, I'm guessing). Not that I think Sherri was much better, overall, but it's nice to see Elisabeth snubbed considering how little she brought to the show vs. how much the show did for her.
  13. Yes, I hope somebody who can sing gets the role. The Fairy Godmother's song is one of the more important in the musical. And, less importantly, neither Sherri or Nene have the personality to play the character. A woman who helps another woman's dreams come true? Please. Two of the most self-centered, woman-hating women out there.
  14. It's very strange, but I see this with women around me all the time. For some reason, they always try to get with a man who they need to "fix" or "change"--he's not bad, he just had a bad upbringing, others just don't understand him, life has been hard for him!, etc. etc. It's really sad. You can't fix another person.
  15. I agree that Kristen Chenoweth does come off desperate, but I don't think her bubbly/positive personality is an act. If anything, I think she just lays it on very thick, sort of like Kellie Pickler and Sophia Vergara. I still like Chenoweth, even if I wish she didn't come off so frantic as if every gig she gets could be her last. I'm glad The Talk has also gone down slightly in the ratings along with The View. I don't necessarily see The Talk as much better, and I'd hate this to turn into an American Idol vs. The Voice situation where you can't hear about one without the other.
  16. To be honest, when I looked at the TV and saw Sherri in the moderator's chair, chills went up my spine. lol But she wasn't as bad as I expected. I actually think Sherri works when she's reading a script, but when she's just talking she becomes a loud, garbled mess. As the moderator, she wasn't as loud and overbearing during the discussions as everyone knows she is normally, which was a small relief. I think the reason she could never be a moderator for a show like this is she lacks presence. Whoopi is the complete opposite, imo--she has presence, but can't/won't follow a script well and can be overbearing in discussions. Meredith was the best at it. Barbara also worked, but I think that it was more because she was the boss and all the underlings fell in line. She was organized and well-spoken though.
  17. I remember that. It's pretty funny considering how hypocritical it was. Barbara only ever used this show to promote the other things she was doing, at least at the end. It's almost like she resented that the women weren't completely dependent on her.
  18. Wow, I thought I was one of the few people who didn't like Pixar films. I don't hate their movies, but there's something about them that seems coordinated to please everyone in the audience which rings a little hollow for me. Apparently, it works because they've been very successful, but I've just never been satisfied by their movies for the most part. I do enjoy the Toy Story series, but I believe the only film they've had that I've come close to loving is The Incredibles. No coincidence that it also features the strongest female character the studio's created in Elastigirl/Helen Parr, imo. For whatever people say about Disney's depiction of gender over their history, they've definitely been ahead of the other studios, even if you just look at the past 5 years alone. I'll admit I definitely was not happy when John Lasseter was put in charge of Disney, even though they were really spinning in the mud the past decade and half. But I can't deny I loved a lot about The Princess and the Frog (except, well, Randy Newman), enjoyed Wreck-It Ralph, and loved Frozen (even though I wish it was titled The Snow Queen...). I hate Tangled with a passion though. The one thing I miss most is hand-drawn animation, but I understand why none of the big studios are making those films anymore--3D makes the money.
  19. One that most easily comes to mind is Brokeback Mountain. I just heard all about it was this great romance between two gay characters that we'd all been waiting for, and it just was not that for me. That may just be a case of bait-and-switch though, because it is a good movie for what it is. I just don't see a great gay romance where both characters are adulterers and everything's tragic at the end. It might be that I'm just tired of sad gay movies. More recently, I'd say The Lego Movie. I did think the movie was funny in ways and I liked the animation, but I was not hugely impressed the same way so many other people were, apparently. I was also a little disappointed in Avatar. It was definitely beautiful, only the story/characters were uninteresting.
  20. Yes, "The Little Girl" definitely gets to me. Another country song about a young girl that makes me cry is Jason Michael Carroll's "Alyssa Lies." Rascal Flatt's "Skin (Sarabeth)" almost gets me there. I tend to be an easy crier though, so maybe I don't count. I could probably come up with a few dozen more songs that make me cry.
  21. I have to be honest that the only HP film that I'd say is "good" would be Deathly Hallows Part One. I do enjoy the first two movies though, even though they're bloated and cheesy. I have to admit I'm colored by having read (and loved) the books first, but my least favorite film of all these is definitely Order of the Phoenix, which is also my favorite of the books (along with PoA and DH). The film mutilates nearly everything good about the book. Imelda Staunton is the perfect actress for Umbridge, but it's just not the same character from the books; the movies make her out to be nothing more than an old-fashioned control freak (DH Part One does attempt to fix that in some ways, but they never really capture the character, imo, which is a huge disappointment). Not to mention ruining the fight scene at the Ministry and excising my favorite scene in the entire series--the final confrontation between Dumbledore and Harry. Maybe it's for the best though, because I think Michael Gambon is horrible as Dumbledore, unfortunately. My pick for second-worst would be Goblet of Fire. The film just sucks all the tension and (later on) terror out of the story, imo. Overall, the films are a very mixed bag for me. I will say I think they had a near-perfect cast (Gambon as Dumbledore is the only serious flaw, imo), it's just a shame so many of them were wasted. And I can't help but wonder how the story even makes sense to viewers who never read the books; the films sometimes confuse me, and I've read the series multiple times now.
  22. I believe the only reason LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian are going on reality TV is because she can't make money with music anymore. This may be because of the struggle women are facing in country music right now or because of how the media has talked about this story so much that her name just connotes adultery at this point, or a combo. I grew up listening to her and I still like her music even if she doesn't always perform well, which is why I think it's a real shame that the only thing her name brings up now is this story. I don't think Eddie Cibrian was as scarred by the story as she was, but that may just be because he never had much of a career to begin with; I honestly wouldn't know who he was otherwise. I wonder why the same thing hasn't happened to Jason Aldean, for instance, who's been cheating on his wife for a while now. Of course, the difference may be that his wife isn't a Real Housewives star. And, yes, I do partly blame the above on people like Sherri who consider adultery to be the 100% fault of women in every scenario--either it's the fault of a wife who didn't take care of her business (nagged, gained weight, didn't give enough sex, made too much money) or a horrible mistress who seduced an innocent married man who of course couldn't turn her down because he's just a man. She probably thinks LeAnn Rimes is a horrible person, but ooooh! how hot is that Eddie Cibrian!! Ugh.
  23. That article is just delicious. lol I would love it if Barbara was bought out and Geddie forcibly retired, and their nemesis (Rosie) was re-hired by their superiors.
  24. I don't really have a positive opinion of this show, overall. I'm in the minority, but I think the only good thing about this show is Sheryl even if she often goes for the easy joke. And each woman is allowed to speak their piece without being interrupted--the majority of the time. I think Julie Chen helps this show, just because they always do seem prepared for their guests, cooking segments, etc. My least favorite thing about this show is how they all have the same take on a story, and how they will all agree and compound on each other to give the exact same reading of it as if that's the only way the story can be understood. The only disagreement you'll ever hear comes from Sara or Aisha, and then Sharon and Sheryl double-team to shame them for their "bad" opinions by laughing or mocking them. Sharon is my least favorite person on this show, if you couldn't tell. She's such a nasty, hypocritical person who turns passive-aggressive when somebody doesn't agree with her and doesn't mind trying to intimidate people. Aisha isn't far behind either, since she's always trying to give a catch-all opinion to everything, so everyone will like or agree with her. She rarely feels genuine about anything, not to mention always being first in line to kiss Julie's behind. She's also one of the least funny comedian co-hosts I've seen on one of these shows. I don't like Sara necessarily, but at least she disagrees when she feels like it. I believe she's the only one Sharon couldn't get fired, so she has more of a safety net than others. I don't like either Marie Osmond or the Wilson woman who regularly guest when one of the others is absent. It's not that they don't give honest opinions, it's just they really grate on me for whatever reason.
  25. The show should really play Pink's "Stupid Girls" as Jenny McCarthy and Sherri Shepherd exit. Their idea of "research" is getting make-up ready. They've really put on parade the worst stereotypes about women.
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